98 research outputs found

    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark Interactive workload v2: A transactional graph query benchmark with deep delete operations

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    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark's Interactive workload captures an OLTP scenario operating on a correlated social network graph. It consists of complex graph queries executed concurrently with a stream of updates operation. Since its initial release in 2015, the Interactive workload has become the de facto industry standard for benchmarking transactional graph data management systems. As graph systems have matured and the community's understanding of graph processing features has evolved, we initiated the renewal of this benchmark. This paper describes the Interactive v2 workload with several new features: delete operations, a cheapest path-finding query, support for larger data sets, and a novel temporal parameter curation algorithm that ensures stable runtimes for path queries

    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark Interactive workload v2: A transactional graph query benchmark with deep delete operations

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    The LDBC Social Network Benchmark’s Interactive workload captures an OLTP scenario operating on a correlated social network graph. It consists of complex graph queries executed concurrently with a stream of updates operation. Since its initial release in 2015, the Interactive workload has become the de facto industry standard for benchmarking transactional graph data management systems. As graph systems have matured and the community’s understanding of graph processing features has evolved, we initiated the renewal of this benchmark. This paper describes the draft Interactive v2 workload with several new features: delete operations, a cheapest path-finding query, support for larger data sets, and a novel temporal parameter curation algorithm that ensures stable runtimes for path queries

    Models and Algorithms for Persistent Queries over Streaming Graphs

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    It is natural to model and represent interaction data as graphs in a broad range of domains such as online social networks, protein interaction data, and e-commerce applications. A number of emerging applications require continuous processing and querying of interaction data that evolves at a high rate, in near real-time, which can be modelled as a streaming graph. Persistent queries, where queries are registered into the system and new results are generated incrementally as the graph edges arrive, facilitate online analysis and real-time monitoring over streaming data. Processing persistent queries over streaming graphs combines two seemingly different but challenging problems: graph querying and streaming processing. Existing systems fail to support these workloads due to (i) the complexity of graph queries that feature recursive path navigations, subgraph patterns, and path manipulation, and (ii) the unboundedness and growth rate of streaming graphs that make it infeasible to employ batch algorithms. Consequently, a growing number of applications rely on specialized solutions tailored to specific application needs. This thesis introduces foundational techniques for efficient processing of persistent queries over streaming graphs to support this emerging class of applications in a principled manner. The main contribution of this thesis is the design and development of a general-purpose streaming graph query processing framework. The novel challenges of persistent queries over streaming graphs dictate rethinking the components of the well-established query processor architecture, and this thesis introduces the models and algorithms to address these challenges uniformly. The central notion of Streaming Graph Query precisely characterizes the semantics of persistent queries over streaming graphs, making it possible to reason about the expressiveness and the complexity of queries targeted by the aforementioned applications. Streaming Graph Algebra, defined as a closure of a set of operators over streaming graphs, provides the primitive building blocks for evaluating and optimizing streaming graph queries. Efficient, incremental algorithms as the physical implementations of streaming graph algebra operators are provided, enabling streaming graph queries to be evaluated in a data-driven fashion. It is shown that the proposed algebra constitutes the foundational tool for the cost-based optimization of streaming graph queries by providing an algebraic basis for query evaluation. Overall, this thesis provides principled solutions to fundamental challenges for efficient querying of streaming graphs and describes the design and implementation of a general-purpose streaming graph query processing framework

    Automatic physical database design : recommending materialized views

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    This work discusses physical database design while focusing on the problem of selecting materialized views for improving the performance of a database system. We first address the satisfiability and implication problems for mixed arithmetic constraints. The results are used to support the construction of a search space for view selection problems. We proposed an approach for constructing a search space based on identifying maximum commonalities among queries and on rewriting queries using views. These commonalities are used to define candidate views for materialization from which an optimal or near-optimal set can be chosen as a solution to the view selection problem. Using a search space constructed this way, we address a specific instance of the view selection problem that aims at minimizing the view maintenance cost of multiple materialized views using multi-query optimization techniques. Further, we study this same problem in the context of a commercial database management system in the presence of memory and time restrictions. We also suggest a heuristic approach for maintaining the views while guaranteeing that the restrictions are satisfied. Finally, we consider a dynamic version of the view selection problem where the workload is a sequence of query and update statements. In this case, the views can be created (materialized) and dropped during the execution of the workload. We have implemented our approaches to the dynamic view selection problem and performed extensive experimental testing. Our experiments show that our approaches perform in most cases better than previous ones in terms of effectiveness and efficiency

