30 research outputs found

    A New FRamework to Study Decision in Organisation

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    The purpose of this communication is to display an original decision model - the Decisional Fit Model. Based on other models of fit, this model focuses on decision making when using a decision support system. In addition, we propose a discussion on the impact of misfit when coping strategies occur.Prise de décision, modèle d'adéquation, systèmes d'aide à la décision, stratégies d'ajustement.

    Identifying Failures in Mobile Devices

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    Mobile devices are well-known communication tools. People, especially young people, cannot go even one step without them. Technological advancements provide better features, but at the same time, such systems still face security risks. Protective layers do exist, but some systems are automated and engineered, while others rely on humans. This work begins with examining some critical points related to the weakest link in the security chain: the human factor. Errors are given in the view of the Swiss Cheese Model by emphasizing the role of latent conditions in “holes”. We found that the Swiss Cheese Model has some limitations. In order to enhance it, we have used the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis risk matrix methodology. Thus, we represent its application on mobile devices to demonstrate that it can give us more accurate results by identifying the most critical points where manufacturers should focus on. This work is based on qualitative data, and it provides the basis for quantitative research. In the end, we suggest that in order to obtain more accurate findings, the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis can be further extended

    Reducing human error in cyber security using the Human Factors Analysis Classification System (HFACS).

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    For several decades, researchers have stated that human error is a significant cause of information security breaches, yet it still remains to be a major issue today. Quantifying the effects of security incidents is often a difficult task because studies often understate or overstate the costs involved. Human error has always been a cause of failure in many industries and professions that is overlooked or ignored as an inevitability. The problem with human error is further exacerbated by the fact that the systems that are set up to keep networks secure are managed by humans. There are several causes of a security breach related human error such as poor situational awareness, lack of training, boredom, and lack of risk perception. Part of the problem is that people who usually make great decisions offline make deplorable decisions online due to incorrect assumptions of how computer transactions operate. Human error can be unintentional because of the incorrect execution of a plan (slips/lapses) or from correctly following an inadequate plan (mistakes). Whether intentional or unintentional, errors can lead to vulnerabilities and security breaches. Regardless, humans remain the weak link in the process of interfacing with the machines they operate and in keeping information secure. These errors can have detrimental effects both physically and socially. Hackers exploit these weaknesses to gain unauthorized entry into computer systems. Security errors and violations, however, are not limited to users. Administrators of systems are also at fault. If there is not an adequate level of awareness, many of the security techniques are likely to be misused or misinterpreted by the users rendering adequate security mechanisms useless. Corporations also play a factor in information security loss, because of the reactive management approaches that they use in security incidents. Undependable user interfaces can also play a role for the security breaches due to flaws in the design. System design and human interaction both play a role in how often human error occurs particularly when there is a slight mismatch between the system design and the person operating it. One major problem with systems design is that they designed for simplicity, which can lead a normally conscious person to make bad security decisions. Human error is a complex and elusive security problem that has generally defied creation of a structured and standardized classification scheme. While Human error may never be completely eliminated from the tasks, they perform due to poor situational awareness, or a lack of adequate training, the first step to make improvements over the status quo is to establish a unified scheme to classify such security errors. With this background, I, intend to develop a tool to gather data and apply the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System (HFACS), a tool developed for aviation accidents, to see if there are any latent organizational conditions that led to the error. HFACS analyzes historical data to find common trends that can identify areas that need to be addressed in an organization to the goal of reducing the frequency of the errors

    A Novel Software Tool for Analysing NT® File System Permissions

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    Mismorphism: a Semiotic Model of Computer Security Circumvention (Extended Version)

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    In real world domains, from healthcare to power to finance, we deploy computer systems intended to streamline and improve the activities of human agents in the corresponding non-cyber worlds. However, talking to actual users (instead of just computer security experts) reveals endemic circumvention of the computer-embedded rules. Good-intentioned users, trying to get their jobs done, systematically work around security and other controls embedded in their IT systems. This paper reports on our work compiling a large corpus of such incidents and developing a model based on semiotic triads to examine security circumvention. This model suggests that mismorphisms---mappings that fail to preserve structure---lie at the heart of circumvention scenarios; differential perceptions and needs explain users\u27 actions. We support this claim with empirical data from the corpus

