213 research outputs found

    Hiding secrets in public random functions

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    Constructing advanced cryptographic applications often requires the ability of privately embedding messages or functions in the code of a program. As an example, consider the task of building a searchable encryption scheme, which allows the users to search over the encrypted data and learn nothing other than the search result. Such a task is achievable if it is possible to embed the secret key of an encryption scheme into the code of a program that performs the "decrypt-then-search" functionality, and guarantee that the code hides everything except its functionality. This thesis studies two cryptographic primitives that facilitate the capability of hiding secrets in the program of random functions. 1. We first study the notion of a private constrained pseudorandom function (PCPRF). A PCPRF allows the PRF master secret key holder to derive a public constrained key that changes the functionality of the original key without revealing the constraint description. Such a notion closely captures the goal of privately embedding functions in the code of a random function. Our main contribution is in constructing single-key secure PCPRFs for NC^1 circuit constraints based on the learning with errors assumption. Single-key secure PCPRFs were known to support a wide range of cryptographic applications, such as private-key deniable encryption and watermarking. In addition, we build reusable garbled circuits from PCPRFs. 2. We then study how to construct cryptographic hash functions that satisfy strong random oracle-like properties. In particular, we focus on the notion of correlation intractability, which requires that given the description of a function, it should be hard to find an input-output pair that satisfies any sparse relations. Correlation intractability captures the security properties required for, e.g., the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, where the Fiat-Shamir transformation is a practical method of building signature schemes from interactive proof protocols. However, correlation intractability was shown to be impossible to achieve for certain length parameters, and was widely considered to be unobtainable. Our contribution is in building correlation intractable functions from various cryptographic assumptions. The security analyses of the constructions use the techniques of secretly embedding constraints in the code of random functions

    Impossibility of Quantum Virtual Black-Box Obfuscation of Classical Circuits

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    Virtual black-box obfuscation is a strong cryptographic primitive: it encrypts a circuit while maintaining its full input/output functionality. A remarkable result by Barak et al. (Crypto 2001) shows that a general obfuscator that obfuscates classical circuits into classical circuits cannot exist. A promising direction that circumvents this impossibility result is to obfuscate classical circuits into quantum states, which would potentially be better capable of hiding information about the obfuscated circuit. We show that, under the assumption that learning-with-errors (LWE) is hard for quantum computers, this quantum variant of virtual black-box obfuscation of classical circuits is generally impossible. On the way, we show that under the presence of dependent classical auxiliary input, even the small class of classical point functions cannot be quantum virtual black-box obfuscated.Comment: v2: Add the notion of decomposable public keys, which allows our impossibility to hold without assuming circular security for QFHE. We also fix an auxiliary lemma (2.9 in v2) where a square root was missing (this does not influence the main result

    Predictable arguments of knowledge

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    We initiate a formal investigation on the power of predictability for argument of knowledge systems for NP. Specifically, we consider private-coin argument systems where the answer of the prover can be predicted, given the private randomness of the verifier; we call such protocols Predictable Arguments of Knowledge (PAoK). Our study encompasses a full characterization of PAoK, showing that such arguments can be made extremely laconic, with the prover sending a single bit, and assumed to have only one round (i.e., two messages) of communication without loss of generality. We additionally explore PAoK satisfying additional properties (including zero-knowledge and the possibility of re-using the same challenge across multiple executions with the prover), present several constructions of PAoK relying on different cryptographic tools, and discuss applications to cryptography

    Candidate Differing-Inputs Obfuscation from Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Auxiliary-Input Point Obfuscation