    Incremental Processing and Optimization of Update Streams

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    Over the recent years, we have seen an increasing number of applications in networking, sensor networks, cloud computing, and environmental monitoring, which monitor, plan, control, and make decisions over data streams from multiple sources. We are interested in extending traditional stream processing techniques to meet the new challenges of these applications. Generally, in order to support genuine continuous query optimization and processing over data streams, we need to systematically understand how to address incremental optimization and processing of update streams for a rich class of queries commonly used in the applications. Our general thesis is that efficient incremental processing and re-optimization of update streams can be achieved by various incremental view maintenance techniques if we cast the problems as incremental view maintenance problems over data streams. We focus on two incremental processing of update streams challenges currently not addressed in existing work on stream query processing: incremental processing of transitive closure queries over data streams, and incremental re-optimization of queries. In addition to addressing these specific challenges, we also develop a working prototype system Aspen, which serves as an end-to-end stream processing system that has been deployed as the foundation for a case study of our SmartCIS application. We validate our solutions both analytically and empirically on top of our prototype system Aspen, over a variety of benchmark workloads such as TPC-H and LinearRoad Benchmarks

    Graph Processing in Main-Memory Column Stores

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    Evermore, novel and traditional business applications leverage the advantages of a graph data model, such as the offered schema flexibility and an explicit representation of relationships between entities. As a consequence, companies are confronted with the challenge of storing, manipulating, and querying terabytes of graph data for enterprise-critical applications. Although these business applications operate on graph-structured data, they still require direct access to the relational data and typically rely on an RDBMS to keep a single source of truth and access. Existing solutions performing graph operations on business-critical data either use a combination of SQL and application logic or employ a graph data management system. For the first approach, relying solely on SQL results in poor execution performance caused by the functional mismatch between typical graph operations and the relational algebra. To the worse, graph algorithms expose a tremendous variety in structure and functionality caused by their often domain-specific implementations and therefore can be hardly integrated into a database management system other than with custom coding. Since the majority of these enterprise-critical applications exclusively run on relational DBMSs, employing a specialized system for storing and processing graph data is typically not sensible. Besides the maintenance overhead for keeping the systems in sync, combining graph and relational operations is hard to realize as it requires data transfer across system boundaries. A basic ingredient of graph queries and algorithms are traversal operations and are a fundamental component of any database management system that aims at storing, manipulating, and querying graph data. Well-established graph traversal algorithms are standalone implementations relying on optimized data structures. The integration of graph traversals as an operator into a database management system requires a tight integration into the existing database environment and a development of new components, such as a graph topology-aware optimizer and accompanying graph statistics, graph-specific secondary index structures to speedup traversals, and an accompanying graph query language. In this thesis, we introduce and describe GRAPHITE, a hybrid graph-relational data management system. GRAPHITE is a performance-oriented graph data management system as part of an RDBMS allowing to seamlessly combine processing of graph data with relational data in the same system. We propose a columnar storage representation for graph data to leverage the already existing and mature data management and query processing infrastructure of relational database management systems. At the core of GRAPHITE we propose an execution engine solely based on set operations and graph traversals. Our design is driven by the observation that different graph topologies expose different algorithmic requirements to the design of a graph traversal operator. We derive two graph traversal implementations targeting the most common graph topologies and demonstrate how graph-specific statistics can be leveraged to select the optimal physical traversal operator. To accelerate graph traversals, we devise a set of graph-specific, updateable secondary index structures to improve the performance of vertex neighborhood expansion. Finally, we introduce a domain-specific language with an intuitive programming model to extend graph traversals with custom application logic at runtime. We use the LLVM compiler framework to generate efficient code that tightly integrates the user-specified application logic with our highly optimized built-in graph traversal operators. Our experimental evaluation shows that GRAPHITE can outperform native graph management systems by several orders of magnitude while providing all the features of an RDBMS, such as transaction support, backup and recovery, security and user management, effectively providing a promising alternative to specialized graph management systems that lack many of these features and require expensive data replication and maintenance processes

