34 research outputs found

    Independence of hyperlogarithms over function fields via algebraic combinatorics

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    We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the linear independence of solutions of differential equations for hyperlogarithms. The key fact is that the multiplier (i.e. the factor MM in the differential equation dS=MSdS=MS) has only singularities of first order (Fuchsian-type equations) and this implies that they freely span a space which contains no primitive. We give direct applications where we extend the property of linear independence to the largest known ring of coefficients

    Nested (inverse) binomial sums and new iterated integrals for massive Feynman diagrams

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    Nested sums containing binomial coefficients occur in the computation of massive operator matrix elements. Their associated iterated integrals lead to alphabets including radicals, for which we determined a suitable basis. We discuss algorithms for converting between sum and integral representations, mainly relying on the Mellin transform. To aid the conversion we worked out dedicated rewrite rules, based on which also some general patterns emerging in the process can be obtained.Comment: 13 pages LATEX, one style file, Proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory -- LL2014,27 April 2014 -- 02 May 2014 Weimar, German

    Non-planar Feynman integrals, Mellin-Barnes representations, multiple sums

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    The construction of Mellin-Barnes (MB) representations for non-planar Feynman diagrams and the summation of multiple series derived from general MB representations are discussed. A basic version of a new package AMBREv.3.0 is supplemented. The ultimate goal of this project is the automatic evaluation of MB representations for multiloop scalar and tensor Feynman integrals through infinite sums, preferably with analytic solutions. We shortly describe a strategy of further algebraic summation.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Loops and Legs 2014 conferenc

    On the solutions of universal differential equation by noncommutative Picard-Vessiot theory

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    Basing on Picard-Vessiot theory of noncommutative differential equations and algebraic combinatorics on noncommutative formal series with holomorphic coefficients, various recursive constructions of sequences of grouplike series converging to solutions of universal differential equation are proposed. Basing on monoidal factorizations, these constructions intensively use diagonal series and various pairs of bases in duality, in concatenation-shuffle bialgebra and in a Loday's generalized bialgebra. As applications, the unique solution, satisfying asymptotic conditions, of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations is provided by d\'evissage

    A localized version of the basic triangle theorem

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    In this short note, we give a localized version of the basic triangle theorem, first published in 2011 (see [4]) in order to prove the independence of hyperlogarithms over various function fields. This version provides direct access to rings of scalars and avoids the recourse to fraction fields as that of meromorphic functions for instance

    Feynman integrals and hyperlogarithms

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    We study Feynman integrals in the representation with Schwinger parameters and derive recursive integral formulas for massless 3- and 4-point functions. Properties of analytic (including dimensional) regularization are summarized and we prove that in the Euclidean region, each Feynman integral can be written as a linear combination of convergent Feynman integrals. This means that one can choose a basis of convergent master integrals and need not evaluate any divergent Feynman graph directly. Secondly we give a self-contained account of hyperlogarithms and explain in detail the algorithms needed for their application to the evaluation of multivariate integrals. We define a new method to track singularities of such integrals and present a computer program that implements the integration method. As our main result, we prove the existence of infinite families of massless 3- and 4-point graphs (including the ladder box graphs with arbitrary loop number and their minors) whose Feynman integrals can be expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithms, to all orders in the epsilon-expansion. These integrals can be computed effectively with the presented program. We include interesting examples of explicit results for Feynman integrals with up to 6 loops. In particular we present the first exactly computed counterterm in massless phi^4 theory which is not a multiple zeta value, but a linear combination of multiple polylogarithms at primitive sixth roots of unity (and divided by 3\sqrt{3}). To this end we derive a parity result on the reducibility of the real- and imaginary parts of such numbers into products and terms of lower depth.Comment: PhD thesis, 220 pages, many figure

    On the algebraic structure of iterated integrals of quasimodular forms

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    We study the algebra IQM\mathcal{I}^{QM} of iterated integrals of quasimodular forms for SL⁡2(Z)\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}), which is the smallest extension of the algebra QM∗QM_{\ast} of quasimodular forms, which is closed under integration. We prove that IQM\mathcal{I}^{QM} is a polynomial algebra in infinitely many variables, given by Lyndon words on certain monomials in Eisenstein series. We also prove an analogous result for the M∗M_{\ast}-subalgebra IM\mathcal{I}^{M} of IQM\mathcal{I}^{QM} of iterated integrals of modular forms.Comment: v2, minor changes, to appear in Algebra and Number Theor

    Families of eulerian functions involved in regularization of divergent polyzetas

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    Extending the Eulerian functions, we study their relationship with zeta function of several variables. In particular, starting with Weierstrass factorization theorem (and Newton-Girard identity) for the complex Gamma function, we are interested in the ratios of ζ(2k)/π2k\zeta(2k)/\pi^{2k} and their multiindexed generalization, we will obtain an analogue situation and draw some consequences about a structure of the algebra of polyzetas values, by means of some combinatorics of noncommutative rational series. The same combinatorial frameworks also allow to study the independence of a family of eulerian functions.Comment: preprin