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    Differing-inputs obfuscation (diO), first proposed by Barak et. al. [4], provides stronger security than that provided by indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). An iO scheme provides indistinguishability between the obfuscations of two programs that are equivalent and have the same length of description. A diO scheme ensures that the obfuscations of two efficiently generated programs with the same description length are indistinguishable if it is hard to find an input on which their outputs differ. Ananth et. al. [1], provides stronger security than that provided by indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). An iO scheme provides indistinguishability between the obfuscations of two programs that are equivalent and have the same length of description. A diO scheme ensures that the obfuscations of two efficiently generated programs with the same description length are indistinguishable if it is hard to find an input on which their outputs differ. Ananth et. al. [1 showed the definition of diO with respect to arbitrary auxiliary inputs. However, Garg et al. [19] showed that the existence of this kind of diO contradicts a certain “special-purpose obfuscation” conjecture. Ishai, Pandey and Sahai [23] suggested a diO variant called public-coin diO, which requires the auxiliary input to be a public random string and given as input to all relevant algorithms. They gave a construction of public-coin diO by assuming the existence of public-coin differing-inputs obfuscator for NC^1 circuits. In this paper, we use a slightly different definition, called public-coin-dependent diO. It allows the obfuscation algorithm to additionally take as input the random coins used to sample the circuit pair (including the circuit to be obfuscated) and thus the obfuscation algorithm can use the property of the circuit pair. We first construct a public-coin differing-inputs obfuscator for a class of new defined function with iO and point obfuscation with auxiliary input (AIPO). And then we use it to complete the public-coin-dependent diO for any pair of circuits that are hard to be found an input on which their outputs differ. The constructions are based on secure iO schemes for NC^1, fully homomorphic encryption scheme, and the existence of AIPO. Besides, we show the applications of our constructions

    Rethinking Location Privacy for Unknown Mobility Behaviors

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    Location Privacy-Preserving Mechanisms (LPPMs) in the literature largely consider that users' data available for training wholly characterizes their mobility patterns. Thus, they hardwire this information in their designs and evaluate their privacy properties with these same data. In this paper, we aim to understand the impact of this decision on the level of privacy these LPPMs may offer in real life when the users' mobility data may be different from the data used in the design phase. Our results show that, in many cases, training data does not capture users' behavior accurately and, thus, the level of privacy provided by the LPPM is often overestimated. To address this gap between theory and practice, we propose to use blank-slate models for LPPM design. Contrary to the hardwired approach, that assumes known users' behavior, blank-slate models learn the users' behavior from the queries to the service provider. We leverage this blank-slate approach to develop a new family of LPPMs, that we call Profile Estimation-Based LPPMs. Using real data, we empirically show that our proposal outperforms optimal state-of-the-art mechanisms designed on sporadic hardwired models. On non-sporadic location privacy scenarios, our method is only better if the usage of the location privacy service is not continuous. It is our hope that eliminating the need to bootstrap the mechanisms with training data and ensuring that the mechanisms are lightweight and easy to compute help fostering the integration of location privacy protections in deployed systems

    Universal Computational Extractors and the Superfluous Padding Assumption for Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    Universal Computational Extractors (UCEs), introduced by Bellare, Hoang and Keelveedhi (CRYPTO 2013), are a framework of assumptions on hash functions that allow to instantiate random oracles in a large variety of settings. Brzuska, Farshim and Mittelbach (CRYPTO 2014) showed that a large class of UCE assumptions with \emph{computationally} unpredictable sources cannot be achieved, if indistinguishability obfuscation exists. In the process of circumventing obfuscation-based attacks, new UCE notions emerged, most notably UCEs with respect to \emph{statistically} unpredictable sources that suffice for a large class of applications. However, the only standard model constructions of UCEs are for a small subclass considering only qq-query sources which are \emph{strongly statistically} unpredictable (Brzuska, Mittelbach; Asiacrypt 2014). The contributions of this paper are threefold: 1) We show a surprising equivalence for the notions of strong unpredictability and (plain) unpredictability thereby lifting the construction from Brzuska and Mittelbach to achieve qq-query UCEs for statistically unpredictable sources. This yields standard model instantiations for various (qq-query) primitives including, deterministic public-key encryption, message-locked encryption, multi-bit point obfuscation, CCA-secure encryption, and more. For some of these, our construction yields the first standard model candidate. 2) We study the blow-up that occurs in indistinguishability obfuscation proof techniques due to puncturing and state the \emph{Superfluous Padding Assumption} for indistinguishability obfuscation which allows us to lift the qq-query restriction of our construction. We validate the assumption by showing that it holds for virtual black-box obfuscation. 3) Brzuska and Mittelbach require a strong form of point obfuscation secure in the presence of auxiliary input for their construction of UCEs. We show that this assumption is indeed necessary for the construction of injective UCEs

