9 research outputs found


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    Comunidades de Prática: Fatores Críticos de Sucesso à Manutenção e suas Dimensões de Análise

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    As Comunidades de Prática – CoPs assumem um papel importante na criação e no compartilhamento do conhecimento organizacional, especialmente em instituições em que o conhecimento é um dos seus principais ativos. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso – FCS à manutenção das CoPs que estabelecem relação com as dimensões de análise das Comunidades. A pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa, e quanto aos fins, caracteriza-se como exploratória e aplicada. Como resultado para a investigação, chegou-se a um quadro-síntese em que 28 fatores são apresentados como críticos ao sucesso das CoPs, e tais fatores são relacionados à 9 dimensões de análise. Conclui-se que a ciência dos FCS à manutenção das CoPs representa uma relevante ferramenta de gestão aos que desejam administrar as Comunidades

    Facilitating knowledge sharing in Chalco: the role of communities of practice

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    Communities of practice (CoPs) have recently become key components in organizational knowledge management initiatives (Wenger, 2004). They have achieved prominence in the context of knowledge management and organizational learning both with scholars and practitioners. Many researches (Ardichvili et al., 2003; Davenport & Voelpel, 2001; Davenport & Probst, 2002) have investigated how some multinational companies integrated different kinds of CoPs into their knowledge management systems. But those studies focus mainly on the regions of the Western countries. There are limited researches conducted on other social context. This research therefore is to address CoPs in a Chinese organization - Chalco and investigates how the Learning Groups as the communities of practice facilitate knowledge sharing in the company. This research adopts the Nonaka‘s (1994) organizational knowledge creation model (SECI) and defines the organizational knowledge sharing as two parts of organization knowledge creation process: socialisation and externalisation. It examines how the Learning Groups facilitate tacit knowledge sharing (socialization) and the knowledge conversion from tacit to explicit (externalization). This research takes the social constructionist standpoint, trying to understand individuals‘ experience of participating Learning Groups in the company, through the interpretive lens. It adopts a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews to gather data which are then analysed using the narrative analysis approach paying attention to individuals‘ experience expressed through their interview accounts. Through narrative analysis, the way in which Learning Groups facilitate tacit knowledge sharing and the conversion from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge has been emerged. Some influences of Chinese cultural and social factors to the knowledge were also found. The finding of this study suggests that there are some knowledge sharing barriers caused by both organizational factors and cultural factors. The Learning Groups in Chalco have been playing very positive roles in overcoming those barriers and facilitating knowledge sharing in the company. The findings of this research can benefit to both academics and practitioners. It will help the related academics to understand how the Chinese cultural and social influences on knowledge management practice and how CoPs facilitate knowledge sharing in such context. It also provides an example of best practice on knowledge management for other business managers and government policy makers so that they can develop appropriate knowledge management strategies for the benefit of their companies and the social development

    Fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção de comunidades de prática e suas dimensões de análise

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2012Esta pesquisa almejou identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso (FCS) à manutenção das Comunidades de Prática que estabelecem relação com as dimensões de análise das Comunidades. Para tanto, realizou-se uma busca sistemática da literatura em que emergiram 112 FCS à manutenção das CoPs. Concomitante, identificaram-se na literatura algumas dimensões de análise para Comunidades, tais como: individual, organizacional, liderança, comunidade, cognitiva, tecnológica e econômica. Em virtude das características de alguns dos fatores revelados, e pela ausência de dimensões que os contemplassem, outras três dimensões foram propostas: a relações de poder, a cultural e a operacional. Após o levantamento dos FCS e das dimensões, alocaram-se os fatores às dimensões que melhor lhes representavam, além de respeitar a indicação dos autores quando assim o fizeram, resultando em quadros de referência por dimensão e seus respectivos FCS. Em seguida, foi possível verificar que alguns fatores transitavam entre duas dimensões de análise, o que se denominou de interseção de dimensões diversas. Por fim, chegou-se aos 28 fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção das CoPs e suas dimensões de análise, circunstância que possibilitou a criação de um quadro-síntese com tais informações. Respeitando a caracterização da pesquisa quanto aos fins, indica-se que o primeiro resultado é de origem aplicada, porquanto possui como base de motivação a resolução de problemas concretos referente à gestão das CoPs, qual seja: a identificação dos fatores críticos de sucesso à manutenção das CoPs, e suas vinculações às dimensões de análise. O segundo repousa no campo da contribuição teórica, visto que pode auxiliar como ponto de partida para investigações futuras sobre a temática.Abstract : This research sought to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) for the maintenance of Communities of Practice that establish relationship with the Communities# dimensions of analysis. Therefore, it was carried out a systematic search of literature where 112 CSFs emerged for the maintenance of CoPs. Concomitantly, it was identified in the literature some analysis dimensions for Communities such as: individual, organizational, leadership, community, cognitive, technological and economic. Because of the characteristics of some of the factors revealed, and due to the absence of dimensions that behold them, three other dimensions were proposed: the power relations, as well as the cultural and the operational. After surveying the CSFs and dimensions, the factors were allocated to the dimensions that best represented them, besides respecting the suggestion of the authors when they did so, resulting in charts of reference by dimension and respective CSFs. Then it was possible to find that some factors were transiting between two dimensions of analysis, which was so called intersection of varied dimensions. Finally, it was reached 28 critical success factors for the maintenance of CoPs and their analysis dimensions, a circumstance that enabled the creation of a summary table with such information. Having regard to the characterization as to the purposes, it is indicated that the first result is of applied origin, since it has as a basis of motivation the resolution of specific problems regarding the management of CoPs, namely, the identification of critical success factors for the maintaining of CoPs, and their linkages to the analysis dimensions. The second result lies in the field of theoretical contribution, since it can help as a starting point for future research on the topic

