12 research outputs found

    Ranking Large Temporal Data

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    Ranking temporal data has not been studied until recently, even though ranking is an important operator (being promoted as a firstclass citizen) in database systems. However, only the instant top-k queries on temporal data were studied in, where objects with the k highest scores at a query time instance t are to be retrieved. The instant top-k definition clearly comes with limitations (sensitive to outliers, difficult to choose a meaningful query time t). A more flexible and general ranking operation is to rank objects based on the aggregation of their scores in a query interval, which we dub the aggregate top-k query on temporal data. For example, return the top-10 weather stations having the highest average temperature from 10/01/2010 to 10/07/2010; find the top-20 stocks having the largest total transaction volumes from 02/05/2011 to 02/07/2011. This work presents a comprehensive study to this problem by designing both exact and approximate methods (with approximation quality guarantees). We also provide theoretical analysis on the construction cost, the index size, the update and the query costs of each approach. Extensive experiments on large real datasets clearly demonstrate the efficiency, the effectiveness, and the scalability of our methods compared to the baseline methods.Comment: VLDB201

    Durable Queries over Historical Time Series Data

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    The PGM-index: a multicriteria, compressed and learned approach to data indexing

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    The recent introduction of learned indexes has shaken the foundations of the decades-old field of indexing data structures. Combining, or even replacing, classic design elements such as B-tree nodes with machine learning models has proven to give outstanding improvements in the space footprint and time efficiency of data systems. However, these novel approaches are based on heuristics, thus they lack any guarantees both in their time and space requirements. We propose the Piecewise Geometric Model index (shortly, PGM-index), which achieves guaranteed I/O-optimality in query operations, learns an optimal number of linear models, and its peculiar recursive construction makes it a purely learned data structure, rather than a hybrid of traditional and learned indexes (such as RMI and FITing-tree). We show that the PGM-index improves the space of the FITing-tree by 63.3% and of the B-tree by more than four orders of magnitude, while achieving their same or even better query time efficiency. We complement this result by proposing three variants of the PGM-index. First, we design a compressed PGM-index that further reduces its space footprint by exploiting the repetitiveness at the level of the learned linear models it is composed of. Second, we design a PGM-index that adapts itself to the distribution of the queries, thus resulting in the first known distribution-aware learned index to date. Finally, given its flexibility in the offered space-time trade-offs, we propose the multicriteria PGM-index that efficiently auto-tune itself in a few seconds over hundreds of millions of keys to the possibly evolving space-time constraints imposed by the application of use. We remark to the reader that this paper is an extended and improved version of our previous paper titled "Superseding traditional indexes by orchestrating learning and geometry" (arXiv:1903.00507).Comment: We remark to the reader that this paper is an extended and improved version of our previous paper titled "Superseding traditional indexes by orchestrating learning and geometry" (arXiv:1903.00507

    An Evaluation of Model-Based Approaches to Sensor Data Compression

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    As the volumes of sensor data being accumulated are likely to soar, data compression has become essential in a wide range of sensor-data applications. This has led to a plethora of data compression techniques for sensor data, in particular model-based approaches have been spotlighted due to their significant compression performance. These methods, however, have never been compared and analyzed under the same setting, rendering a ‘right’ choice of compression technique for a particular application very difficult. Addressing this problem, this paper presents a benchmark that offers a comprehensive empirical study on the performance comparison of the model-based compression techniques. Specifically, we re-implemented several state-of-the-art methods in a comparablemanner, andmeasured various performance factors with our benchmark, including compression ratio, computation time, model maintenance cost, approximation quality, and robustness to noisy data. We then provide in-depth analysis of the benchmark results, obtained by using 11 different real datasets consisting of 346 heterogeneous sensor data signals. We believe that the findings from the benchmark will be able to serve as a practical guideline for applications that need to compress sensor data