    GraphflowDB: Scalable Query Processing on Graph-Structured Relations

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    Finding patterns over graph-structured datasets is ubiquitous and integral to a wide range of analytical applications, e.g., recommendation and fraud detection. When expressed in the high-level query languages of database management systems (DBMSs), these patterns correspond to many-to-many join computations, which generate very large intermediate relations during query processing and degrade the performance of existing systems. This thesis argues that modern query processors need to adopt two novel techniques to be efficient on growing many-to-many joins: (i) worst-case optimal join algorithms; and (ii) factorized representations. Traditional query processors generate join plans that use binary joins, which in iteration take two relations, base or intermediate, to join and produce a new relation. The theory of worst-case optimal joins have shown that this style of join processing can be provably suboptimal and hence generate unnecessarily large intermediate results. This can be avoided on cyclic join queries if the join is performed in a multi-way fashion a join-attribute-at-a-time. As its first contribution, this thesis proposes the design and implementation of a query processor and optimizer that can generate plans that mix worst-case optimal joins, i.e., attribute-at-a-time joins and binary joins, i.e., table-at-a-time joins. In contrast to prior approaches with novel join optimizers that require solving hard computational problems, such as computing low-width hypertree decompositions of queries, our join optimizer is cost-based and uses a traditional dynamic programming approach with a new cost metric. On acyclic queries, or acyclic parts of queries, sometimes the generation of large intermediate results cannot be avoided. Yet, the theory of factorization has shown that often such intermediate results can be highly compressible if they contain multi-valued dependencies between join attributes. Factorization proposes two relation representation schemes, called f- and d-representations, to represent the large intermediate results generated under many-to-many joins in a compressed format. Existing proposals to adopt factorized representations require designing processing on fully materialized general tries and novel operators that operate on entire tries, which are not easy to adopt in existing systems. As a second contribution, we describe the implementation of a novel query processing approach we call factorized vector execution that adopts f-representations. Factorized vector execution extends the traditional vectorized query processors to use multiple blocks of vectors instead of a single block allowing us to factorize intermediate results and delay or even avoid Cartesian products. Importantly, our design ensures that every core operator in the system still performs computations on vectors. As a third contribution, we further describe how to extend our factorized vector execution model with novel operators to adopt d-representations, which extend f-representations with cached and reused sub-relations. Our design here is based on using nested hash tables that can point to sub-relations instead of copying them and on directed acyclic graph-based query plans. All of our techniques are implemented in the GraphflowDB system, which was developed throughout the years to facilitate the research in this thesis. We demonstrate that GraphflowDB’s query processor can outperform existing approaches and systems by orders of magnitude on both micro-benchmarks and end-to-end benchmarks. The designs proposed in this thesis adopt common-wisdom query processing techniques of pipelining, vector-based execution, and morsel-driven parallelism to ensure easy adoption in existing systems. We believe the design can serve as a blueprint for how to adopt these techniques in existing DBMSs to make them more efficient on workloads with many-to-many joins

