8 research outputs found

    A collective, probabilistic approach to schema mapping using diverse noisy evidence

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    We propose a probabilistic approach to the problem of schema mapping. Our approach is declarative, scalable, and extensible. It builds upon recent results in both schema mapping and probabilistic reasoning and contributes novel techniques in both fields. We introduce the problem of schema mapping selection, that is, choosing the best mapping from a space of potential mappings, given both metadata constraints and a data example. As selection has to reason holistically about the inputs and the dependencies between the chosen mappings, we define a new schema mapping optimization problem which captures interactions between mappings as well as inconsistencies and incompleteness in the input. We then introduce Collective Mapping Discovery (CMD), our solution to this problem using state-of-the-art probabilistic reasoning techniques. Our evaluation on a wide range of integration scenarios, including several real-world domains, demonstrates that CMD effectively combines data and metadata information to infer highly accurate mappings even with significant levels of noise

    LinkedScales : bases de dados em multiescala

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    Orientador: André SantanchèTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: As ciências biológicas e médicas precisam cada vez mais de abordagens unificadas para a análise de dados, permitindo a exploração da rede de relacionamentos e interações entre elementos. No entanto, dados essenciais estão frequentemente espalhados por um conjunto cada vez maior de fontes com múltiplos níveis de heterogeneidade entre si, tornando a integração cada vez mais complexa. Abordagens de integração existentes geralmente adotam estratégias especializadas e custosas, exigindo a produção de soluções monolíticas para lidar com formatos e esquemas específicos. Para resolver questões de complexidade, essas abordagens adotam soluções pontuais que combinam ferramentas e algoritmos, exigindo adaptações manuais. Abordagens não sistemáticas dificultam a reutilização de tarefas comuns e resultados intermediários, mesmo que esses possam ser úteis em análises futuras. Além disso, é difícil o rastreamento de transformações e demais informações de proveniência, que costumam ser negligenciadas. Este trabalho propõe LinkedScales, um dataspace baseado em múltiplos níveis, projetado para suportar a construção progressiva de visões unificadas de fontes heterogêneas. LinkedScales sistematiza as múltiplas etapas de integração em escalas, partindo de representações brutas (escalas mais baixas), indo gradualmente para estruturas semelhantes a ontologias (escalas mais altas). LinkedScales define um modelo de dados e um processo de integração sistemático e sob demanda, através de transformações em um banco de dados de grafos. Resultados intermediários são encapsulados em escalas reutilizáveis e transformações entre escalas são rastreadas em um grafo de proveniência ortogonal, que conecta objetos entre escalas. Posteriormente, consultas ao dataspace podem considerar objetos nas escalas e o grafo de proveniência ortogonal. Aplicações práticas de LinkedScales são tratadas através de dois estudos de caso, um no domínio da biologia -- abordando um cenário de análise centrada em organismos -- e outro no domínio médico -- com foco em dados de medicina baseada em evidênciasAbstract: Biological and medical sciences increasingly need a unified, network-driven approach for exploring relationships and interactions among data elements. Nevertheless, essential data is frequently scattered across sources with multiple levels of heterogeneity. Existing data integration approaches usually adopt specialized, heavyweight strategies, requiring a costly upfront effort to produce monolithic solutions for handling specific formats and schemas. Furthermore, such ad-hoc strategies hamper the reuse of intermediary integration tasks and outcomes. This work proposes LinkedScales, a multiscale-based dataspace designed to support the progressive construction of a unified view of heterogeneous sources. It departs from raw representations (lower scales) and goes towards ontology-like structures (higher scales). LinkedScales defines a data model and a systematic, gradual integration process via operations over a graph database. Intermediary outcomes are encapsulated as reusable scales, tracking the provenance of inter-scale operations. Later, queries can combine both scale data and orthogonal provenance information. Practical applications of LinkedScales are discussed through two case studies on the biology domain -- addressing an organism-centric analysis scenario -- and the medical domain -- focusing on evidence-based medicine dataDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computação141353/2015-5CAPESCNP

