15,694 research outputs found

    Dynamic Metric OSPF-Based Routing Protocol for Software Defined Networks

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    [EN] Routing protocols are needed in networking to find the optimal path to reach the destination. However, networks are changing both their use finality and their technology. Paradigms like Software Defined Networks (SDNs) introduce the possibility and the necessity to improve the routing protocols. In this paper, a modification of the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol is proposed in order to allow the protocol to change the metric calculation dynamically according to the network requirements. Experiments, which compare our proposal against the OSPF protocol, are performed in five different scenarios. In these scenarios, the performance of the multimedia traffic has been increased 33% in terms of bandwidth utilization, 80% of loss rate reduction and delay reduction on VoIP communications.This work has been partially supported by the "Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte", through the "Ayudas para contratos predoctorales de Formacion del Profesorado Universitario FPU (Convocatoria 2015)". Grant No. FPU15/06837, by the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad", through the "Convocatoria 2014. Proyectos I+D - Programa Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia" in the "Subprograma Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento", project TIN2014-57991-C3-1-P, through the "Convocatoria 2016 - Proyectos I+D+I - Programa Estatal De Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los retos de la sociedad" (Project TEC2016-76795-C6-4-R) and through the "Convocatoria 2017 - Proyectos I+D+I - Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion, convocatoria excelencia" (Project TIN2017-84802-C2-1-P).Rego Mañez, A.; Sendra, S.; Jimenez, JM.; Lloret, J. (2019). Dynamic Metric OSPF-Based Routing Protocol for Software Defined Networks. Cluster Computing. 22(3):705-720. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-018-2875-7S705720223Coltun, R., Ferguson, D., Moy, J.: OSPF for IPv6, RFC 5340. https://doi.org/10.17487/rfc5340 , July 2008. https://rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5340.txtSoftware-Defined Networking (SDN) Definition. https://www.opennetworking.org/sdn-definition/ . 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    Unattended network operations technology assessment study. Technical support for defining advanced satellite systems concepts

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    The results are summarized of an unattended network operations technology assessment study for the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI). The scope of the work included: (1) identified possible enhancements due to the proposed Mars communications network; (2) identified network operations on Mars; (3) performed a technology assessment of possible supporting technologies based on current and future approaches to network operations; and (4) developed a plan for the testing and development of these technologies. The most important results obtained are as follows: (1) addition of a third Mars Relay Satellite (MRS) and MRS cross link capabilities will enhance the network's fault tolerance capabilities through improved connectivity; (2) network functions can be divided into the six basic ISO network functional groups; (3) distributed artificial intelligence technologies will augment more traditional network management technologies to form the technological infrastructure of a virtually unattended network; and (4) a great effort is required to bring the current network technology levels for manned space communications up to the level needed for an automated fault tolerance Mars communications network

    Building Programmable Wireless Networks: An Architectural Survey

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    In recent times, there have been a lot of efforts for improving the ossified Internet architecture in a bid to sustain unstinted growth and innovation. A major reason for the perceived architectural ossification is the lack of ability to program the network as a system. This situation has resulted partly from historical decisions in the original Internet design which emphasized decentralized network operations through co-located data and control planes on each network device. The situation for wireless networks is no different resulting in a lot of complexity and a plethora of largely incompatible wireless technologies. The emergence of "programmable wireless networks", that allow greater flexibility, ease of management and configurability, is a step in the right direction to overcome the aforementioned shortcomings of the wireless networks. In this paper, we provide a broad overview of the architectures proposed in literature for building programmable wireless networks focusing primarily on three popular techniques, i.e., software defined networks, cognitive radio networks, and virtualized networks. This survey is a self-contained tutorial on these techniques and its applications. We also discuss the opportunities and challenges in building next-generation programmable wireless networks and identify open research issues and future research directions.Comment: 19 page

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Intelligent Management and Efficient Operation of Big Data

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    This chapter details how Big Data can be used and implemented in networking and computing infrastructures. Specifically, it addresses three main aspects: the timely extraction of relevant knowledge from heterogeneous, and very often unstructured large data sources, the enhancement on the performance of processing and networking (cloud) infrastructures that are the most important foundational pillars of Big Data applications or services, and novel ways to efficiently manage network infrastructures with high-level composed policies for supporting the transmission of large amounts of data with distinct requisites (video vs. non-video). A case study involving an intelligent management solution to route data traffic with diverse requirements in a wide area Internet Exchange Point is presented, discussed in the context of Big Data, and evaluated.Comment: In book Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, IGI Global, 201
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