3,104 research outputs found

    Fabrication and performance analysis of 4-sq cm indium tin oxide/InP photovoltaic solar cells

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    Large-area photovoltaic solar cells based on direct current magnetron sputter deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO) into single-crystal p-InP substrates demonstrated both the radiation hardness and high performance necessary for extraterrestrial applications. A small-scale production project was initiated in which approximately 50 ITO/InP cells are being produced. The procedures used in this small-scale production of 4-sq cm ITO/InP cells are presented and discussed. The discussion includes analyses of performance range of all available production cells, and device performance data of the best cells thus far produced. Additionally, processing experience gained from the production of these cells is discussed, indicating other issues that may be encountered when large-scale productions are begun

    Advanced coatings through pulsed magnetron sputtering

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    Pulsed magnetron sputtering (PMS) has become established as the process of choice for the deposition of dielectric materials for many applications. The process is attractive because it offers stable arc free operating conditions during the deposition of, for example, functional films on architectural and automotive glass, or antireflective/antistatic coatings on displays. Recent studies have shown that pulsing the magnetron discharge also leads to hotter and more energetic plasmas in comparison with continuous dc discharges, with increased ion energy fluxes delivered to the substrate. As such, the PMS process offers benefits in the deposition of a wide range of materials. The present paper describes three examples where PMS has led to either significant enhancement in film properties or enhanced process flexibility: in low friction titanium nitride coatings, in Al doped zinc oxide transparent conductive oxide coatings sputtered directly from powder targets and in thin film photovoltaic devices based on copper (indium/gallium) diselenide. These examples demonstrate the versatility of PMS and open up new opportunities for the production of advanced coatings using this technique

    Excimer laser processing of inkjet-printed and sputter-deposited transparent conducting SnO2:Sb for flexible electronics

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    The feasibility of low-temperature fabrication of transparent electrode elements from thin films of antimony-doped tin oxide (SnO2:Sb, ATO) has been investigated via inkjet printing, rf magnetron sputtering and post-deposition excimer laser processing. Laser processing of thin films on both glass and plastic substrates was performed using a Lambda Physik 305i excimer laser, with fluences in the range 20–100 mJ cm− 2 reducing sheet resistance from as-deposited values by up to 3 orders of magnitude. This is consistent with TEM analysis of the films that shows a densification of the upper 200 nm of laser-processed regions

    Characterization of DC reactive sputtered indium tin oxide thin films

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    Indium tin oxide (ITO), sometimes referred to as tin doped indium oxide, is a widely used transparent conductor due to its ability to offer higher conductance and better etch ability over other transparent conductors. ITO has been utilized as transparent electrodes in liquid crystal displays and heterojunction solar cells, as transparent heat reflecting films, as the sensing medium in gas sensors, and in optoelectronic device applications. In general, these films are characterized by high transparency in the visible spectra, high reflectance in the IR and absorption in the UV regions, and near metallic conductivity. Although the desired characteristics of the film depend strongly on the application, they (transparency and conductivity) should ideally be as high as possible. In this work DC reactive sputtering was used to deposit high quality ITO films on ambient temperature substrates with a resistivity of lxl0 3 ohm-cm and an average transmittance of 85% over the range of 400 to 800 nm. The results of a statistically designed experiment showed that with a high oxygen partial pressure and low the argon partial pressure the deposited film was near fully reacted with resistivities of 1x10^ ohm-cm and an average transmission of 85%. With low oxygen and high argon partial pressures the ITO films are more metallic in nature with resistivities of lxlO-2 ohm-cm and an average transmission of about 50%. The optical and resistive properties of the films were shown to improve with 200 C post deposition anneals in air on hot plates. Anneals of asdeposited films up to 200 C initially reduced the resistivities of the films due to grain growth and provided small improvements in transmission. Anneals over 200 C increased the average transmission and resistivity by incorporating more oxygen into the films

    DC Reactive Sputtering of Transparent Conducting Indium Tin Oxide

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    A DC reactive sputtering process for thin transparent conducting films of indium tin oxide was developed at RIT for a variety of uses. Thin films were sputtered in a CVC-601 batch sputterer from a 200mm indium-tin target in an argon/oxygen ambient onto 3-inch silicon wafers and 2x3-inch glass slides. An experiment utilizing a central composite design with variables of oxygen flow, argon flow, and DC power was performed. As-sputtered films exhibited characteristics of either high resistivity and high transmittance due to an abundance of oxygen in the film, or low resistivity and low transmittance due to an oxygen deficiency in the film. Process repeatability was poor. Films with a variety of characteristics were annealed on a hotplate in an air ambient. Low resistivity, low transmittance films tended to increase transmittance during the anneal, coupled with a further decrease in resistivity. The sputtering process with anneal yielded films of resistivity 1.75*10-3 Ω-cm, average transmission of 76.0 percent over the visible spectrum (400-700 nm), background corrected for a glass substrate, for a thickness of 2000 A, index of refraction near 2.13, and a deposition rate greater than 150 A/min


