1,584 research outputs found

    Task Migration for Fault-Tolerance in Mixed-Criticality Embedded Systems

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    In this paper we are interested in mixed-criticality embed-ded applications implemented on distributed architectures. Depending on their time-criticality, tasks can be hard or soft real-time and regarding safety-criticality, tasks can be fault-tolerant to transient faults, permanent faults, or have no dependability requirements. We use Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling for the hard tasks and the Constant Bandwidth Server (CBS) for the soft tasks. The CBS pa-rameters determine the quality of service (QoS) of soft tasks. Transient faults are tolerated using checkpointing with roll-back recovery. For tolerating permanent faults in proces-sors, we use task migration, i.e., restarting the safety-critical tasks on other processors. We propose a Greedy-based on-line heuristic for the migration of safety-critical tasks, in response to permanent faults, and the adjustment of CBS parameters on the target processors, such that the faults are tolerated, the deadlines for the hard real-time tasks are sat-isfied and the QoS for soft tasks is maximized. The proposed online adaptive approach has been evaluated using several synthetic benchmarks and a real-life case study. 1

    Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems with Checkpointing and Replication

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    We present an approach to the synthesis of fault-tolerant hard real-time systems for safety-critical applications. We use checkpointing with rollback recovery and active replication for tolerating transient faults. Processes are statically scheduled and communications are performed using the time-triggered protocol. Our synthesis approach decides the assignment of fault-tolerance policies to processes, the optimal placement of checkpoints and the mapping of processes to processors such that transient faults are tolerated and the timing constraints of the application are satisfied. We present several synthesis algorithms which are able to find fault-tolerant implementations given a limited amount of resources. The developed algorithms are evaluated using extensive experiments, including a real-life example. 1

    Resource management for extreme scale high performance computing systems in the presence of failures

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    2018 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.High performance computing (HPC) systems, such as data centers and supercomputers, coordinate the execution of large-scale computation of applications over tens or hundreds of thousands of multicore processors. Unfortunately, as the size of HPC systems continues to grow towards exascale complexities, these systems experience an exponential growth in the number of failures occurring in the system. These failures reduce performance and increase energy use, reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of emerging extreme-scale HPC systems. Applications executing in parallel on individual multicore processors also suffer from decreased performance and increased energy use as a result of applications being forced to share resources, in particular, the contention from multiple application threads sharing the last-level cache causes performance degradation. These challenges make it increasingly important to characterize and optimize the performance and behavior of applications that execute in these systems. To address these challenges, in this dissertation we propose a framework for intelligently characterizing and managing extreme-scale HPC system resources. We devise various techniques to mitigate the negative effects of failures and resource contention in HPC systems. In particular, we develop new HPC resource management techniques for intelligently utilizing system resources through the (a) optimal scheduling of applications to HPC nodes and (b) the optimal configuration of fault resilience protocols. These resource management techniques employ information obtained from historical analysis as well as theoretical and machine learning methods for predictions. We use these data to characterize system performance, energy use, and application behavior when operating under the uncertainty of performance degradation from both system failures and resource contention. We investigate how to better characterize and model the negative effects from system failures as well as application co-location on large-scale HPC computing systems. Our analysis of application and system behavior also investigates: the interrelated effects of network usage of applications and fault resilience protocols; checkpoint interval selection and its sensitivity to system parameters for various checkpoint-based fault resilience protocols; and performance comparisons of various promising strategies for fault resilience in exascale-sized systems

