28 research outputs found

    Incremental Linear Discriminant analysis for classification of Data Streams

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    This paper presents a constructive method for deriving an updated discriminant eigenspace for classification when bursts of data that contains new classes is being added to an initial discriminant eigenspace in the form of random chunks. Basically, we propose an incremental linear discriminant analysis (ILDA) in its two forms: a sequential ILDA and a Chunk ILDA. In experiments, we have tested ILDA using datasets with a small number of classes and small-dimensional features, as well as datasets with a large number of classes and large-dimensional features. We have compared the proposed ILDA against the traditional batch LDA in terms of discriminability, execution time and memory usage with the increasing volume of data addition. The results show that the proposed ILDA can effectively evolve a discriminant eigenspace over a fast and large data stream, and extract features with superior discriminability in classification, when compared with other methods. © 2005 IEEE

    Online Person Identification based on Multitask Learning

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    In the digital world, everything is digitized and data are generated consecutively over the times. To deal with this situation, incremental learning plays an important role. One of the important applications that needs an incremental learning is person identification. On the other hand, password and code are no longer the only way to prevent the unauthorized person to access the information and it tends to be forgotten.  Therefore, biometric characteristics system is introduced to solve the problems. However, recognition based on single biometric may not be effective, thus, multitask learning is needed. To solve the problems, incremental learning is applied for person identification based on multitask learning. Considering that the complete data is not possible to be collected at one time, online learning is adopted to update the system accordingly. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to create a feature space while Incremental LDA (ILDA) is adopted to update LDA. Through multitask learning, not only human faces are trained, but fingerprint images are trained in order to improve the performance. The performance of the system is evaluated by using 50 datasets which includes both male and female datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the learning time of ILDA is faster than LDA. Apart from that, the learning accuracies are evaluated by using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and achieve more than 80% for most of the simulation results. In the future, the system is suggested to be improved by using better sensor for all the biometrics. Other than that, incremental feature extraction is improved to deal with some other online learning problems

    Incremental Training of a Detector Using Online Sparse Eigen-decomposition

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    The ability to efficiently and accurately detect objects plays a very crucial role for many computer vision tasks. Recently, offline object detectors have shown a tremendous success. However, one major drawback of offline techniques is that a complete set of training data has to be collected beforehand. In addition, once learned, an offline detector can not make use of newly arriving data. To alleviate these drawbacks, online learning has been adopted with the following objectives: (1) the technique should be computationally and storage efficient; (2) the updated classifier must maintain its high classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient framework for learning an adaptive online greedy sparse linear discriminant analysis (GSLDA) model. Unlike many existing online boosting detectors, which usually apply exponential or logistic loss, our online algorithm makes use of LDA's learning criterion that not only aims to maximize the class-separation criterion but also incorporates the asymmetrical property of training data distributions. We provide a better alternative for online boosting algorithms in the context of training a visual object detector. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our methods on handwriting digit and face data sets. Our results confirm that object detection tasks benefit significantly when trained in an online manner.Comment: 14 page

    Online Linear Discriminant Analysis for Data Streams with Concept Drift

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    Various methods based on classical classification methods such as linear discriminant analysis (LDA) have been developed for working on data streams in situations with concept drift. Nevertheless, the updated classifiers of such methods may result in a bad prediction error rate in case the underlying distribution incrementally changes further on. Therefore, we invented a rather general extension to such methods to improve the forecasting quality. Under some assumptions we estimate a model for the time-dependent concept drift that is used to predict the forthcoming distributions of the features. These predictions of distributions are finally used in the LDA to build the classification rule and hence for predicting new observations. In a simulation study we consider different kinds of concept drift and compare the new extended methods with the methods these are based on

    Online Person Identification based on Multitask Learning

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    In the digital world, everything is digitized and data are generated consecutively over the times. To deal with this situation, incremental learning plays an important role. One of the important applications that needs an incremental learning is person identification. On the other hand, password and code are no longer the only way to prevent the unauthorized person to access the information and it tends to be forgotten. Therefore, biometric characteristics system is introduced to solve the problems. However, recognition based on single biometric may not be effective, thus, multitask learning is needed. To solve the problems, incremental learning is applied for person identification based on multitask learning. Considering that the complete data is not possible to be collected at one time, online learning is adopted to update the system accordingly. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is used to create a feature space while Incremental LDA (ILDA) is adopted to update LDA. Through multitask learning, not only human faces are trained, but fingerprint images are trained in order to improve the performance. The performance of the system is evaluated by using 50 datasets which includes both male and female datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the learning time of ILDA is faster than LDA. Apart from that, the learning accuracies are evaluated by using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and achieve more than 80% for most of the simulation results. In the future, the system is suggested to be improved by using better sensor for all the biometrics. Other than that, incremental feature extraction is improved to deal with some other online learning problems