20 research outputs found

    Implementing the conjugate gradient algorithm on multi-core systems

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    In linear solvers, like the conjugate gradient algorithm, sparse-matrix vector multiplication is an important kernel. Due to the sparseness of the matrices, the solver runs relatively slow. For digital optical tomography (DOT), a large set of linear equations have to be solved which currently takes in the order of hours on desktop computers. Our goal was to speed up the conjugate gradient solver. In this paper we present the results of applying multiple optimization techniques and exploiting multi-core solutions offered by two recently introduced architectures: Intel’s Woodcrest\ud general purpose processor and NVIDIA’s G80 graphical processing unit. Using these techniques for these architectures, a speedup of a factor three\ud has been achieved

    Performance Evaluation of Parallel Sparse Matrix–Vector Products on SGI Altix3700

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    Abstract. The present paper discusses scalable implementations of sparse matrix-vector products, which are crucial for high performance solutions of large-scale linear equations, on a cc-NUMA machine SGI Altix3700. Three storage formats for sparse matrices are evaluated, and scalability is attained by implementations considering the page allocation mechanism of the NUMA machine. Influences of the cache/memory bus architectures on the optimum choice of the storage format are examined, and scalable converters between storage formats shown to facilitate exploitation of storage formats of higher performance.

    Performance Analysis and Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Modern Multi- and Many-Core Processors

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    This paper presents a low-overhead optimizer for the ubiquitous sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) kernel. Architectural diversity among different processors together with structural diversity among different sparse matrices lead to bottleneck diversity. This justifies an SpMV optimizer that is both matrix- and architecture-adaptive through runtime specialization. To this direction, we present an approach that first identifies the performance bottlenecks of SpMV for a given sparse matrix on the target platform either through profiling or by matrix property inspection, and then selects suitable optimizations to tackle those bottlenecks. Our optimization pool is based on the widely used Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) sparse matrix storage format and has low preprocessing overheads, making our overall approach practical even in cases where fast decision making and optimization setup is required. We evaluate our optimizer on three x86-based computing platforms and demonstrate that it is able to distinguish and appropriately optimize SpMV for the majority of matrices in a representative test suite, leading to significant speedups over the CSR and Inspector-Executor CSR SpMV kernels available in the latest release of the Intel MKL library.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, ICPP 201

    Parallel structurally-symmetric sparse matrix-vector products on multi-core processors

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    We consider the problem of developing an efficient multi-threaded implementation of the matrix-vector multiplication algorithm for sparse matrices with structural symmetry. Matrices are stored using the compressed sparse row-column format (CSRC), designed for profiting from the symmetric non-zero pattern observed in global finite element matrices. Unlike classical compressed storage formats, performing the sparse matrix-vector product using the CSRC requires thread-safe access to the destination vector. To avoid race conditions, we have implemented two partitioning strategies. In the first one, each thread allocates an array for storing its contributions, which are later combined in an accumulation step. We analyze how to perform this accumulation in four different ways. The second strategy employs a coloring algorithm for grouping rows that can be concurrently processed by threads. Our results indicate that, although incurring an increase in the working set size, the former approach leads to the best performance improvements for most matrices.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, reviewed related work section, fixed typo

    Improving the performance of tensor matrix vector multiplication in quantum chemistry codes.

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    Conjugate gradient sparse solvers: performance-power characteristics

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    We characterize the performance and power attributes of the conjugate gradient (CG) sparse solver which is widely used in scientific applications. We use cycle-accurate sim-ulations with SimpleScalar and Wattch, on a processor and memory architecture similar to the configuration of a node of the BlueGene/L. We first demonstrate that substantial power savings can be obtained without performance degra-dation if low power modes of caches can be utilized. We next show that if Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) can be used, power and energy savings are possible, but these are realized only at the expense of performance penalties. We then consider two simple memory subsystem optimiza-tions, namely memory and level-2 cache prefetching. We demonstrate that when DVS and low power modes of caches are used with these optimizations, performance can be im-proved significantly with reductions in power and energy. For example, execution time is reduced by 23%, power by 55 % and energy by 65 % in the final configuration at 500MHz relative to the original at 1GHz. We also use our codes and the CG NAS benchmark code to demonstrate that performance and power profiles can vary significantly depending on matrix properties and the level of code tun-ing. These results indicate that architectural evaluations can benefit if traditional benchmarks are augmented with codes more representative of tuned scientific applications.

    SMASH: Co-designing Software Compression and Hardware-Accelerated Indexing for Efficient Sparse Matrix Operations

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    Important workloads, such as machine learning and graph analytics applications, heavily involve sparse linear algebra operations. These operations use sparse matrix compression as an effective means to avoid storing zeros and performing unnecessary computation on zero elements. However, compression techniques like Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) that are widely used today introduce significant instruction overhead and expensive pointer-chasing operations to discover the positions of the non-zero elements. In this paper, we identify the discovery of the positions (i.e., indexing) of non-zero elements as a key bottleneck in sparse matrix-based workloads, which greatly reduces the benefits of compression. We propose SMASH, a hardware-software cooperative mechanism that enables highly-efficient indexing and storage of sparse matrices. The key idea of SMASH is to explicitly enable the hardware to recognize and exploit sparsity in data. To this end, we devise a novel software encoding based on a hierarchy of bitmaps. This encoding can be used to efficiently compress any sparse matrix, regardless of the extent and structure of sparsity. At the same time, the bitmap encoding can be directly interpreted by the hardware. We design a lightweight hardware unit, the Bitmap Management Unit (BMU), that buffers and scans the bitmap hierarchy to perform highly-efficient indexing of sparse matrices. SMASH exposes an expressive and rich ISA to communicate with the BMU, which enables its use in accelerating any sparse matrix computation. We demonstrate the benefits of SMASH on four use cases that include sparse matrix kernels and graph analytics applications

    Performance Improvements of Common Sparse Numerical Linear Algebra Computations

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    Manufacturers of computer hardware are able to continuously sustain an unprecedented pace of progress in computing speed of their products, partially due to increased clock rates but also because of ever more complicated chip designs. With new processor families appearing every few years, it is increasingly harder to achieve high performance rates in sparse matrix computations. This research proposes new methods for sparse matrix factorizations and applies in an iterative code generalizations of known concepts from related disciplines. The proposed solutions and extensions are implemented in ways that tend to deliver efficiency while retaining ease of use of existing solutions. The implementations are thoroughly timed and analyzed using a commonly accepted set of test matrices. The tests were conducted on modern processors that seem to have gained an appreciable level of popularity and are fairly representative for a wider range of processor types that are available on the market now or in the near future. The new factorization technique formally introduced in the early chapters is later on proven to be quite competitive with state of the art software currently available. Although not totally superior in all cases (as probably no single approach could possibly be), the new factorization algorithm exhibits a few promising features. In addition, an all-embracing optimization effort is applied to an iterative algorithm that stands out for its robustness. This also gives satisfactory results on the tested computing platforms in terms of performance improvement. The same set of test matrices is used to enable an easy comparison between both investigated techniques, even though they are customarily treated separately in the literature. Possible extensions of the presented work are discussed. They range from easily conceivable merging with existing solutions to rather more evolved schemes dependent on hard to predict progress in theoretical and algorithmic research