1,022 research outputs found

    Automatic Feature-Based Stabilization of Video with Intentional Motion through a Particle Filter

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    Video sequences acquired by a camera mounted on a hand held device or a mobile platform are affected by unwanted shakes and jitters. In this situation, the performance of video applications, such us motion segmentation and tracking, might dramatically be decreased. Several digital video stabilization approaches have been proposed to overcome this problem. However, they are mainly based on motion estimation techniques that are prone to errors, and thus affecting the stabilization performance. On the other hand, these techniques can only obtain a successfully stabilization if the intentional camera motion is smooth, since they incorrectly filter abrupt changes in the intentional motion. In this paper a novel video stabilization technique that overcomes the aforementioned problems is presented. The motion is estimated by means of a sophisticated feature-based technique that is robust to errors, which could bias the estimation. The unwanted camera motion is filtered, while the intentional motion is successfully preserved thanks to a Particle Filter framework that is able to deal with abrupt changes in the intentional motion. The obtained results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorith

    Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review

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    Interest point detection is one of the most fundamental and critical problems in computer vision and image processing. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive review on image feature information (IFI) extraction techniques for interest point detection. To systematically introduce how the existing interest point detection methods extract IFI from an input image, we propose a taxonomy of the IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. According to this taxonomy, we discuss different types of IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. Furthermore, we identify the main unresolved issues related to the existing IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection and any interest point detection methods that have not been discussed before. The existing popular datasets and evaluation standards are provided and the performances for eighteen state-of-the-art approaches are evaluated and discussed. Moreover, future research directions on IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection are elaborated

    An empirical assessment of real-time progressive stereo reconstruction

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    3D reconstruction from images, the problem of reconstructing depth from images, is one of the most well-studied problems within computer vision. In part because it is academically interesting, but also because of the significant growth in the use of 3D models. This growth can be attributed to the development of augmented reality, 3D printing and indoor mapping. Progressive stereo reconstruction is the sequential application of stereo reconstructions to reconstruct a scene. To achieve a reliable progressive stereo reconstruction a combination of best practice algorithms needs to be used. The purpose of this research is to determine the combinat ion of best practice algorithms that lead to the most accurate and efficient progressive stereo reconstruction i.e the best practice combination. In order to obtain a similarity reconstruction the in t rinsic parameters of the camera need to be known. If they are not known they are determined by capturing ten images of a checkerboard with a known calibration pattern from different angles and using the moving plane algori thm. Thereafter in order to perform a near real-time reconstruction frames are acquired and reconstructed simultaneously. For the first pair of frames keypoints are detected and matched using a best practice keypoint detection and matching algorithm. The motion of the camera between the frames is then determined by decomposing the essential matrix which is determined from the fundamental matrix, which is determined using a best practice ego-motion estimation algorithm. Finally the keypoints are reconstructed using a best practice reconstruction algorithm. For sequential frames each frame is paired with t he previous frame and keypoints are therefore only detected in the sequential frame. They are detected , matched and reconstructed in the same fashion as the first pair of frames, however to ensure that the reconstructed points are in the same scale as the points reconstructed from the first pair of frames the motion of the camera between t he frames is estimated from 3D-2D correspondences using a best practice algorithm. If the purpose of progressive reconstruction is for visualization the best practice combination algorithm for keypoint detection was found to be Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) as it results in more reconstructed points than Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). SIFT is however more computationally efficient and thus better suited if the number of reconstructed points does not matter, for example if the purpose of progressive reconstruction is for camera tracking. For all purposes the best practice combination algorithm for matching was found to be optical flow as it is the most efficient and for ego-motion estimation the best practice combination algorithm was found to be the 5-point algorithm as it is robust to points located on planes. This research is significant as the effects of the key steps of progressive reconstruction and the choices made at each step on the accuracy and efficiency of the reconstruction as a whole have never been studied. As a result progressive stereo reconstruction can now be performed in near real-time on a mobile device without compromising the accuracy of reconstruction

    Analisa Peningkatan Kualitas Citra Bawah Air Berbasis Koreksi Gamma Dan Histogram Equalization

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    Underwater image of water quality in the dark, it depends on the depth of water at the time of image acquisition or image. The results of the image quality is adversely affecting the results matching the image pairs underwater with SIFT algorithm. This research aims to use the method of image preprocessing and Histogram Equalization Gamma Correction that works to improve the quality of images underwater. The results showed 27.76% increase using image preprocessing Gamma Correction and Histogram Equalization compared with no increase in image quality. Results of paired t-test has the null hypothesis is rejected so that there is a significant difference between the application of Gamma Correction Histogram Equalization with and without image enhancement