    Comunidades de prática na perspectiva de Wenger : os constructos, a trajetória, os desdobramentos e suas relações com a gestão do conhecimento

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    Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Helena de Fátima Nunes SilvaCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Glauco Gomes de MenezesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão da Informação. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/09/2022Inclui referênciasResumo: As Comunidades de Prática caracterizam-se pela união de pessoas, com interesses em comum, conectando-se tendo em vista a ampliação de seus conhecimentos, por meio de práticas desenvolvidas em grupo. As Comunidades de Prática tiveram sua concepção conceitual atrelada a Etienne Wenger, no início da década de 1990. Visto sua contribuição para a criação e compartilhamento de conhecimento, as Comunidades de Prática e seus constructos tornaram-se uma ferramenta da Gestão do Conhecimento aplicada às organizações. A ampliação dos constructos a campos do conhecimento, da sociedade e ao contexto gerencial, suscitou questionamentos a respeito da estrutura de sua construção, das limitações empíricas em decorrência de sua flexibilização interpretativa, bem como a diversidade de nomenclaturas atribuídas às Comunidades de Prática. Neste sentido, o objetivo desta tese é Analisar a concepção dos constructos, a trajetória, os desdobramentos e as relações, influências e contribuições à produção científica em Gestão do Conhecimento, a partir da análise das Comunidades de Prática na perspectiva de Etienne Wenger. A pesquisa estabelece a sustentação literária, a partir dos autores e teorias de base utilizados por Wenger, para concepção dos constructos das Comunidades de Prática. Da mesma forma, sua trajetória e desdobramentos conceituais apresentam estreita relação com a Teoria de Criação do Conhecimento Organizacional, que se constata por meio da produção científica em Gestão do Conhecimento (estudo bibliométrico e revisão sistemática da literatura). A pesquisa caracteriza-se como exploratória e descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, bem como utiliza-se de pesquisa bibliográfica. Os procedimentos metodológicos para coleta, análise e tratamento dos dados foram delimitados especificamente para a construção de cada capítulo da tese, alinhados às premissas e aos objetivos específicos propostos. Os resultados apresentam os elementos estruturantes dos constructos das Comunidades de Prática, juntamente com os elementos que as caracterizam na Teoria de Criação do Conhecimento Organizacional. Em seguida, a partir do grupo de autores, no qual Lave e Wenger apresentam os constructos de Comunidades de Prática observou-se o impacto e a relevância destes autores para a academia, bem como a relação interdisciplinar da concepção conceitual, tendo majoritariamente, a contribuição de três áreas do conhecimento, a saber: antropologia, sociologia e psicologia. O estudo bibliométrico revelou o comportamento do campo científico e as produções no cenário nacional e internacional de Gestão do Conhecimento, bem como demonstrou a influência dos autores Wenger e Nonaka para a construção nas produções científicas neste contexto. Por fim, constatou-se as relações entre os elementos dos constructos das Comunidades de Prática e os elementos da Teoria de Criação do Conhecimento Organizacional, avançando-se na proposição de um mapa integrativo conceitual e na discussão da trajetória conceitual percorrida por Wenger.Abstract: Communities of Practice are characterized by the union of people with common interests, connecting with a view to expanding their knowledge, through practices developed in groups. Communities of Practice had their conceptual conception linked to Etienne Wenger, in the early 1990s. Given their contribution to the creation and sharing of knowledge, Communities of Practice and their constructs have become a Knowledge Management tool applied to organizations. The expansion of the constructs to fields of knowledge, society and the managerial context, raised questions despite the structure of their construction, the empirical limitations due to their interpretative flexibility, as well as the diversity of nomenclatures attributed to Communities of Practice. In this sense, the objective of this thesis is to analyze the conception of the constructs, the trajectory, the developments and the relations, influences and contributions to the scientific production in Knowledge Management, from the analysis of the Communities of Practice in the perspective of Etienne Wenger. The research establishes the literary support, based the authors and base theories used by Wenger, for the conception of the constructs of Communities of Practice. Likewise, its trajectory and conceptual developments are closely related to the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation, which is verified through scientific production in Knowledge Management (bibliometric study and systematic literature review). The research is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach, as well as using bibliographic research. The methodological procedures for data collection, analysis and treatment were delimited specifically for the construction of each chapter of the thesis, aligned with the assumptions and specific objectives proposed. The results present the structuring elements of the Communities of Practice constructs, together with the elements that characterize them in the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Then, from the group of authors, in which Lave and Wenger present the constructs of Communities of Practice, the impact and relevance of these authors for the academy was observed, as well as the interdisciplinary relationship of the conceptual conception, having, mostly, the contribution of three areas of knowledge, namely: anthropology, sociology and psychology. The bibliometric study revealed the behavior of the scientific field and the productions in the national and international scenario of Knowledge Management, as well as demonstrated the influence of the authors Wenger and Nonaka for the construction of scientific productions in this context. Finally, the relationships between the elements of the constructs of Communities of Practice and the elements of the Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation were verified, advancing in the proposition of an integrative conceptual map and in the discussion of the conceptual trajectory followed by Wenger

