9 research outputs found

    High arrhythmic risk in antero-septal acute myocardial ischemia is explained by increased transmural reentry occurrence

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    Acute myocardial ischemia is a precursor of sudden arrhythmic death. Variability in its manifestation hampers understanding of arrhythmia mechanisms and challenges risk stratification. Our aim is to unravel the mechanisms underlying how size, transmural extent and location of ischemia determine arrhythmia vulnerability and ecG alterations. High performance computing simulations using a human torso/biventricular biophysically-detailed model were conducted to quantify the impact of varying ischemic region properties, including location (LAD/LcX occlusion), transmural/subendocardial ischemia, size, and normal/slow myocardial propagation. ecG biomarkers and vulnerability window for reentry were computed in over 400 simulations for 18 cases evaluated. Two distinct mechanisms explained larger vulnerability to reentry in transmural versus subendocardial ischemia. Macro-reentry around the ischemic region was the primary mechanism increasing arrhythmic risk in transmural versus subendocardial ischemia, for both LAD and LcX occlusion. transmural micro-reentry at the ischemic border zone explained arrhythmic vulnerability in subendocardial ischemia, especially in LAD occlusion, as reentries were favoured by the ischemic region intersecting the septo-apical region. St elevation reflected ischemic extent in transmural ischemia for LCX and LAD occlusion but not in subendocardial ischemia (associated with mild St depression). the technology and results presented can inform safety and efficacy evaluation of anti-arrhythmic therapy in acute myocardial ischemia

    In silico validation of electrocardiographic imaging to reconstruct the endocardial and epicardial repolarization pattern using the equivalent dipole layer source model

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    The solution of the inverse problem of electrocardiology allows the reconstruction of the spatial distribution of the electrical activity of the heart from the body surface electrocardiogram (electrocardiographic imaging, ECGI). ECGI using the equivalent dipole layer (EDL) model has shown to be accurate for cardiac activation times. However, validation of this method to determine repolarization times is lacking. In the present study, we determined the accuracy of the EDL model in reconstructing cardiac repolarization times, and assessed the robustness of the method under less ideal conditions (addition of noise and errors in tissue conductivity). A monodomain model was used to determine the transmembrane potentials in three different excitationrepolarization patterns (sinus beat and ventricular ectopic beats) as the gold standard. These were used to calculate the body surface ECGs using a finite element model. The resulting body surface electrograms (ECGs) were used as input for the EDLbased inverse reconstruction of repolarization times. The reconstructed repolarization times correlated well (COR > 0.85) with the gold standard, with almost no decrease in correlation after adding errors in tissue conductivity of the model or noise to the body surface ECG. Therefore, ECGI using the EDL model allows adequate reconstruction of cardiac repolarization times

    A modeling and machine learning approach to ECG feature engineering for the detection of ischemia using pseudo-ECG

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    Early detection of coronary heart disease (CHD) has the potential to prevent the millions of deaths that this disease causes worldwide every year. However, there exist few automatic methods to detect CHD at an early stage. A challenge in the development of these methods is the absence of relevant datasets for their training and validation. Here, the ten Tusscher-Panfilov 2006 model and the O'Hara-Rudy model for human myocytes were used to create two populations of models that were in concordance with data obtained from healthy individuals (control populations) and included inter-subject variability. The effects of ischemia were subsequently included in the control populations to simulate the effects of mild and severe ischemic events on single cells, full ischemic cables of cells and cables of cells with various sizes of ischemic regions. Action potential and pseudo-ECG biomarkers were measured to assess how the evolution of ischemia could be quantified. Finally, two neural network classifiers were trained to identify the different degrees of ischemia using the pseudo-ECG biomarkers. The control populations showed action potential and pseudo-ECG biomarkers within the physiological ranges and the trends in the biomarkers commonly identified in ischemic patients were observed in the ischemic populations. On the one hand, inter-subject variability in the ischemic pseudo-ECGs precluded the detection and classification of early ischemic events using any single biomarker. On the other hand, the neural networks showed sensitivity and positive predictive value above 95%. Additionally, the neural networks revealed that the biomarkers that were relevant for the detection of ischemia were different from those relevant for its classification. This work showed that a computational approach could be used, when data is scarce, to validate proof-of-concept machine learning methods to detect ischemic events

    Multiscale Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology: Adaptation to Atrial and Ventricular Rhythm Disorders and Pharmacological Treatment

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    Multiscale modeling of cardiac electrophysiology helps to better understand the underlying mechanisms of atrial fibrillation, acute cardiac ischemia and pharmacological treatment. For this purpose, measurement data reflecting these conditions have to be integrated into models of cardiac electrophysiology. Several methods for this model adaptation are introduced in this thesis. The resulting effects are investigated in multiscale simulations ranging from the ion channel up to the body surface

    Multiscale Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology: Adaptation to Atrial and Ventricular Rhythm Disorders and Pharmacological Treatment

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    Multiscale modeling of cardiac electrophysiology helps to better understand the underlying mechanisms of atrial fibrillation, acute cardiac ischemia and pharmacological treatment. For this purpose, measurement data reflecting these conditions have to be integrated into models of cardiac electrophysiology. Several methods for this model adaptation are introduced in this thesis. The resulting effects are investigated in multiscale simulations ranging from the ion channel up to the body surface

    In Silico Investigation of Electrically Silent Acute Cardiac Ischemia in the Human Ventricles

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    Non-Invasive Electrocardiographic Imaging of Ventricular Activities: Data-Driven and Model-Based Approaches

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beleuchtet ausgewählte Aspekte der Vorwärtsmodellierung, so zum Beispiel die Simulation von Elektro- und Magnetokardiogrammen im Falle einer elektrisch stillen Ischämie sowie die Anpassung der elektrischen Potentiale unter Variation der Leitfähigkeiten. Besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Entwicklung neuer Regularisierungsalgorithmen sowie der Anwendung und Bewertung aktuell verwendeter Methoden in realistischen in silico bzw. klinischen Studien

    Characterizing Cardiac Electrophysiology during Radiofrequency Ablation : An Integrative Ex vivo, In silico, and In vivo Approach

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    Catheter ablation is a major treatment for atrial tachycardias. Hereby, the precise monitoring of the lesion formation is an important success factor. This book presents computational, wet-lab, and clinical studies with the aim of evaluating the signal characteristics of the intracardiac electrograms (IEGMs) recorded around ablation lesions from different perspectives. The detailed analysis of the IEGMs can optimize the description of durable and complex lesions during the ablation procedure

    Personalized Multi-Scale Modeling of the Atria: Heterogeneities, Fiber Architecture, Hemodialysis and Ablation Therapy

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    This book targets three fields of computational multi-scale cardiac modeling. First, advanced models of the cellular atrial electrophysiology and fiber orientation are introduced. Second, novel methods to create patient-specific models of the atria are described. Third, applications of personalized models in basic research and clinical practice are presented. The results mark an important step towards the patient-specific model-based atrial fibrillation diagnosis, understanding and treatment