    On Foundations of Protecting Computations

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    Information technology systems have become indispensable to uphold our way of living, our economy and our safety. Failure of these systems can have devastating effects. Consequently, securing these systems against malicious intentions deserves our utmost attention. Cryptography provides the necessary foundations for that purpose. In particular, it provides a set of building blocks which allow to secure larger information systems. Furthermore, cryptography develops concepts and tech- niques towards realizing these building blocks. The protection of computations is one invaluable concept for cryptography which paves the way towards realizing a multitude of cryptographic tools. In this thesis, we contribute to this concept of protecting computations in several ways. Protecting computations of probabilistic programs. An indis- tinguishability obfuscator (IO) compiles (deterministic) code such that it becomes provably unintelligible. This can be viewed as the ultimate way to protect (deterministic) computations. Due to very recent research, such obfuscators enjoy plausible candidate constructions. In certain settings, however, it is necessary to protect probabilistic com- putations. The only known construction of an obfuscator for probabilistic programs is due to Canetti, Lin, Tessaro, and Vaikuntanathan, TCC, 2015 and requires an indistinguishability obfuscator which satisfies extreme security guarantees. We improve this construction and thereby reduce the require- ments on the security of the underlying indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, and Hofheinz, PKC, 2020) Protecting computations in cryptographic groups. To facilitate the analysis of building blocks which are based on cryptographic groups, these groups are often overidealized such that computations in the group are protected from the outside. Using such overidealizations allows to prove building blocks secure which are sometimes beyond the reach of standard model techniques. However, these overidealizations are subject to certain impossibility results. Recently, Fuchsbauer, Kiltz, and Loss, CRYPTO, 2018 introduced the algebraic group model (AGM) as a relaxation which is closer to the standard model but in several aspects preserves the power of said overidealizations. However, their model still suffers from implausibilities. We develop a framework which allows to transport several security proofs from the AGM into the standard model, thereby evading the above implausi- bility results, and instantiate this framework using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Hofheinz, and Kastner, EUROCRYPT, 2020) Protecting computations using compression. Perfect compression algorithms admit the property that the compressed distribution is truly random leaving no room for any further compression. This property is invaluable for several cryptographic applications such as “honey encryption” or password-authenticated key exchange. However, perfect compression algorithms only exist for a very small number of distributions. We relax the notion of compression and rigorously study the resulting notion which we call “pseudorandom encodings”. As a result, we identify various surprising connections between seemingly unrelated areas of cryptography. Particularly, we derive novel results for adaptively secure multi-party computation which allows for protecting computations in distributed settings. Furthermore, we instantiate the weakest version of pseudorandom encodings which suffices for adaptively secure multi-party computation using an indistinguishability obfuscator. (Agrikola, Couteau, Ishai, Jarecki, and Sahai, TCC, 2020

    Impossibility of Strong KDM Security with Auxiliary Input

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    In this note, we show that a strong notion of KDM security cannot be obtained by any encryption scheme in the auxiliary input setting, assuming Learning With Errors (LWE) and one-way permutations. The notion of security we deal with guarantees that for any (possibly inefficient) function ff, it is computationally hard to distinguish between an encryption of 0s and an encryption of f(pk, z), where pk is the public key and z is the auxiliary input. Furthermore, we show that this holds even when restricted to bounded-length auxiliary input where z is much shorter than pk under the additional assumption that (non-leveled) fully homomorphic encryption exists
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