4 research outputs found

    Analysis of user-generated content from online social communities to characterize and predict depression degree

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    The identification of a mental disorder at its early stages is a challenging task because it requires clinical interventions that may not be feasible in many cases. Social media such as online communities and blog posts have shown some promising features to help detect and characterise mental disorder at an early stage. In this work, we make use of user-generated content to identify depression and further characterise its degree of severity. We used the user-generated post contents and its associated mood tag to understand and differentiate the linguistic style and sentiments of the user content. We applied machine learning and statistical analysis methods to discriminate the depressive posts and communities from non-depressive ones. The depression degree of a depressed post is identified using variations of valence values based on the mood tag. The proposed methodology achieved 90%, 95% and 92% accuracy for the classification of depressive posts, depressive communities and depression degree, respectively. </jats:p

    Networked Hospitality and Placemaking in the Sharing Economy

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    This article investigates the similarities and differences for tangible and intangible elements (factors and language use) contributing to placemaking in Airbnb English language reviews in Paris (59,057 reviews), Barcelona (19,291 reviews) and London (30,403 reviews). This paper contributes to provide new insights on the narrative construction of reputational capital which is connected to placemaking strategies. A combined quantitative approach using large scale text analysis enabled the analysis of review content and style. Patterns in the words usage were identified. Findings suggest that tangible and intangible elements work together in the discourse, contributing to the place-narrative built on the host’s reputational capital. The host-guest interaction is the main aspect of the reviews, followed by the importance of transport and local amenities. Cities have different profiles in the composition of the word clusters which indicates differences in the guests’ perceived experience. Keywords: Hospitality; Sharing economy; Placemaking; Airbnb, Narrative, Reputational capita

    A Rede de Hospedagem e o Placemaking na Economia Compartilhada: examinando o Airbnb

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    This article investigates the similarities and differences for tangible and intangible elements (factors and language use) contributing to placemaking in Airbnb English language reviews in Paris (59,057 reviews), Barcelona (19,291 reviews) and London (30,403 reviews). This paper contributes to provide new insights on the narrative construction of reputational capital which is connected to placemaking strategies. A combined quantitative approach using large scale text analysis enabled the analysis of review content and style. Patterns in the words usage were identified. Findings suggest that tangible and intangible elements work together in the discourse, contributing to the place-narrative built on the host’s reputational capital. The host-guest interaction is the main aspect of the reviews, followed by the importance of transport and local amenities. Cities have different profiles in the composition of the word clusters which indicates differences in the guests’ perceived experience.Este artigo investiga as semelhanças e diferenças de elementos tangíveis e intangíveis (fatores e uso da linguagem) que contribuem para placemaking nos comentários em inglês do Airbnb em Paris (59.057 avaliações), Barcelona (19.291 avaliações) e Londres (30.403 avaliações). Este artigo contribui para o estudo da narrativa em torno do capital reputacional ligado às estratégias de placemaking. Uma abordagem quantitativa usando análise de texto em larga escala permitiu a análise das avaliações em conteúdo e estilo de escrita, levando à identificação de padrões no uso da linguagem. Os resultados sugerem que elementos tangíveis e intangíveis atuam no discurso de forma concertada, contribuindo para a narrativa do lugar construída a partir do capital reputacional do anfitrião. A interação anfitrião-hóspede surge como o principal fator nas avaliações, seguido do transporte e das comodidades locais. As cidades têm perfis diferentes na composição dos clusters de palavras, o que indica diferenças na experiência percecionada pelos hóspedes.Este artículo investiga las similitudes y diferencias de elementos tangibles e intangibles que contribuyen al placemaking en las reseñas en inglés de Airbnb en París (59,057 reseñas), Barcelona (19,291 reseñas) y Londres (30,403 reseñas). Este artículo contribuye al estudio de la narrativa en torno al capital reputacional vinculado a las estrategias de placemaking. Un enfoque cuantitativo que utiliza análisis de texto a gran escala permitió el análisis de las reseñas en términos de contenido y estilo de escritura, lo que permitió la identificación de patrones en el uso del lenguaje. Los resultados indican que los elementos tangibles e intangibles actúan juntos en el discurso, contribuyendo a la narrativa del lugar construida a partir del capital reputacional del anfitrión. La interacción entre el anfitrión-huésped surge como el factor principal en las evaluaciones, seguido del transporte y las comodidades locales. Las ciudades tienen diferentes perfiles en la composición de los grupos de palabras, lo que indica diferencias en la experiencia percibida de los huéspedes