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    Framework para desenvolvimento de competências digitais de enfermeiros da saúde indígena: Mukaturusá

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2023.A prestação de serviços de Atenção Primária à Saúde a mais de 763 mil indígenas em todo o Brasil ocorre por intermédio do Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde (SasiSUS). Enquanto parte integrante do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), esse subsistema se fundamenta nas especificidades culturais das diferentes populações indígenas para a elaboração de suas políticas públicas, estratégias e ações. Dentre os profissionais que operacionalizam esse atendimento, a partir das equipes multidisciplinares de saúde indígena (EMSI), destacam-se os enfermeiros cuja variedade de serviços prestados inclui prevenção e promoção da saúde, com destaque para a realização de atividades educacionais para a população e demais integrantes das EMSI. Neste contexto, considerando a posição de liderança desses profissionais e a necessidade de proporcionar ao subsistema inovação e aprimoramento dos serviços prestados, principalmente a sob a forma de saúde digital, esta tese de doutorado teve como objetivo formular um framework para o desenvolvimento de competências digitais de enfermeiros no âmbito do SasiSUS. Quanto à abordagem, caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza exploratória-descritiva, valendo-se de meios e procedimentos que incluíram a pesquisa ex-post facto, bibliográfica, documental e de campo. A utilização de comunidade de prática e do painel Delphi serviram para captar, avaliar dados e validar a proposta junto a especialistas que também integram o público-alvo. Ocuparam posição de destaque no âmbito das discussões que fomentaram a elaboração da tese iniciativas internacionais, a legislação brasileira, e questionamentos sobre quais as competências digitais que profissionais necessárias para que possam atuar com telemedicina, terapias e intervenções personalizadas; como podem utilizar todo o potencial de dispositivos móveis, computadores, IoT, inteligência artificial, realidade aumentada e virtual e TIC; e as competências digitais necessárias para que esses profissionais possam participar de estratégias e ações que visam ampliar o acesso e a melhoria da qualidade da saúde prestada à população indígena a partir da estratégia brasileira de saúde digital, incluindo-se ações educacionais utilizando TIC. O resultado foi o framework Mukaturusá, ou seja, um conjunto organizado de dados e informações que permitem definir as competências digitais capazes de fundamentarem o aprimoramento dos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes dos enfermeiros que atuam na saúde indígena a partir do uso crítico, responsável e eficiente de tecnologias da informação e comunicação.Abstract: The provision of Primary Health Care services to more than 763 thousand indigenous people throughout Brazil takes place through the Health Care Subsystem (SasiSUS). As an integral part of the Unified Health System (SUS), this subsystem is based on the cultural specificities of different indigenous populations for the elaboration of their public policies, strategies and actions. Among the professionals who operate this service, from the multidisciplinary teams of indigenous health (EMSI), nurses stand out, whose variety of provided services includes prevention and health promotion, with emphasis on carrying out educational activities for the population and other members of EMSI. In this context, considering the leadership position of these professionals and the need to provide the subsystem with innovation and improvement of the services provided, mainly in the form of digital health, this doctoral thesis aimed to formulate a framework for the development of digital skills of nurses within the scope of SasiSUS. As for the approach, it was characterized as a qualitative research and exploratory- descriptive nature- making use of means and procedures that included ex-post facto, bibliographical, documental, and field research. The use of a community of practice and the Delphi panel served to capture, evaluate data and validate the proposal with specialists who are a part of the target audience. Occupied a prominent position in the discussions that fostered the elaboration of the thesis international initiatives, Brazilian legislation, and questions about what digital competencies professionals need to work with telemedicine, therapies and personalized interventions; how they can utilize the full potential of mobile devices, computers, IoT, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality and ICT; and the digital competencies necessary for these professionals to participate in strategies and actions that aim to expand access to and improve the quality of health provided to the indigenous population from the Brazilian digital health strategy, including educational actions using ICT. The result was the Mukaturusá framework, that is, an organized set of data and information that allow the definition of digital competences capable of supporting the improvement of knowledge, skills and attitudes of nurses who work in indigenous health from the critical, responsible, and efficient use of information and communication technologies

