7 research outputs found

    Learning from the experts: enabling and studying DIY development of location-based visitor experiences

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    In this paper we show how -- with the aid of enabling technology -- creative Location Based Experiences can be developed for visitors by non-technical professionals from the cultural heritage sector. We look at how these "Place Experts" approach and adopt web technologies to create and publish experiences including the roles they take on, the processes they adopt, and the way they appropriate the technology. We describe our short and long-term research engagements with the cultural heritage sector over the last three years and introduce Wander Anywhere, the website developed to enable this research. We find that place experts typically follow a four stage process in their engagement with location-based experiences, moving from comprehension to translation, development and finally approval. We suggest implications for the processes and technologies that might be employed by others seeking to support a similar type of engagement

    A longitudinal review of Mobile HCI research Methods

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    This paper revisits a research methods survey from 2003 and contrasts it with a survey from 2010. The motivation is to gain insight about how mobile HCI research has evolved over the last decade in terms of approaches and focus. The paper classifies 144 publications from 2009 published in 10 prominent outlets by their research methods and purpose. Comparing this to the survey for 2000-02 show that mobile HCI research has changed methodologically. From being almost exclusively driven by engineering and applied research, current mobile HCI is primarily empirically driven, involves a high number of field studies, and focus on evaluating and understanding, as well as engineering. It has also become increasingly multi-methodological, combining and diversifying methods from different disciplines. At the same time, new opportunities and challenges have emerged


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    This PhD investigates the role of digital media in optimising visitor engagement with non-visible outdoor heritage. Motivated by concerns that digital media products developed for the heritage sector might not be reaching their potential to enrich the visit experience and concerned about a lack of clarity as to what constitutes visitor engagement; this thesis proposes guidance for the production of interpretive digital media and a framework for visitor engagement. Cultural heritage sites featured in this study are characteristically outdoor locations; frequently non-stewarded with very little tangible evidence of the historical or cultural relevance of the site. The unique potential of digital media products to address the specific challenges of engaging visitors with invisible heritage in these locations is discussed within this thesis. The practice of interpreting heritage is investigated to identify the processes, stages, experiences and behavioural states associated with a high level of engagement. Visitor engagement is defined in this study as being a transformational experience in which the visitor’s emotional and/or cognitive relationship with the heritage is altered. This is achieved when the visitor sufficiently experiences appropriate states of engagement across all stages of the visitor engagement framework. This study proposes guidance to advise and support heritage professionals and their associated designers in the design, development and implementation of interpretive digital media products. Within this guide sits the engagement framework which proposes a framework for engagement, defining the stages (process) and the states (experiences and behaviours) of visitor engagement with cultural heritage. In using this resource the cultural heritage practitioner can be confident of their capacity to run and deliver interpretive digital media projects regardless of their expertise in design or technology. This thesis proposes that well designed interpretive digital media can optimise the engagement of visitors in ways which cannot be achieved by any other single method of interpretation. This PhD contributes a design guide and an engagement framework to the existing field of knowledge regarding interpretive digital design

    Performing as Mapping: An examination of the role of site-specific performance practice as a methodology to map and/or re-imagine sites of urban regeneration

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    This thesis is a practice-led enquiry that examines the role of site-specific performance as a methodology or set of tools to ‘map’ sites of urban regeneration, and thus seeks to build further links between performance and the spatial practices of architecture and urbanism. Performativity has emerged as an important critical concept across a range of social and spatial fields - as a way understanding of how personal and place identities are continuously (re)created through everyday performance. Meanwhile, practitioners and researchers have become increasingly interested in creating, documenting, and theorising models of theatre and performance that engage with sites and communities outside of the gallery or auditorium. The thesis traces the emergence of ‘site-specific’ performances as ‘more-than-representational’ cartographies - from the early experiments of the Situationist International and the ‘Happenings’, through everyday practices of walking and navigating cities, to emerging technological and ‘locative’ performance models. The definition of what constitutes (a) ‘site’ is tested by locating these practices within the broader participatory and relational ‘turns’ in contemporary art. While this ‘expansion’ has opened up opportunities for site-specific performance-makers to operate within spheres such as community engagement, wider concerns are raised by the rhetoric of ‘community empowerment’ and the instrumentalisation of creative practice by political and commissioning institutions. Keeping these issues in mind, this research builds upon Jane Rendell's call for the field of architecture and urbanism to embrace methods from public art and performance in order to operate as ‘critical spatial practices’. The thesis constructs an argument for the role of site-specific performance in articulating contested histories, claims, and potentials of the site. This proposition is explored through three case studies, including empirical and practice-based research with performance makers in complex and contested sites in northern England. This is supported by a survey of contemporary performance practices that directly address themes and sites of urban regeneration. Using the twin lenses of mapping and participation, the thesis demonstrates how performance(s) can articulate the multiplicity of stories, experiences, and potentials in marginalised or ‘interstitial’ urban sites. By introducing other agencies and temporalities to the site (‘gathering and showing’), site-specific practices have been shown to challenge dominant narratives and unsettle the stable or singular representations of places perpetuated by professional frameworks of urban development and regeneration