    Incrementally improving dataspaces based on user feedback

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    One aspect of the vision of dataspaces has been articulated as providing various benefits of classical data integration with reduced up-front costs. In this paper, we present techniques that aim to support schema mapping specification through interaction with end users in a pay-as-you-go fashion. In particular, we show how schema mappings, that are obtained automatically using existing matching and mapping generation techniques, can be annotated with metrics estimating their fitness to user requirements using feedback on query results obtained from end users. Using the annotations computed on the basis of user feedback, and given user requirements in terms of precision and recall, we present a method for selecting the set of mappings that produce results meeting the stated requirements. In doing so, we cast mapping selection as an optimization problem. Feedback may reveal that the quality of schema mappings is poor. We show how mapping annotations can be used to support the derivation of better quality mappings from existing mappings through refinement. An evolutionary algorithm is used to efficiently and effectively explore the large space of mappings that can be obtained through refinement. User feedback can also be used to annotate the results of the queries that the user poses against an integration schema. We show how estimates for precision and recall can be computed for such queries. We also investigate the problem of propagating feedback about the results of (integration) queries down to the mappings used to populate the base relations in the integration schema

    Web Data Integration for Non-Expert Users

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    oday, there is an abundance of structured data available on the web in the form of RDF graphs and relational (i.e., tabular) data. This data comes from heterogeneous sources, and realizing its full value requires integrating these sources so that they can be queried together. Due to the scale and heterogeneity of the data sources on the web, integrating them is typically an automatic process. However, automatic data integration approaches are not completely accurate since they infer semantics from syntax in data sources with a high degree of heterogeneity. Therefore, these automatic approaches can be considered as a first step to quickly get reasonable quality data integration output that can be used in issuing queries over the data sources. A second step is refining this output over time while it is being used. Interacting with the data sources through the output of the data integration system and refining this output requires expertise in data management, which limits the scope of this activity to power users and consequently limits the usability of data integration systems. This thesis focuses on helping non-expert users to access heterogeneous data sources through data integration systems, without requiring the users to have prior knowledge of the queried data sources or exposing them to the details of the output of the data integration system. In addition, the users can provide feedback over the answers to their queries, which can then be used to refine and improve the quality of the data integration output. The thesis studies both RDF and relational data. For RDF data, the thesis focuses on helping non-expert users to query heterogeneous RDF data sources, and utilizing their feedback over query answers to improve the quality of the interlinking between these data sources. For relational data, the thesis focuses on improving the quality of the mediated schema for a set of relational data sources and the semantic mappings between these sources based on user feedback over query answers

    Extensible metadata management framework for personal data lake

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    Common Internet users today are inundated with a deluge of diverse data being generated and siloed in a variety of digital services, applications, and a growing body of personal computing devices as we enter the era of the Internet of Things. Alongside potential privacy compromises, users are facing increasing difficulties in managing their data and are losing control over it. There appears to be a de facto agreement in business and scientific fields that there is critical new value and interesting insight that can be attained by users from analysing their own data, if only it can be freed from its silos and combined with other data in meaningful ways. This thesis takes the point of view that users should have an easy-to-use modern personal data management solution that enables them to centralise and efficiently manage their data by themselves, under their full control, for their best interests, with minimum time and efforts. In that direction, we describe the basic architecture of a management solution that is designed based on solid theoretical foundations and state of the art big data technologies. This solution (called Personal Data Lake - PDL) collects the data of a user from a plurality of heterogeneous personal data sources and stores it into a highly-scalable schema-less storage repository. To simplify the user-experience of PDL, we propose a novel extensible metadata management framework (MMF) that: (i) annotates heterogeneous data with rich lineage and semantic metadata, (ii) exploits the garnered metadata for automating data management workflows in PDL – with extensive focus on data integration, and (iii) facilitates the use and reuse of the stored data for various purposes by querying it on the metadata level either directly by the user or through third party personal analytics services. We first show how the proposed MMF is positioned in PDL architecture, and then describe its principal components. Specifically, we introduce a simple yet effective lineage manager for tracking the provenance of personal data in PDL. We then introduce an ontology-based data integration component called SemLinker which comprises two new algorithms; the first concerns generating graph-based representations to express the native schemas of (semi) structured personal data, and the second algorithm metamodels the extracted representations to a common extensible ontology. SemLinker outputs are utilised by MMF to generate user-tailored unified views that are optimised for querying heterogeneous personal data through low-level SPARQL or high-level SQL-like queries. Next, we introduce an unsupervised automatic keyphrase extraction algorithm called SemCluster that specialises in extracting thematically important keyphrases from unstructured data, and associating each keyphrase with ontological information drawn from an extensible WordNet-based ontology. SemCluster outputs serve as semantic metadata and are utilised by MMF to annotate unstructured contents in PDL, thus enabling various management functionalities such as relationship discovery and semantic search. Finally, we describe how MMF can be utilised to perform holistic integration of personal data and jointly querying it in native representations