386 research outputs found

    Toolflows for Mapping Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs: A Survey and Future Directions

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    In the past decade, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various Artificial Intelligence tasks. To accelerate the experimentation and development of CNNs, several software frameworks have been released, primarily targeting power-hungry CPUs and GPUs. In this context, reconfigurable hardware in the form of FPGAs constitutes a potential alternative platform that can be integrated in the existing deep learning ecosystem to provide a tunable balance between performance, power consumption and programmability. In this paper, a survey of the existing CNN-to-FPGA toolflows is presented, comprising a comparative study of their key characteristics which include the supported applications, architectural choices, design space exploration methods and achieved performance. Moreover, major challenges and objectives introduced by the latest trends in CNN algorithmic research are identified and presented. Finally, a uniform evaluation methodology is proposed, aiming at the comprehensive, complete and in-depth evaluation of CNN-to-FPGA toolflows.Comment: Accepted for publication at the ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) journal, 201

    Acceleration of Deep Learning on FPGA

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    In recent years, deep convolutional neural networks (ConvNet) have shown their popularity in various real world applications. To provide more accurate results, the state-of-the-art ConvNet requires millions of parameters and billions of operations to process a single image, which represents a computational challenge for general purpose processors. As a result, hardware accelerators such as Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), have been adopted to improve the performance of ConvNet. However, GPU-based solution consumes a considerable amount of power and a traditional RTL design on FPGA requires tedious development that is very time-consuming. In this work, we propose a scalable and parameterized end-to-end ConvNet design using Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL. To validate the design, we implement VGG 16 model on two different FPGA boards. Consequently, our designs achieve 306.41 GOPS on Intel Stratix A7 and 318.94 GOPS on Intel Arria 10 GX 10AX115. To the best of our knowledge, this outperforms previous FPGA-based accelerators. Compared to the CPU (Intel Xeon E5-2620) and a mid-range GPU (Nvidia K40), our design is 24.3X and 1.7X more energy efficient respectively

    Hardware Acceleration of Video analytics on FPGA using OpenCL

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    abstract: With the exponential growth in video content over the period of the last few years, analysis of videos is becoming more crucial for many applications such as self-driving cars, healthcare, and traffic management. Most of these video analysis application uses deep learning algorithms such as convolution neural networks (CNN) because of their high accuracy in object detection. Thus enhancing the performance of CNN models become crucial for video analysis. CNN models are computationally-expensive operations and often require high-end graphics processing units (GPUs) for acceleration. However, for real-time applications in an energy-thermal constrained environment such as traffic management, GPUs are less preferred because of their high power consumption, limited energy efficiency. They are challenging to fit in a small place. To enable real-time video analytics in emerging large scale Internet of things (IoT) applications, the computation must happen at the network edge (near the cameras) in a distributed fashion. Thus, edge computing must be adopted. Recent studies have shown that field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are highly suitable for edge computing due to their architecture adaptiveness, high computational throughput for streaming processing, and high energy efficiency. This thesis presents a generic OpenCL-defined CNN accelerator architecture optimized for FPGA-based real-time video analytics on edge. The proposed CNN OpenCL kernel adopts a highly pipelined and parallelized 1-D systolic array architecture, which explores both spatial and temporal parallelism for energy efficiency CNN acceleration on FPGAs. The large fan-in and fan-out of computational units to the memory interface are identified as the limiting factor in existing designs that causes scalability issues, and solutions are proposed to resolve the issue with compiler automation. The proposed CNN kernel is highly scalable and parameterized by three architecture parameters, namely pe_num, reuse_fac, and vec_fac, which can be adapted to achieve 100% utilization of the coarse-grained computation resources (e.g., DSP blocks) for a given FPGA. The proposed CNN kernel is generic and can be used to accelerate a wide range of CNN models without recompiling the FPGA kernel hardware. The performance of Alexnet, Resnet-50, Retinanet, and Light-weight Retinanet has been measured by the proposed CNN kernel on Intel Arria 10 GX1150 FPGA. The measurement result shows that the proposed CNN kernel, when mapped with 100% utilization of computation resources, can achieve a latency of 11ms, 84ms, 1614.9ms, and 990.34ms for Alexnet, Resnet-50, Retinanet, and Light-weight Retinanet respectively when the input feature maps and weights are represented using 32-bit floating-point data type.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Electrical Engineering 201

    FeCaffe: FPGA-enabled Caffe with OpenCL for Deep Learning Training and Inference on Intel Stratix 10

