89 research outputs found

    PDDLStream: Integrating Symbolic Planners and Blackbox Samplers via Optimistic Adaptive Planning

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    Many planning applications involve complex relationships defined on high-dimensional, continuous variables. For example, robotic manipulation requires planning with kinematic, collision, visibility, and motion constraints involving robot configurations, object poses, and robot trajectories. These constraints typically require specialized procedures to sample satisfying values. We extend PDDL to support a generic, declarative specification for these procedures that treats their implementation as black boxes. We provide domain-independent algorithms that reduce PDDLStream problems to a sequence of finite PDDL problems. We also introduce an algorithm that dynamically balances exploring new candidate plans and exploiting existing ones. This enables the algorithm to greedily search the space of parameter bindings to more quickly solve tightly-constrained problems as well as locally optimize to produce low-cost solutions. We evaluate our algorithms on three simulated robotic planning domains as well as several real-world robotic tasks.Comment: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) 202

    Symbolic Planning with Axioms

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    Axioms are an extension for classical planning models that allow for modeling complex preconditions and goals exponentially more compactly. Although axioms were introduced in planning more than a decade ago, modern planning techniques rarely support axioms, especially in cost-optimal planning. Symbolic search is a popular and competitive optimal planning technique based on the manipulation of sets of states. In this work, we extend symbolic search algorithms to support axioms natively. We analyze different ways of encoding derived variables and axiom rules to evaluate them in a symbolic representation. We prove that all encodings are sound and complete, and empirically show that the presented approach outperforms the previous state of the art in costoptimal classical planning with axioms.This work was supported by the German National Science Foundation (DFG) as part of the project EPSDAC (MA 7790/1-1) and the Research Unit FOR 1513 (HYBRIS). The FAI group of Saarland University has received support by DFG grant 389792660 as part of TRR 248 (see https://perspicuous-computing.science)

    Computing Genome Edit Distances using Domain-Independent Planning

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    The use of planning for computing genome edit distances was suggested by Erdem and Tillier in 2005, but to date there has been no study of how well domain-independent planners are able to solve this problem. This paper reports on experiments with several PDDL formulations of the problem, using several state-of-the-art planners. The main observations are, first, that the problem formulation that is easiest for planners to deal with is not the obvious one, and, second, that plan quality � in particular consistent and assured plan quality � remains the biggest challenge

    Planning in answer set programming while learning action costs for mobile robots

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    For mobile robots to perform complex missions, it may be necessary for them to plan with incomplete information and reason about the indirect effects of their actions. Answer Set Programming (ASP) provides an elegant way of formalizing domains which involve indirect effects of an action and recursively defined fluents. In this paper, we present an approach that uses ASP for robotic task planning, and demonstrate how ASP can be used to generate plans that acquire missing information necessary to achieve the goal. Action costs are also incorporated with planning to produce optimal plans, and we show how these costs can be estimated from experience making planning adaptive. We evaluate our approach using a realistic simulation of an indoor environment where a robot learns to complete its objective in the shortest time

    Sampling-Based Methods for Factored Task and Motion Planning

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    This paper presents a general-purpose formulation of a large class of discrete-time planning problems, with hybrid state and control-spaces, as factored transition systems. Factoring allows state transitions to be described as the intersection of several constraints each affecting a subset of the state and control variables. Robotic manipulation problems with many movable objects involve constraints that only affect several variables at a time and therefore exhibit large amounts of factoring. We develop a theoretical framework for solving factored transition systems with sampling-based algorithms. The framework characterizes conditions on the submanifold in which solutions lie, leading to a characterization of robust feasibility that incorporates dimensionality-reducing constraints. It then connects those conditions to corresponding conditional samplers that can be composed to produce values on this submanifold. We present two domain-independent, probabilistically complete planning algorithms that take, as input, a set of conditional samplers. We demonstrate the empirical efficiency of these algorithms on a set of challenging task and motion planning problems involving picking, placing, and pushing

    Planning in action language BC while learning action costs for mobile robots

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    The action language BC provides an elegant way of formalizing dynamic domains which involve indirect effects of actions and recursively defined fluents. In complex robot task planning domains, it may be necessary for robots to plan with incomplete information, and reason about indirect or recursive action effects. In this paper, we demonstrate how BC can be used for robot task planning to solve these issues. Additionally, action costs are incorporated with planning to produce optimal plans, and we estimate these costs from experience making planning adaptive. This paper presents the first application of BC on a real robot in a realistic domain, which involves human-robot interaction for knowledge acquisition, optimal plan generation to minimize navigation time, and learning for adaptive planning

    Optimal Planning with State Constraints

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    In the classical planning model, state variables are assigned values in the initial state and remain unchanged unless explicitly affected by action effects. However, some properties of states are more naturally modelled not as direct effects of actions but instead as derived, in each state, from the primary variables via a set of rules. We refer to those rules as state constraints. The two types of state constraints that will be discussed here are numeric state constraints and logical rules that we will refer to as axioms. When using state constraints we make a distinction between primary variables, whose values are directly affected by action effects, and secondary variables, whose values are determined by state constraints. While primary variables have finite and discrete domains, as in classical planning, there is no such requirement for secondary variables. For example, using numeric state constraints allows us to have secondary variables whose values are real numbers. We show that state constraints are a construct that lets us combine classical planning methods with specialised solvers developed for other types of problems. For example, introducing numeric state constraints enables us to apply planning techniques in domains involving interconnected physical systems, such as power networks. To solve these types of problems optimally, we adapt commonly used methods from optimal classical planning, namely state-space search guided by admissible heuristics. In heuristics based on monotonic relaxation, the idea is that in a relaxed state each variable assumes a set of values instead of just a single value. With state constraints, the challenge becomes to evaluate the conditions, such as goals and action preconditions, that involve secondary variables. We employ consistency checking tools to evaluate whether these conditions are satisfied in the relaxed state. In our work with numerical constraints we use linear programming, while with axioms we use answer set programming and three value semantics. This allows us to build a relaxed planning graph and compute constraint-aware version of heuristics based on monotonic relaxation. We also adapt pattern database heuristics. We notice that an abstract state can be thought of as a state in the monotonic relaxation in which the variables in the pattern hold only one value, while the variables not in the pattern simultaneously hold all the values in their domains. This means that we can apply the same technique for evaluating conditions on secondary variables as we did for the monotonic relaxation and build pattern databases similarly as it is done in classical planning. To make better use of our heuristics, we modify the A* algorithm by combining two techniques that were previously used independently – partial expansion and preferred operators. Our modified algorithm, which we call PrefPEA, is most beneficial in cases where heuristic is expensive to compute, but accurate, and states have many successors