    Characterizing Deep-Learning I/O Workloads in TensorFlow

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    The performance of Deep-Learning (DL) computing frameworks rely on the performance of data ingestion and checkpointing. In fact, during the training, a considerable high number of relatively small files are first loaded and pre-processed on CPUs and then moved to accelerator for computation. In addition, checkpointing and restart operations are carried out to allow DL computing frameworks to restart quickly from a checkpoint. Because of this, I/O affects the performance of DL applications. In this work, we characterize the I/O performance and scaling of TensorFlow, an open-source programming framework developed by Google and specifically designed for solving DL problems. To measure TensorFlow I/O performance, we first design a micro-benchmark to measure TensorFlow reads, and then use a TensorFlow mini-application based on AlexNet to measure the performance cost of I/O and checkpointing in TensorFlow. To improve the checkpointing performance, we design and implement a burst buffer. We find that increasing the number of threads increases TensorFlow bandwidth by a maximum of 2.3x and 7.8x on our benchmark environments. The use of the tensorFlow prefetcher results in a complete overlap of computation on accelerator and input pipeline on CPU eliminating the effective cost of I/O on the overall performance. The use of a burst buffer to checkpoint to a fast small capacity storage and copy asynchronously the checkpoints to a slower large capacity storage resulted in a performance improvement of 2.6x with respect to checkpointing directly to slower storage on our benchmark environment.Comment: Accepted for publication at pdsw-DISCS 201

    A Survey of Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Embedded Systems from the Perspective of Power, Energy, and Thermal Issues

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    The relentless technology scaling has provided a significant increase in processor performance, but on the other hand, it has led to adverse impacts on system reliability. In particular, technology scaling increases the processor susceptibility to radiation-induced transient faults. Moreover, technology scaling with the discontinuation of Dennard scaling increases the power densities, thereby temperatures, on the chip. High temperature, in turn, accelerates transistor aging mechanisms, which may ultimately lead to permanent faults on the chip. To assure a reliable system operation, despite these potential reliability concerns, fault-tolerance techniques have emerged. Specifically, fault-tolerance techniques employ some kind of redundancies to satisfy specific reliability requirements. However, the integration of fault-tolerance techniques into real-time embedded systems complicates preserving timing constraints. As a remedy, many task mapping/scheduling policies have been proposed to consider the integration of fault-tolerance techniques and enforce both timing and reliability guarantees for real-time embedded systems. More advanced techniques aim additionally at minimizing power and energy while at the same time satisfying timing and reliability constraints. Recently, some scheduling techniques have started to tackle a new challenge, which is the temperature increase induced by employing fault-tolerance techniques. These emerging techniques aim at satisfying temperature constraints besides timing and reliability constraints. This paper provides an in-depth survey of the emerging research efforts that exploit fault-tolerance techniques while considering timing, power/energy, and temperature from the real-time embedded systems’ design perspective. In particular, the task mapping/scheduling policies for fault-tolerance real-time embedded systems are reviewed and classified according to their considered goals and constraints. Moreover, the employed fault-tolerance techniques, application models, and hardware models are considered as additional dimensions of the presented classification. Lastly, this survey gives deep insights into the main achievements and shortcomings of the existing approaches and highlights the most promising ones

    Design Optimization of Time- and Cost-Constrained Fault-Tolerant Embedded Systems with Checkpointing and Replication

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    We present an approach to the synthesis of fault-tolerant hard real-time systems for safety-critical applications. We use checkpointing with rollback recovery and active replication for tolerating transient faults. Processes and communications are statically scheduled. Our synthesis approach decides the assign-ment of fault-tolerance policies to processes, the optimal place-ent of checkpoints and the mapping of processes to processors such that multiple transient faults are tolerated and the timing con-straints of the application are satisfied. We present several design optimization approaches which are able to find fault-tolerant im-plementations given a limited amount of resources. The developed algorithms are evaluated using extensive experiments, including a real-life example

    Lock-V: a heterogeneous fault tolerance architecture based on Arm and RISC-V

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    This article presents Lock-V, a heterogeneous fault tolerance architecture that explores a dual-core lockstep (DCLS) technique to mitigate single event upset (SEU) and common-mode failure (CMF) problems. The Lock-V was deployed in two versions, Lock-VA and Lock-VM by applying design diversity in two processor architectures at the instruction set architecture (ISA)-level. Lock-VA features an Arm Cortex-A9 with a RISC-V RV64GC, while Lock-VM includes an Arm Cortex-M3 along with a RISC-V RV32IMA processor. The solution explores fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) technology to deploy softcore versions of the RISC-V processors, and dedicated accelerators for performing error detection and triggering the software rollback system used for error recovery. To test Lock-V in both versions, a fault-injection mechanism was implemented to cause bit-flips in the processor registers, a common problem usually present in heavy radiation environments.This work has been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020