137,386 research outputs found

    Incremental Discovery of Process Maps

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    Protsessikaeve on meetodite kogu, analĂŒĂŒsimaks protsesside teostuse jooksul loodud sĂŒndmuste logisid, et saada teavet nende parandamiseks. Protsessikaeve meetodite kogu, mida nimetatakse automatiseeritud protsessi avastuseks, lubab analĂŒĂŒtikutel leida informatsiooni Ă€riprotsesside mudelite kohta sĂŒndmuste logidest. Automatiseeritud protsessi avastusmeetodeid kasutatakse tavaliselt ĂŒhenduseta keskkonnas, mis tĂ€hendab, et protsessi mudel avastatakse hetketĂ”mmisena tervest sĂŒndmuste logist. Samas on olukordi, kus uued juhtumid tulevad peale sellise suure kiirusega, et ei ole mĂ”tet salvestada tervet sĂŒndmuste logi ja pidevalt nullist taasavastada mudelit. Selliste olukordade jaoks oleks vaja vĂ”rgus olevaid protsessi avastusmeetmeid. Andes sisendiks protsessi teostuse kĂ€igus loodud sĂŒndmuste voo, vĂ”rgus oleva protsessi avastusmeetodi eesmĂ€rk on jĂ€rjepidevalt uuendada protsessi mudelit, tehes seda piiratud hulga mĂ€luga ja sĂ€ilitades sama tĂ€psust, mida suudavad meetodid ĂŒhenduseta keskkondades. Olemasolevad meetodid vajavad palju mĂ€lu, et saavutada tulemusi, mis oleks vĂ”rreldavad ĂŒhenduseta keskkonnas saadud tulemustega. KĂ€esolev lĂ”putöö pakub vĂ€lja vĂ”rgus oleva protsessi avastusraamistiku, ĂŒhtlustades protsessi avastus probleemi vĂ€hemĂ€lu haldusega ja kasutades vĂ€hemĂ€lu asenduspoliitikaid lahendamaks antud probleemi. Loodud raamistik on kirjutatud kasutades .NET-i, integreeritud Minit protsessikaeve tööriistaga ja analĂŒĂŒsitud kasutades elulisi Ă€rijuhte.Process mining is a body of methods to analyze event logs produced during the execution of business processes in order to extract insights for their improvement. A family of process mining methods, known as automated process discovery, allows analysts to extract business process models from event logs. Traditional automated process discovery methods are intended to be used in an offline setting, meaning that the process model is extracted from a snapshot of an event log stored in its entirety. In some scenarios however, events keep coming with a high arrival rate to the extent that it is impractical to store the entire event log and to continuously re-discover a process model from scratch. Such scenarios require online automated process discovery approaches. Given an event stream produced by the execution of a business process, the goal of an online automated process discovery method is to maintain a continuously updated model of the process with a bounded amount of memory while at the same time achieving similar accuracy as offline methods. Existing automated discovery approaches require relatively large amounts of memory to achieve levels of accuracy comparable to that of offline methods. This thesis proposes a online process discovery framework that addresses this limitation by mapping the problem of online process discovery to that of cache memory management, and applying well-known cache replacement policies to the problem of online process discovery. The proposed framework has been implemented in .NET, integrated with the Minit process mining tool and comparatively evaluated against an existing baseline, using real-life datasets

    All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Towards Process Discovery Techniques with Guarantees

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    The aim of a process discovery algorithm is to construct from event data a process model that describes the underlying, real-world process well. Intuitively, the better the quality of the event data, the better the quality of the model that is discovered. However, existing process discovery algorithms do not guarantee this relationship. We demonstrate this by using a range of quality measures for both event data and discovered process models. This paper is a call to the community of IS engineers to complement their process discovery algorithms with properties that relate qualities of their inputs to those of their outputs. To this end, we distinguish four incremental stages for the development of such algorithms, along with concrete guidelines for the formulation of relevant properties and experimental validation. We will also use these stages to reflect on the state of the art, which shows the need to move forward in our thinking about algorithmic process discovery.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to the International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 202

    To Discovery and Beyond: Using Workflow Automation as an Opportunity for Collaboration and Education

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    This poster describes a project to automate portions of JMU Libraries\u27 workflow for distributing Special Collections finding aids to various discovery platforms. Through the development of a custom Python app called Spaceport, we were able to greatly improve the efficiency and sustainability of this process while also providing a more consistent discovery experience for our patrons. The project also had broad impacts in other areas. Our incremental and collaborative approach provided space for professional development related to the project, supported evolving project goals and the process of adapting to the new workflow, and strengthened relationships between departments. In addition to describing these and other benefits, this poster includes an overview of the Spaceport app\u27s functionality along with recommended learning resources for technologies used in the project, including XSLTs, Python scripting, and APIs

    A review of associative classification mining

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    Associative classification mining is a promising approach in data mining that utilizes the association rule discovery techniques to construct classification systems, also known as associative classifiers. In the last few years, a number of associative classification algorithms have been proposed, i.e. CPAR, CMAR, MCAR, MMAC and others. These algorithms employ several different rule discovery, rule ranking, rule pruning, rule prediction and rule evaluation methods. This paper focuses on surveying and comparing the state-of-the-art associative classification techniques with regards to the above criteria. Finally, future directions in associative classification, such as incremental learning and mining low-quality data sets, are also highlighted in this paper
