6 research outputs found

    A GA-Based Approach to Hide Sensitive High Utility Itemsets

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    A GA-based privacy preserving utility mining method is proposed to find appropriate transactions to be inserted into the database for hiding sensitive high utility itemsets. It maintains the low information loss while providing information to the data demanders and protects the high-risk information in the database. A flexible evaluation function with three factors is designed in the proposed approach to evaluate whether the processed transactions are required to be inserted. Three different weights are, respectively, assigned to the three factors according to users. Moreover, the downward closure property and the prelarge concept are adopted in the proposed approach to reduce the cost of rescanning database, thus speeding up the evaluation process of chromosomes

    An Incremental High-Utility Mining Algorithm with Transaction Insertion

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    Association-rule mining is commonly used to discover useful and meaningful patterns from a very large database. It only considers the occurrence frequencies of items to reveal the relationships among itemsets. Traditional association-rule mining is, however, not suitable in real-world applications since the purchased items from a customer may have various factors, such as profit or quantity. High-utility mining was designed to solve the limitations of association-rule mining by considering both the quantity and profit measures. Most algorithms of high-utility mining are designed to handle the static database. Fewer researches handle the dynamic high-utility mining with transaction insertion, thus requiring the computations of database rescan and combination explosion of pattern-growth mechanism. In this paper, an efficient incremental algorithm with transaction insertion is designed to reduce computations without candidate generation based on the utility-list structures. The enumeration tree and the relationships between 2-itemsets are also adopted in the proposed algorithm to speed up the computations. Several experiments are conducted to show the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of runtime, memory consumption, and number of generated patterns

    A study on incremental mining of frequent patterns

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    Data generated from both the offline and online sources are incremental in nature. Changes in the underlying database occur due to the incremental data. Mining frequent patterns are costly in changing databases, since it requires scanning the database from the start. Thus, mining of growing databases has been a great concern. To mine the growing databases, a new Data Mining technique called Incremental Mining has emerged. The Incremental Mining uses previous mining result to get the desired knowledge by reducing mining costs in terms of time and space. This state of the art paper focuses on Incremental Mining approaches and identifies suitable approaches which are the need of real world problem.Keywords: Data Mining, Frequent Pattern, Incremental Mining, Frequent Pattern Minung, High Utility Mining, Constraint Mining

    Incrementally updating the high average-utility patterns with pre-large concept

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    High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) is considered as an emerging approach to detect the high-utility patterns from databases. Most existing algorithms of HUIM only consider the itemset utility regardless of the length. This limitation raises the utility as a result of a growing itemset size. High average-utility itemset mining (HAUIM) considers the size of the itemset, thus providing a more balanced scale to measure the average-utility for decision-making. Several algorithms were presented to efficiently mine the set of high average-utility itemsets (HAUIs) but most of them focus on handling static databases. In the past, a fast-updated (FUP)-based algorithm was developed to efficiently handle the incremental problem but it still has to re-scan the database when the itemset in the original database is small but there is a high average-utility upper-bound itemset (HAUUBI) in the newly inserted transactions. In this paper, an efficient framework called PRE-HAUIMI for transaction insertion in dynamic databases is developed, which relies on the average-utility-list (AUL) structures. Moreover, we apply the pre-large concept on HAUIM. A pre-large concept is used to speed up the mining performance, which can ensure that if the total utility in the newly inserted transaction is within the safety bound, the small itemsets in the original database could not be the large ones after the database is updated. This, in turn, reduces the recurring database scans and obtains the correct HAUIs. Experiments demonstrate that the PRE-HAUIMI outperforms the state-of-the-art batch mode HAUI-Miner, and the state-of-the-art incremental IHAUPM and FUP-based algorithms in terms of runtime, memory, number of assessed patterns and scalability.publishedVersio