    A framework to guide the design of environments coupling mobile and situated technologies

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    An increasing number of devices are being situated in public spaces yet interactions with such devices are problematic: they tend to be impersonal and subject to social apprehension while devices suitable for specific tasks may be difficult to locate. This thesis considers how one might design for these environments to overcome these issues and deliver engaging user experiences. It proposes the coupling of the interactive features of mobile and situated devices to facilitate personalised interactions with those situated devices. The thesis explores coupling techniques that extend the computational capabilities of the situated device through the addition of the input, output and storage capabilities of the mobile device. Finally it considers how multiple points of coupling can be used to link sequences of interactions with different situated devices providing rich, cohesive experiences across an environment. The thesis presents a novel framework that builds upon previous work. Existing work is reviewed that links mobiles with single situated displays, and that uses mobiles for mediating exploration of physical spaces to address the lack of work addressing multiple situated de-vices in public. This review grounds a proposal and elaboration of a core model of interaction within a coupling environment, providing the basis for a design framework. This was sup-ported by the implementation of a test-bed that consisted of six couples in various configura-tions, underpinned by a software infrastructure. Formative user studies refined the framework and revealed novel aspects of the user experi-ence for study. It was found that through support for narrative and personal orchestration, coupling environments afford personalised trajectories. By designing for personal trajectories the visitor has a more enjoyable personal experience and seeks to improve the experiences of others. In addition, coupling environments support social experiences; the step-by-step nature of a visitor’s trajectory through the coupling environment lends itself to gradually introducing visitors to social coupled interaction and reducing social awkwardness

    Non-Mimetic Simulation Games: Teaching Team Coordination from a Grounding in Practice

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    Fire emergency responders work in teams where they must communicate and coordinate to save lives and property, yet contemporary emergency response training expends few resources teaching team coordination. The present research investigates re emergency response team coordination practice to develop a zero- delity simulation game to teach team coordination skills. It begins with an ethnographic investigation of re emergency response work practice, develops the concept of nonmimetic simulation with games, iterates game designs, then evaluates game designs with non- re emergency responders and re emergency response students. The present research de nes a new type of simulation, non-mimetic simulation: an operational environment in which participants exercise skills without a re-creation of the concrete environment. In traditional simulation, the goal is to re-create the world as faithfully as possible, as this has clear value for teaching skills. Non-mimetic simulations capture abstract, human-centered aspects of a work environment from a grounding in practice. They provide an alternative, economical, focused environment in which to exercise skills. Constructed as games, they can provide intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to practice and learn. The present work iterates a series of game designs in which players transform and share information with each other while under stress, engaging in processes of team coordination found in re emergency response work practice. We demonstrate how the game successfully teaches participants how to become more e ective at coordinating and communicating through user studies with non- re emergency responders and re emergency response students. Principles for the design of team coordination education, non-mimetic simulation, and cooperative game play are developed

    A framework to guide the design of environments coupling mobile and situated technologies

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    An increasing number of devices are being situated in public spaces yet interactions with such devices are problematic: they tend to be impersonal and subject to social apprehension while devices suitable for specific tasks may be difficult to locate. This thesis considers how one might design for these environments to overcome these issues and deliver engaging user experiences. It proposes the coupling of the interactive features of mobile and situated devices to facilitate personalised interactions with those situated devices. The thesis explores coupling techniques that extend the computational capabilities of the situated device through the addition of the input, output and storage capabilities of the mobile device. Finally it considers how multiple points of coupling can be used to link sequences of interactions with different situated devices providing rich, cohesive experiences across an environment. The thesis presents a novel framework that builds upon previous work. Existing work is reviewed that links mobiles with single situated displays, and that uses mobiles for mediating exploration of physical spaces to address the lack of work addressing multiple situated de-vices in public. This review grounds a proposal and elaboration of a core model of interaction within a coupling environment, providing the basis for a design framework. This was sup-ported by the implementation of a test-bed that consisted of six couples in various configura-tions, underpinned by a software infrastructure. Formative user studies refined the framework and revealed novel aspects of the user experi-ence for study. It was found that through support for narrative and personal orchestration, coupling environments afford personalised trajectories. By designing for personal trajectories the visitor has a more enjoyable personal experience and seeks to improve the experiences of others. In addition, coupling environments support social experiences; the step-by-step nature of a visitor’s trajectory through the coupling environment lends itself to gradually introducing visitors to social coupled interaction and reducing social awkwardness