    Efficient Online Processing for Advanced Analytics

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    With the advent of emerging technologies and the Internet of Things, the importance of online data analytics has become more pronounced. Businesses and companies are adopting approaches that provide responsive analytics to stay competitive in the global marketplace. Online analytics allow data analysts to promptly react to patterns or to gain preliminary insights from early results that aid in research, decision making, and effective strategy planning. The growth of data-velocity in a variety of domains including, high-frequency trading, social networks, infrastructure monitoring, and advertising require adopting online engines that can efficiently process continuous streams of data. This thesis presents foundations, techniques, and systems' design that extend the state-of-the-art in online query processing to efficiently support relational joins with arbitrary join-predicates (beyond traditional equi-joins); and to support other data models (beyond relational) that target machine learning and graph computations. The thesis is divided into two parts: We first present a brief overview of Squall, our open-source online query processing engine that supports SQL-like queries on top of streams. Then, we focus on extending Squall to support efficient theta-join processing. Scalable distributed join processing requires a partitioning policy that evenly distributes the processing load while minimizing the size of maintained state and duplicated messages. Efficient load-balance demands apriori-statistics which are not available in the online setting. We propose a novel operator that continuously adjusts itself to the data dynamics, through adaptive dataflow routing and state repartitioning. It is also resilient to data-skew, maintains high throughput rates, avoids blocking during state repartitioning, and behaves as a black-box dataflow operator with provable performance guarantees. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed operator outperforms the state-of-the-art static partitioning schemes in resource utilization, throughput, and execution time up to 7x. In the second part, we present a novel framework that supports the Incremental View Maintenance (IVM) of workloads expressed as linear algebra programs. Linear algebra represents a concrete substrate for advanced analytical tasks including, machine learning, scientific computation, and graph algorithms. Previous works on relational calculus IVM are not applicable to matrix algebra workloads. This is because a single entry change to an input-matrix results in changes all over the intermediate views, rendering IVM useless in comparison to re-evaluation. We present Lago, a unified modular compiler framework that supports the IVM of a broad class of linear algebra programs. Lago automatically derives and optimizes incremental trigger programs of analytical computations, while freeing the user from erroneous manual derivations, low-level implementation details, and performance tuning. We present a novel technique that captures Δ\Delta changes as low-rank matrices. Low-rank matrices are representable in a compressed factored form that enables cheaper computations. Lago automatically propagates the factored representation across program statements to derive an efficient trigger program. Moreover, Lago extends its support to other domains that use different semi-ring configurations, e.g., graph applications. Our evaluation results demonstrate orders of magnitude (10x-1

    A software architecture for electro-mobility services: a milestone for sustainable remote vehicle capabilities

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    To face the tough competition, changing markets and technologies in automotive industry, automakers have to be highly innovative. In the previous decades, innovations were electronics and IT-driven, which increased exponentially the complexity of vehicle’s internal network. Furthermore, the growing expectations and preferences of customers oblige these manufacturers to adapt their business models and to also propose mobility-based services. One other hand, there is also an increasing pressure from regulators to significantly reduce the environmental footprint in transportation and mobility, down to zero in the foreseeable future. This dissertation investigates an architecture for communication and data exchange within a complex and heterogeneous ecosystem. This communication takes place between various third-party entities on one side, and between these entities and the infrastructure on the other. The proposed solution reduces considerably the complexity of vehicle communication and within the parties involved in the ODX life cycle. In such an heterogeneous environment, a particular attention is paid to the protection of confidential and private data. Confidential data here refers to the OEM’s know-how which is enclosed in vehicle projects. The data delivered by a car during a vehicle communication session might contain private data from customers. Our solution ensures that every entity of this ecosystem has access only to data it has the right to. We designed our solution to be non-technological-coupling so that it can be implemented in any platform to benefit from the best environment suited for each task. We also proposed a data model for vehicle projects, which improves query time during a vehicle diagnostic session. The scalability and the backwards compatibility were also taken into account during the design phase of our solution. We proposed the necessary algorithms and the workflow to perform an efficient vehicle diagnostic with considerably lower latency and substantially better complexity time and space than current solutions. To prove the practicality of our design, we presented a prototypical implementation of our design. Then, we analyzed the results of a series of tests we performed on several vehicle models and projects. We also evaluated the prototype against quality attributes in software engineering

    Regular Path Query Evaluation on Streaming Graphs

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    We study persistent query evaluation over streaming graphs, which is becoming increasingly important. We focus on navigational queries that determine if there exists a path between two entities that satisfies a user-specified constraint. We adopt the Regular Path Query (RPQ) model that specifies navigational patterns with labeled constraints. We propose deterministic algorithms to efficiently evaluate persistent RPQs under both arbitrary and simple path semantics in a uniform manner. Experimental analysis on real and synthetic streaming graphs shows that the proposed algorithms can process up to tens of thousands of edges per second and efficiently answer RPQs that are commonly used in real-world workloads.Comment: A shorter version of this paper has been accepted for publication in 2020 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2020
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