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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) devices are an established, technically-viable and sustainable solution to society’s energy needs, however, in order to reach mass deployment at the terawatt scale, further decreases in the levelized cost of electricity from solar are needed. This can be accomplished with thin-film PV technologies by increasing the conversion efficiency using sophisticated light management methods. This ensures absorption of the entire solar spectrum, while reducing semiconductor absorber layer thicknesses, which reduces deposition time, material use, embodied energy and greenhouse gas emissions, and economic costs. Recent advances in optics, particularly in plasmonics and nanophotonics provide new theoretical methods to improve the optical enhancement in thin-film PV. The project involved designing and fabricating a plasmonic perfect meta-absorber integrated with hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar PV device to exhibit broadband, polarization-independent absorption and wide angle response simultaneously in the solar spectrum. First, recent advances in the use of plasmonic nanostructures forming metamaterials to improve absorption of light in thin-film solar PV devices is reviewed. Both theoretical and experimental work on multiple nanoscale geometries of plasmonic absorbers and PV materials shows that metallic nanostructures have a strong interaction with light, which enables unprecedented control over the propagation and the trapping of light in the absorber layer of thin-film PV device. Based on this, the geometry with the best potential for the proposed device is identified and used for device modelling and, finally the plasmonic enhanced n-i-p a-Si:H solar cell with top surface silver (Ag) metallic structure is proposed. In order for the plasmonic enhanced PV device to be commercialized the means of nanoparticle deposition must also be economical and scalable. In addition, the method to fabricate silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) must be at lower temperatures than those used in the fabrication process for a a-Si:H PV device (less than 180 0C). The results indicate the potential of multi-disperse self-assemble nanoparticles (SANPs) to achieve broadband resonant response for a-Si:H PV devices. Finally a plasmonic enhanced a-Si:H PV using multi-disperse SANPs is realized when AgNPs are integrated to the commercially fabricated nip-a-Si:H PV devices. The devices are characterized for both quantum efficiency and light I–V to evaluate the cell parameters (Jsc, Voc, FF and η). Real–time spectroscopic ellipsometry (RTSE) data is used to model the device performance and the theoretical parameters are compared with the experimental data. Conclusions are drawn and recommendations and future work is suggested

    Mixed composition materials suitable for vacuum web sputter coating

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    Ion beam sputter deposition techniques were used to investigate simultaneous sputter etching of two component targets so as to produce mixed composition films. Although sputter deposition has been largely confined to metals and metal oxides, at least one polymeric material, poly-tetra-fluorethylene, has been demonstrated to produce sputtered fragments which repolymerize upon deposition to produce a highly cross-linked fluoropolymer resembling that of the parent target Fluoropolymer-filled silicon dioxide and fluoropolymer-filled aluminum oxide coatings have been deposited by means of ion beam sputter coat deposition resulting in films having material properties suitable for aerospace and commercial applications. The addition of fluoropolymer to silicon dioxide films was found to increase the hydrophobicity of the resulting mixed films; however, adding fluoropolymer to aluminum oxide films resulted in a reduction in hydrophobicity, thought to be caused by aluminum fluoride formation

    Conducting metal oxide materials for printed electronics

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    Printed electronics as a manufacturing process has many advantages, mainly, it allows for the high throughput rapid fabrication of thin, flexible electronic components with minimal waste. There are many printing processes that can be utilised for printing electronics and although each process can differ vastly, the materials currently used in these processes are generally the same, silver and carbon. However, to develop printing as a more mainstream manufacturing method for electronics, a wider variety of materials are required which can provide better stability and longevity of components, new functionality for printed applications and allow for in-situ processing and tuning of components. Conducting metal oxides are a good candidate for integrating into printed electronics processes, these materials are typically semiconductors, they have bandgaps, and properties can be altered via altering the band gap. They are also oxides, so they cannot oxidise further and therefore atmospheric damage is reduced compared to pure metals. They can also be fabricated into a wide range of particle morphologies, all with advantages in different fields and electronic applications. Therefore, the ability to print these materials is valuable to the field. In this thesis, the integration of conducting metal oxide electro-ceramic materials into the field of printed electronics has been explored. This was performed through the completion of five research objectives including, the selection of appropriate materials for the research, the formulation of conductive inks with the materials, the investigation of post-processing techniques for printed films and further research into passive component fabrication and sensor applications. Firstly, following an extensive literature review, four materials were selected including three doped zinc oxide materials synthesised via different methods. The fourth material is commercially sourced indium tin oxide (ITO). A nitrocellulose vehicle was determined to be the most compatible with the oxides and selected for ink formulation. Inks were then formulated with all four materials, with optical and electrical properties analysed. Gallium doped Zinc Oxide (GZO) and ITO were selected for further investigation based on the excellent conductivity of the indium tin oxide (57.77Ω□-1) and the highly transparent optical properties of the gallium doped zinc oxide (>84% transmittance). Laser processing was selected as a post processing method. It was found that the laser processing dramatically increased conductivity. The GZO improving from a non-conductive film to 10.21% of bulk conductivity. The ITO improved from 3.46% to 40.47% of the bulk conductivity. It was also found that the laser processing invoked a carbothermal reduction process allowing for a rapid manufacturing process for converting spherical particles into useful nanoparticle morphologies (nanorods, nanowires etc). Following this, resistive and capacitive applications involving laser processing and conventionally heat-treated conductive oxide inks were developed. Combining the new materials and manufacturing processes, tuneable printed resistors with a tuning range of 50 to 20M could be fabricated. All metal oxide, ITO based capacitors were also fabricated and characterised. These were then developed into humidity sensors which provided excellent humidity sensing properties, showing linearity between 5 and 95% relative humidity (RH) and sensitivities of up to 7.76pF/RH%, demonstrating higher performance than commercial equivalents (0.2 – 0.5pF/RH%). In conclusion, this work provides a breakthrough for conductive metal oxide materials research and its place in Printed Electronics research by providing insight into the processes required to make these materials conduct and by developing useful manufacturing methods, post processing techniques and applications.</div
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