    A framework for reasoning about the human in the loop

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    Many secure systems rely on a \u27human in the loop\u27 to perform security-critical functions. However, humans often fail in their security roles. Whenever possible, secure system designers should find ways of keeping humans out of the loop. However, there are some tasks for which feasible or cost effective alternatives to humans are not available. In these cases secure system designers should engineer their systems to support the humans in the loop and maximize their chances of performing their security-critical functions successfully. This paper proposes a framework for reasoning about the human in the loop that provides a systematic approach to identifying potential causes for human failure. This framework can be used by system designers to identify problem areas before a system is built and proactively address deficiencies. System operators can also use this framework to analyze the root cause of security failures that have been attributed to \u27human error.\u27 Examples are provided to illustrate the applicability of this framework to a variety of secure systems design problems, including anti-phishing warnings and password policies

    Towards more effective visualisations in climate services: good practices and recommendations

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    Visualisations are often the entry point to information that supports stakeholders’ decision- and policy-making processes. Visual displays can employ either static, dynamic or interactive formats as well as various types of representations and visual encodings, which differently affect the attention, recognition and working memory of users. Despite being well-suited for expert audiences, current climate data visualisations need to be further improved to make communication of climate information more inclusive for broader audiences, including people with disabilities. However, the lack of evidence-based guidelines and tools makes the creation of accessible visualisations challenging, potentially leading to misunderstanding and misuse of climate information by users. Taking stock of visualisation challenges identified in a workshop by climate service providers, we review good practices commonly applied by other visualisation-related disciplines strongly based on users’ needs that could be applied to the climate services context. We show how lessons learned in the fields of user experience, data visualisation, graphic design and psychology make useful recommendations for the development of more effective climate service visualisations. This includes applying a user-centred design approach, using interaction in a suitable way in visualisations, paying attention to information architecture or selecting the right type of representation and visual encoding. The recommendations proposed here can help climate service providers reduce users’ cognitive load and improve their overall experience when using a service. These recommendations can be useful for the development of the next generation of climate services, increasing their usability while ensuring that their visual components are inclusive and do not leave anyone behind.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements no. 689029 (Climateurope), 776787 (S2S4E), 776467 (MED-GOLD) and 869565 (VitiGEOSS).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Document flow tracking within corporate networks

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Notícias sobre documentos sensíveis publicados na Internet são cada vez mais frequentes nos cabeçalhos da imprensa de hoje em dia. Em Outubro de 2009, o Manual de Segurança do Ministério da Defesa do Reino Unido, com 2389 páginas, que descreve a totalidade do protocolo militar do Reino Unido relativamente a operações e informações de segurança, foi tornado público por acidente. Este é apenas um caso, mas existem exemplos de fugas de informação em praticamente qualquer área, desde a médica à financeira. Estas fugas de informação podem ter consequências sérias para quem seja afectado por elas, como a exposição de segredos de negócio, danos da imagem de marca ou a aplicação de multas elevadas por parte de entidades reguladoras. Uma fuga de informação pode ter várias causas, sendo uma delas devido a empregados que expõem documentos sensíveis para o exterior da empresa, de forma não intencional. Neste trabalho propomos uma solução capaz de rastrear ficheiros numa rede empresarial e detectar situações que podem levar a que um documento sensível se torne público. Fazemos uso de um agente que é instalado nas máquinas que pretendemos monitorizar, que detecta e regista a utilização de ficheiros em operações potencialmente perigosas, como a cópia para um dispositivo amovível ou o envio por correio electrónico como anexo. Essas operações são registadas e recolhidas para uma localização central, onde podemos fazer uso de um motor de correlação para encontrar relações entre diferentes cópias de um mesmo ficheiro. Para finalizar, desenvolvemos e avaliámos um protótipo que implementa a solução proposta, provando que pode efectivamente ser usado para detectar fugas de informação.News about sensitive documents being leaked to the Internet are becoming a commonplace in today’s headlines. In October of 2009, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Manual of Security, with 2389 pages, which fully describes the United Kingdom military protocol for all security and counter-intelligence operations, was inadvertently made public. This is only one, but there are examples of information leaks from almost any area, from medical to financial. These information leaks can have serious consequences to those affected by them, such as exposing business secrets, brand damaging or large fines from regulation entities. An information leak can have multiple causes, being one the employee that inadvertently exposes sensitive documents to the exterior of the company. In this work, we propose a solution capable of tracking files within a corporate network and detecting situations that can lead to a sensitive document being leaked to the exterior. We resort to an agent installed on the hosts to be monitored that detects and logs the usage of files by potentially dangerous operations, such as copying it to a removable drive or sending it by e-mail as an attachment. Those operations are logged and collected to a central repository, where we make use of a correlation engine to find relationships between different copies of a same file. Finally, we have developed and evaluated a prototype that implements the proposed solution, proving that it can indeed be used to detect information leaks