1,950 research outputs found

    Listening between the Lines: Learning Personal Attributes from Conversations

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    Open-domain dialogue agents must be able to converse about many topics while incorporating knowledge about the user into the conversation. In this work we address the acquisition of such knowledge, for personalization in downstream Web applications, by extracting personal attributes from conversations. This problem is more challenging than the established task of information extraction from scientific publications or Wikipedia articles, because dialogues often give merely implicit cues about the speaker. We propose methods for inferring personal attributes, such as profession, age or family status, from conversations using deep learning. Specifically, we propose several Hidden Attribute Models, which are neural networks leveraging attention mechanisms and embeddings. Our methods are trained on a per-predicate basis to output rankings of object values for a given subject-predicate combination (e.g., ranking the doctor and nurse professions high when speakers talk about patients, emergency rooms, etc). Experiments with various conversational texts including Reddit discussions, movie scripts and a collection of crowdsourced personal dialogues demonstrate the viability of our methods and their superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: published in WWW'1

    Demographic Inference and Representative Population Estimates from Multilingual Social Media Data

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    Social media provide access to behavioural data at an unprecedented scale and granularity. However, using these data to understand phenomena in a broader population is difficult due to their non-representativeness and the bias of statistical inference tools towards dominant languages and groups. While demographic attribute inference could be used to mitigate such bias, current techniques are almost entirely monolingual and fail to work in a global environment. We address these challenges by combining multilingual demographic inference with post-stratification to create a more representative population sample. To learn demographic attributes, we create a new multimodal deep neural architecture for joint classification of age, gender, and organization-status of social media users that operates in 32 languages. This method substantially outperforms current state of the art while also reducing algorithmic bias. To correct for sampling biases, we propose fully interpretable multilevel regression methods that estimate inclusion probabilities from inferred joint population counts and ground-truth population counts. In a large experiment over multilingual heterogeneous European regions, we show that our demographic inference and bias correction together allow for more accurate estimates of populations and make a significant step towards representative social sensing in downstream applications with multilingual social media.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW '19

    Urban2Vec: Incorporating Street View Imagery and POIs for Multi-Modal Urban Neighborhood Embedding

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    Understanding intrinsic patterns and predicting spatiotemporal characteristics of cities require a comprehensive representation of urban neighborhoods. Existing works relied on either inter- or intra-region connectivities to generate neighborhood representations but failed to fully utilize the informative yet heterogeneous data within neighborhoods. In this work, we propose Urban2Vec, an unsupervised multi-modal framework which incorporates both street view imagery and point-of-interest (POI) data to learn neighborhood embeddings. Specifically, we use a convolutional neural network to extract visual features from street view images while preserving geospatial similarity. Furthermore, we model each POI as a bag-of-words containing its category, rating, and review information. Analog to document embedding in natural language processing, we establish the semantic similarity between neighborhood ("document") and the words from its surrounding POIs in the vector space. By jointly encoding visual, textual, and geospatial information into the neighborhood representation, Urban2Vec can achieve performances better than baseline models and comparable to fully-supervised methods in downstream prediction tasks. Extensive experiments on three U.S. metropolitan areas also demonstrate the model interpretability, generalization capability, and its value in neighborhood similarity analysis.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20
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