    Communities of practice, knowledge creation, and corporate sustainability : a study of Bahrain service industry

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    The Kingdom of Bahrain is a service-based economy in which the service industry is a highly competitive market environment. Therefore, organisations require employing strategies to compete and sustain their competitive advantage in order to survive. The knowledge-based view of the firm argues that knowledge is a critical source for sustainable competitive advantage. Communities of Practice (CoPs) provide a suitable environment for knowledge exchange and creation. This study defined CoPs as emergent informal networks of people who are located inside and outside the organisation, through which members of these communities share or are interested in the same practice and knowledge. It is noticed from the literature that there is no empirical study investigating the impact of knowledge created in CoPs on corporate sustainability. Moreover, the influence of social capital on quantity and type of knowledge received from different CoPs members is scarce. This research attempts to address this research gap.The study combined qualitative and quantitative approaches. The information obtained from the literature was used to develop the initial research model. In the first phase, a qualitative field study is carried out to develop a comprehensive research model. A number of hypotheses were then developed. The second phase of the study pilot tested the developed questionnaire. Minor changes were made based on the pilot study participants’ comments and feedback.The third phase of the study is the main quantitative survey. The questionnaire for survey was distributed among senior managers in Bahrain top 100 service organisations both in the public and private sectors. 333 completed questionnaires were returned to the researcher with the response rate of 54%. Partial Least Squares (PLS) was employed to analyse the data collected in the main survey.The findings of the study did not support all the hypotheses developed in this study. It was found that communities of practise exist in Bahrain service industry, where two types of CoPs are noticed: intra (co-located employees and non co-located employees) and inter CoPs (customers, suppliers, and business partners). It was also found that co-located employees’ and customers’ CoPs have the major effect on organisation performance as the knowledge received from them is employed in the knowledge creation process to generate new knowledge in order to improve organisation performance.An interesting finding is the positive effect of CoP characteristics on the knowledge received. Therefore, CoP characteristics do not only identify this type of network but also influence the amount of knowledge received from community members. On the other hand, the knowledge received from CoPs affect the knowledge creation process in its four steps (interaction and communication, develop pool of knowledge, alternative experimentations, and solution to problem). Furthermore, the study empirically tested that knowledge creation process is carried out in four sequential steps. It was also found that the last step of the knowledge creation process "find solution to problem" has the greatest influence on the generation of new knowledge. It was also found that new knowledge positively affects organisational social, environmental, economic, and non economic performances (i.e. corporate sustainability). The study results did not support the hypothesis that social capital aspects (trust, norms, and identification) moderate the amount of knowledge received from CoPs.From the literature review and the study findings, it is recommended that organisations within Bahrain service industry should develop a knowledge management strategy and implement CoPs to sustain their position in the market. Moreover, the strategy should contain appropriate measures of sustainability objectives.Despite the fact that the study was conducted in Bahrain service organisations, it is suggested that it can be applied to different organisations in various countries across the globe because of its generic approach. However, it needs to be customised for local application