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLinked data are the de-facto standard in publishing and sharing data on the web. To date, we have been inundated with large amounts of ever-increasing linked data in constantly evolving structures. The proliferation of the data and the need to access and harvest knowledge from distributed data sources motivate us to revisit several classic problems in query processing and query optimization. The problem of answering queries over views is commonly encountered in a number of settings, including while enforcing security policies to access linked data, or when integrating data from disparate sources. We approach this problem by efficiently rewriting queries over the views to equivalent queries over the underlying linked data, thus avoiding the costs entailed by view materialization and maintenance. An outstanding problem of query rewriting is the number of rewritten queries is exponential to the size of the query and the views, which motivates us to study problem of multiquery optimization in the context of linked data. Our solutions are declarative and make no assumption for the underlying storage, i.e., being store-independent. Unlike relational and XML data, linked data are schema-less. While tracking the evolution of schema for linked data is hard, keyword search is an ideal tool to perform data integration. Existing works make crippling assumptions for the data and hence fall short in handling massive linked data with tens to hundreds of millions of facts. Our study for keyword search on linked data brought together the classical techniques in the literature and our novel ideas, which leads to much better query efficiency and quality of the results. Linked data also contain rich temporal semantics. To cope with the ever-increasing data, we have investigated how to partition and store large temporal or multiversion linked data for distributed and parallel computation, in an effort to achieve load-balancing to support scalable data analytics for massive linked data

    Recovery of Missing Values using Matrix Decomposition Techniques

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    Time series data is prominent in many real world applications, e.g., hydrology or finance stock market. In many of these applications, time series data is missing in blocks, i.e., multiple consecutive values are missing. For example, in the hydrology field around 20% of the data is missing in blocks. However, many time series analysis tasks, such as prediction, require the existence of complete data. The recovery of blocks of missing values in time series is challenging if the missing block is a peak or a valley. The problem is more challenging in real world time series because of the irregularity in the data. The state-of-the-art recovery techniques are suitable either for the recovery of single missing values or for the recovery of blocks of missing values in regular time series. The goal of this thesis is to propose an accurate recovery of blocks of missing values in irregular time series. The recovery solution we propose is based on matrix decomposition techniques. The main idea of the recovery is to represent correlated time series as columns of an input matrix where missing values have been initialized and iteratively apply matrix decomposition technique to refine the initialized missing values. A key property of our recovery solution is that it learns the shape, the width and the amplitude of the missing blocks from the history of the time series that contains the missing blocks and the history of its correlated time series. Our experiments on real world hydrological time series show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art recovery techniques for the recovery of missing blocks in irregular time series. The recovery solution is implemented as a graphical tool that displays, browses and accurately recovers missing blocks in irregular time series. The proposed approach supports learning from highly and lowly correlated time series. This is important since lowly correlated time series, e.g., shifted time series, that exhibit shape and/or trend similarities are beneficial for the recovery process. We reduce the space complexity of the proposed solution from quadratic to linear. This allows to use time series with long histories without prior segmentation. We prove the scalability and the correctness of the solution

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWe are living in an age where data are being generated faster than anyone has previously imagined across a broad application domain, including customer studies, social media, sensor networks, and the sciences, among many others. In some cases, data are generated in massive quantities as terabytes or petabytes. There have been numerous emerging challenges when dealing with massive data, including: (1) the explosion in size of data; (2) data have increasingly more complex structures and rich semantics, such as representing temporal data as a piecewise linear representation; (3) uncertain data are becoming a common occurrence for numerous applications, e.g., scientific measurements or observations such as meteorological measurements; (4) and data are becoming increasingly distributed, e.g., distributed data collected and integrated from distributed locations as well as data stored in a distributed file system within a cluster. Due to the massive nature of modern data, it is oftentimes infeasible for computers to efficiently manage and query them exactly. An attractive alternative is to use data summarization techniques to construct data summaries, where even efficiently constructing data summaries is a challenging task given the enormous size of data. The data summaries we focus on in this thesis include the histogram and ranking operator. Both data summaries enable us to summarize a massive dataset to a more succinct representation which can then be used to make queries orders of magnitude more efficient while still allowing approximation guarantees on query answers. Our study has focused on the critical task of designing efficient algorithms to summarize, query, and manage massive data