51,526 research outputs found

    Enriching Rare Word Representations in Neural Language Models by Embedding Matrix Augmentation

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    The neural language models (NLM) achieve strong generalization capability by learning the dense representation of words and using them to estimate probability distribution function. However, learning the representation of rare words is a challenging problem causing the NLM to produce unreliable probability estimates. To address this problem, we propose a method to enrich representations of rare words in pre-trained NLM and consequently improve its probability estimation performance. The proposed method augments the word embedding matrices of pre-trained NLM while keeping other parameters unchanged. Specifically, our method updates the embedding vectors of rare words using embedding vectors of other semantically and syntactically similar words. To evaluate the proposed method, we enrich the rare street names in the pre-trained NLM and use it to rescore 100-best hypotheses output from the Singapore English speech recognition system. The enriched NLM reduces the word error rate by 6% relative and improves the recognition accuracy of the rare words by 16% absolute as compared to the baseline NLM.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to INTERSPEECH 201

    From Little Words, Big Words Grow: Annotations on the Yo, Sí Puedo Experience in Brewarrina, Australia

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    This article is a reflection on the application of the Cuban literacy methodology Yo, Sí Puedo to the Australian setting. The Yo, Sí Puedo / Yes, I Can! model developed in Cuba by the Instituto Pedagógico Latinoamericano y Caribeño, IPLAC (Institute of Pedagogy for Latin America and the Caribbean) has been successfully implemented across the Global South as a strategy of adult literacy. It is a legacy of our Latin American revolutionary roots, with its origin in the Freirean pedagogy of the oppressed. Expanding across continents this model continues to teach reading and writing to disenfranchised adults in marginal and Indigenous communities, from the Argentinean Chaco to Brewarrina in northern NSW, Australia. Its aim is to contribute to the hope of improving the health and educational outcomes of the country’s First Peoples. This article is indebted to conversations with the Cuban advisor of Yes, I Can!, José Manuel Chala Leblanch. Observing him working in the classroom setting of Brewarrina touched me at different levels: personally because it reminded me of my own family experiences with the education system in my country, Argentina; and professionally as an educator negotiating different languages and cultures. It also reinforced my belief in the importance of incorporating Indigenous ways of learning and teaching to Western styles of teaching and learning. I built this reflection moving from personal and poetic—visual and textual—narratives and observations to academic interventions informed by researched literature on adult and Indigenous education

    Contours of Inclusion: Inclusive Arts Teaching and Learning

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    The purpose of this publication is to share models and case examples of the process of inclusive arts curriculum design and evaluation. The first section explains the conceptual and curriculum frameworks that were used in the analysis and generation of the featured case studies (i.e. Understanding by Design, Differentiated Instruction, and Universal Design for Learning). Data for the cases studies was collected from three urban sites (i.e. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boston) and included participant observations, student and teacher interviews, curriculum documentation, digital documentation of student learning, and transcripts from discussion forum and teleconference discussions from a professional learning community.The initial case studies by Glass and Barnum use the curricular frameworks to analyze and understand what inclusive practices look like in two case studies of arts-in-education programs that included students with disabilities. The second set of precedent case studies by Kronenberg and Blair, and Jenkins and Agois Hurel uses the frameworks to explain their process of including students by providing flexible arts learning options to support student learning of content standards. Both sets of case studies illuminate curricular design decisions and instructional strategies that supported the active engagement and learning of students with disabilities in educational settings shared with their peers. The second set of cases also illustrate the reflective process of using frameworks like Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to guide curricular design, responsive instructional differentiation, and the use of the arts as a rich, meaningful, and engaging option to support learning. Appended are curriculum design and evaluation tools. (Individual chapters contain references.

    Crossing the Border Historical and Linguistic Divides Among the Bunaq in Central Timor

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    The Bunaq are a Papuan language-speaking people straddling the border of Indonesian West Timor and independent East Timor. This paper looks at the history of the Bunaq as a “border“ people in Timor. “Border“ is interpreted here in two ways, as referring to: (i) a political division, the boundary line separating one country from another, and (ii) a linguistic division, the distinguishing line between Papuan and Austronesian languages. I examine the effect that the Bunaq position at the political and linguistic borders of Timor has had on the people and their language

    Neural Mechanisms for Information Compression by Multiple Alignment, Unification and Search

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    This article describes how an abstract framework for perception and cognition may be realised in terms of neural mechanisms and neural processing. This framework — called information compression by multiple alignment, unification and search (ICMAUS) — has been developed in previous research as a generalized model of any system for processing information, either natural or artificial. It has a range of applications including the analysis and production of natural language, unsupervised inductive learning, recognition of objects and patterns, probabilistic reasoning, and others. The proposals in this article may be seen as an extension and development of Hebb’s (1949) concept of a ‘cell assembly’. The article describes how the concept of ‘pattern’ in the ICMAUS framework may be mapped onto a version of the cell assembly concept and the way in which neural mechanisms may achieve the effect of ‘multiple alignment’ in the ICMAUS framework. By contrast with the Hebbian concept of a cell assembly, it is proposed here that any one neuron can belong in one assembly and only one assembly. A key feature of present proposals, which is not part of the Hebbian concept, is that any cell assembly may contain ‘references’ or ‘codes’ that serve to identify one or more other cell assemblies. This mechanism allows information to be stored in a compressed form, it provides a robust mechanism by which assemblies may be connected to form hierarchies and other kinds of structure, it means that assemblies can express abstract concepts, and it provides solutions to some of the other problems associated with cell assemblies. Drawing on insights derived from the ICMAUS framework, the article also describes how learning may be achieved with neural mechanisms. This concept of learning is significantly different from the Hebbian concept and appears to provide a better account of what we know about human learning

    Cultural Reproduction of the Jawi Book in the Recitation Tradition in Palembang

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    The Jawi Books, an essential component of Islamic teachings in Southeast Asia, plays a vital role in cultural and religious education. Its study in Palembang, Indonesia, provides insights into the processes of cultural reproduction and adaptation within a contemporary context. This qualitative research explores the teaching methods, motivations, and cultural implications associated with studying the Jawi Books in Palembang. The methodology includes interviews with local scholars, observations of teaching sessions, and an analysis of the content and usage of the Jawi Book in various religious assemblies. The research discovered that the primary motivation for studying the Jawi Books is to aid local congregations in understanding Arabic texts. Despite its historical roots, the Jawi Books remains a significant source of religious knowledge, supported by a strong network of scholars across regions such as Kalimantan, Aceh, Malaysia, and Thailand. The teaching methods are varied, combining traditional approaches like the talaqqi method with modern digital platforms, including YouTube. The study uncovers a symbolic power struggle in the interpretation between Hadromaut and local Palembang clerics, suggesting widespread cultural assimilation. The study of the Jawi Books in Palembang is a prime example of cultural reproduction, adapting traditional Islamic teachings to contemporary needs and contexts, which is crucial for maintaining the relevance and transmission of religious knowledge across generations. These findings underscore the importance of local interpretations and teaching methods in preserving cultural and religious identities in an increasingly globalized world
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