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    Deep learning and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) have becoming increasingly more popular and important in both academic and industrial areas in recent years cause they are able to provide better accuracy and result in classification, detection and recognition areas, compared to traditional approaches. Currently, there are many popular frameworks in the market for deep learning development, such as Caffe, TensorFlow, Pytorch, and most of frameworks natively support CPU and consider GPU as the mainline accelerator by default. FPGA device, viewed as a potential heterogeneous platform, still cannot provide a comprehensive support for CNN development in popular frameworks, in particular to the training phase. In this paper, we firstly propose the FeCaffe, i.e. FPGA-enabled Caffe, a hierarchical software and hardware design methodology based on the Caffe to enable FPGA to support mainline deep learning development features, e.g. training and inference with Caffe. Furthermore, we provide some benchmarks with FeCaffe by taking some classical CNN networks as examples, and further analysis of kernel execution time in details accordingly. Finally, some optimization directions including FPGA kernel design, system pipeline, network architecture, user case application and heterogeneous platform levels, have been proposed gradually to improve FeCaffe performance and efficiency. The result demonstrates the proposed FeCaffe is capable of supporting almost full features during CNN network training and inference respectively with high degree of design flexibility, expansibility and reusability for deep learning development. Compared to prior studies, our architecture can support more network and training settings, and current configuration can achieve 6.4x and 8.4x average execution time improvement for forward and backward respectively for LeNet.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures and 4 table

    Towards Ultra-High Performance and Energy Efficiency of Deep Learning Systems: An Algorithm-Hardware Co-Optimization Framework

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    Hardware accelerations of deep learning systems have been extensively investigated in industry and academia. The aim of this paper is to achieve ultra-high energy efficiency and performance for hardware implementations of deep neural networks (DNNs). An algorithm-hardware co-optimization framework is developed, which is applicable to different DNN types, sizes, and application scenarios. The algorithm part adopts the general block-circulant matrices to achieve a fine-grained tradeoff between accuracy and compression ratio. It applies to both fully-connected and convolutional layers and contains a mathematically rigorous proof of the effectiveness of the method. The proposed algorithm reduces computational complexity per layer from O(n2n^2) to O(nlognn\log n) and storage complexity from O(n2n^2) to O(nn), both for training and inference. The hardware part consists of highly efficient Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based implementations using effective reconfiguration, batch processing, deep pipelining, resource re-using, and hierarchical control. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves at least 152X speedup and 71X energy efficiency gain compared with IBM TrueNorth processor under the same test accuracy. It achieves at least 31X energy efficiency gain compared with the reference FPGA-based work.Comment: 6 figures, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 201

    Evaluación de desempeño de redes convolucionales sobre arquitecturas heterogéneas para aplicaciones en robótica autónoma

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    Humanoid robots find application in human-robot interaction tasks. However, despite their capabilities, their sequential computing system limits the execution of computationally expensive algorithms such as convolutional neural networks, which have demonstrated good performance in recognition tasks. As an alternative to sequential computing units, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays and Graphics Processing Units have a high degree of parallelism and low power consumption. This study aims to improve the visual perception of a humanoid robot called NAO using these embedded systems running a convolutional neural network. The methodology adopted here is based on image acquisition and transmission using simulation software: Webots and Choreographe. In each embedded system, an object recognition stage is performed using commercial convolutional neural network acceleration frameworks. Xilinx® Ultra96™, Intel® Cyclone® V-SoC and NVIDIA® Jetson™ TX2 cards were used, and Tinier-YOLO, AlexNet, Inception-V1 and Inception V3 transfer-learning networks were executed. Real-time metrics were obtained when Inception V1, Inception V3 transfer-learning and AlexNet were run on the Ultra96 and Jetson TX2 cards, with frame rates between 28 and 30 frames per second. The results demonstrated that the use of these embedded systems and convolutional neural networks can provide humanoid robots such as NAO with greater visual recognition in tasks that require high accuracy and autonomy.Los robots humanoides encuentran aplicación en tareas de interacción humano-robot. A pesar de sus capacidades, su sistema de computación secuencial limita la ejecución de algoritmos computacionalmente costosos, como las redes neuronales convolucionales, que han demostrado buen rendimiento en tareas de reconocimiento. Como alternativa a unidades de cómputo secuencial se encuentran los Field Programmable Gate Arrays y las Graphics Processing Unit, que tienen un alto grado de paralelismo y bajo consumo de energía. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo mejorar la percepción visual del robot humanoide NAO utilizando estos sistemas embebidos que ejecutan una red neuronal convolucional. El trabajo se basó en la adquisición y transmisión de la imagen usando herramientas de simulación como Webots y Choreographe. Posteriormente, en cada sistema embebido, se realizó una etapa de reconocimiento del objeto utilizando frameworks de aceleración comerciales de redes neuronales convolucionales. Luego se utilizaron las tarjetas Xilinx Ultra96, Intel Cyclone V-SoC y Nvidia Jetson TX2; después fueron ejecutadas las redes Tinier-Yolo, Alexnet, Inception V1 y Inception V3 transfer-learning. Se obtuvieron métricas en tiempo real cuando Inception V1, Inception V3 transfer-learning y AlexNet fueron ejecutadas sobre la Ultra96 y Jetson TX2, teniendo como intervalo entre 28 y 30 cuadros por segundo. Los resultados demostraron que el uso de estos sistemas embebidos y redes neuronales convolucionales puede otorgarles a robots humanoides, como NAO, mayor reconocimiento visual en tareas que requieren alta precisión y autonomía. &nbsp