129 research outputs found

    Unterstützung der Wissensarbeit durch Künstliche Intelligenz - Anforderungen an die Gestaltung maschinellen Lernens

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    Entwicklungen der Informationstechnologie stellen zunehmend Möglichkeiten bereit, den menschlichen „Wissensarbeiter“ durch kognitive Assistenzsysteme auf Basis Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in seinen Entscheidungen oder Aktionen zu unterstützen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wollen wir beleuchten, welche Anforderungen an die zugrundeliegenden maschinellen Lernverfahren zu stellen sind, um die individuelle sowie gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz solcher „Augmented Intelligence“ zu gewährleisten

    Analysing the Security Aspects of IoT using Blockchain and Cryptographic Algorithms

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    Technological advancement is a never-ending field that shows its evolution from time to time. In 1832, with the invention of the electromagnetic telegraph, the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) began. Within the time of 190 years, this technological domain has revolutionized IoT and made it omnipresent. However, with this evolved and omnipresent nature of IoT, many drawbacks, privacy, interoperability, and security issues have also been generated. These different concerns should be tackled with some newer technologies rather than the conventional ones as somehow, they are only the generator of those issues. Outdated Security could be an appropriate issue of IoT along with the centralized point of failure. It also possesses more concerns and challenges to tackle. On the other side, there is a visible solution to address the challenges of IoT in this developing domain of technology. The visible approach is Blockchain which acted as the backbone in securing Bitcoin in 2008, which was created by the pseudo group named Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain has evolved from Blockchain 1.0 to Blockchain 4.0 as the latest one depicts its amalgamation with another component of Industry 4.0 i.e., Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI will give the ability to think logically and like humans. In addition to this SMART solution, there is also an advanced cryptographical technique known as the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) which can enhance the security spectrum of IoT if applied appropriately. This paper produces a vision to enhance and optimize the security of IoT using a network peer-to-peer technology Blockchain along with advanced cryptography

    Trust in Computational Intelligence Systems: A Case Study in Public Perceptions

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    The public debate and discussion about trust in Computational Intelligence (CI) systems is not new, but a topic that has seen a recent rise. This is mainly due to the explosion of technological innovations that have been brought to the attention of the public, from lab to reality usually through media reporting. This growth in the public attention was further compounded by the 2018 GDPR legislation and new laws regarding the right to explainable systems, such as the use of “accurate data”, “clear logic” and the “use of appropriate mathematical and statistical procedures for profiling”. Therefore, trust is not just a topic for debate – it must be addressed from the onset, through the selection of fundamental machine learning processes that are used to create models embedded within autonomous decision-making systems, to the selection of training, validation and testing data. This paper presents current work on trust in the field of Computational Intelligence systems and discusses the legal framework we should ascribe to trust in CI systems. A case study examining current public perceptions of recent CI inspired technologies which took part at a national science festival is presented with some surprising results. Finally, we look at current research underway that is aiming to increase trust in Computational Intelligent systems and we identify a clear educational gap