375 research outputs found

    Developing numerical libraries in Java

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    The rapid and widespread adoption of Java has created a demand for reliable and reusable mathematical software components to support the growing number of compute-intensive applications now under development, particularly in science and engineering. In this paper we address practical issues of the Java language and environment which have an effect on numerical library design and development. Benchmarks which illustrate the current levels of performance of key numerical kernels on a variety of Java platforms are presented. Finally, a strategy for the development of a fundamental numerical toolkit for Java is proposed and its current status is described.Comment: 11 pages. Revised version of paper presented to the 1998 ACM Conference on Java for High Performance Network Computing. To appear in Concurrency: Practice and Experienc

    Performance Modeling and Prediction for Dense Linear Algebra

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    This dissertation introduces measurement-based performance modeling and prediction techniques for dense linear algebra algorithms. As a core principle, these techniques avoid executions of such algorithms entirely, and instead predict their performance through runtime estimates for the underlying compute kernels. For a variety of operations, these predictions allow to quickly select the fastest algorithm configurations from available alternatives. We consider two scenarios that cover a wide range of computations: To predict the performance of blocked algorithms, we design algorithm-independent performance models for kernel operations that are generated automatically once per platform. For various matrix operations, instantaneous predictions based on such models both accurately identify the fastest algorithm, and select a near-optimal block size. For performance predictions of BLAS-based tensor contractions, we propose cache-aware micro-benchmarks that take advantage of the highly regular structure inherent to contraction algorithms. At merely a fraction of a contraction's runtime, predictions based on such micro-benchmarks identify the fastest combination of tensor traversal and compute kernel

    Improving Numerical Accuracy for Non-Negative Matrix Multiplication on GPUs using Recursive Algorithms

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    ABSTRACT Scientific computing is only bound by the limits of Moore's Law and the scalability of high performance mathematical library implementations. Most mathematical libraries however tend to focus only on general inputs, limiting their potential performance and scalability by not tailoring their implementation to specific inputs, such as non-negative inputs. By removing this limitation it is possible to improve the performance and accuracy of a range of problems. In this paper we explore the limitations of hardware to improve accuracy of non-negative matrix multiply by specifically comparing implementations on the GPU and CPU and propose algorithmic solutions to improve accuracy. Next, we demonstrate a matrix multiply implementation that takes advantage of asymptotically fast matrix multiply algorithms, which have been shown to scale better than O(N 3 ) matrix multiply implementations, and improve accuracy by up to a whole digit while increasing performance by up to 27% for matrices where the input is positive. Finally, we propose to extend the BLAS level 3 specification to non-negative matrices to allow easy integration of our solution and allow other library authors to implement their own solutions as part of an existing standard

    The fast multipole method at exascale

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    This thesis presents a top to bottom analysis on designing and implementing fast algorithms for current and future systems. We present new analysis, algorithmic techniques, and implementations of the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for solving N- body problems. We target the FMM because it is broadly applicable to a variety of scientific particle simulations used to study electromagnetic, fluid, and gravitational phenomena, among others. Importantly, the FMM has asymptotically optimal time complexity with guaranteed approximation accuracy. As such, it is among the most attractive solutions for scalable particle simulation on future extreme scale systems. We specifically address two key challenges. The first challenge is how to engineer fast code for today’s platforms. We present the first in-depth study of multicore op- timizations and tuning for FMM, along with a systematic approach for transforming a conventionally-parallelized FMM into a highly-tuned one. We introduce novel opti- mizations that significantly improve the within-node scalability of the FMM, thereby enabling high-performance in the face of multicore and manycore systems. The second challenge is how to understand scalability on future systems. We present a new algorithmic complexity analysis of the FMM that considers both intra- and inter- node communication costs. Using these models, we present results for choosing the optimal algorithmic tuning parameter. This analysis also yields the surprising prediction that although the FMM is largely compute-bound today, and therefore highly scalable on current systems, the trajectory of processor architecture designs, if there are no significant changes could cause it to become communication-bound as early as the year 2015. This prediction suggests the utility of our analysis approach, which directly relates algorithmic and architectural characteristics, for enabling a new kind of highlevel algorithm-architecture co-design. To demonstrate the scientific significance of FMM, we present two applications namely, direct simulation of blood which is a multi-scale multi-physics problem and large-scale biomolecular electrostatics. MoBo (Moving Boundaries) is the infrastruc- ture for the direct numerical simulation of blood. It comprises of two key algorithmic components of which FMM is one. We were able to simulate blood flow using Stoke- sian dynamics on 200,000 cores of Jaguar, a peta-flop system and achieve a sustained performance of 0.7 Petaflop/s. The second application we propose as future work in this thesis is biomolecular electrostatics where we solve for the electrical potential using the boundary-integral formulation discretized with boundary element methods (BEM). The computational kernel in solving the large linear system is dense matrix vector multiply which we propose can be calculated using our scalable FMM. We propose to begin with the two dielectric problem where the electrostatic field is cal- culated using two continuum dielectric medium, the solvent and the molecule. This is only a first step to solving biologically challenging problems which have more than two dielectric medium, ion-exclusion layers, and solvent filled cavities. Finally, given the difficulty in producing high-performance scalable code, productivity is a key concern. Recently, numerical algorithms are being redesigned to take advantage of the architectural features of emerging multicore processors. These new classes of algorithms express fine-grained asynchronous parallelism and hence reduce the cost of synchronization. We performed the first extensive performance study of a recently proposed parallel programming model, called Concurrent Collections (CnC). In CnC, the programmer expresses her computation in terms of application-specific operations, partially-ordered by semantic scheduling constraints. The CnC model is well-suited to expressing asynchronous-parallel algorithms, so we evaluate CnC using two dense linear algebra algorithms in this style for execution on state-of-the-art mul- ticore systems. Our implementations in CnC was able to match and in some cases even exceed competing vendor-tuned and domain specific library codes. We combine these two distinct research efforts by expressing FMM in CnC, our approach tries to marry performance with productivity that will be critical on future systems. Looking forward, we would like to extend this to distributed memory machines, specifically implement FMM in the new distributed CnC, distCnC to express fine-grained paral- lelism which would require significant effort in alternative models.Ph.D

    Algorithm Architecture Co-design for Dense and Sparse Matrix Computations

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    abstract: With the end of Dennard scaling and Moore's law, architects have moved towards heterogeneous designs consisting of specialized cores to achieve higher performance and energy efficiency for a target application domain. Applications of linear algebra are ubiquitous in the field of scientific computing, machine learning, statistics, etc. with matrix computations being fundamental to these linear algebra based solutions. Design of multiple dense (or sparse) matrix computation routines on the same platform is quite challenging. Added to the complexity is the fact that dense and sparse matrix computations have large differences in their storage and access patterns and are difficult to optimize on the same architecture. This thesis addresses this challenge and introduces a reconfigurable accelerator that supports both dense and sparse matrix computations efficiently. The reconfigurable architecture has been optimized to execute the following linear algebra routines: GEMV (Dense General Matrix Vector Multiplication), GEMM (Dense General Matrix Matrix Multiplication), TRSM (Triangular Matrix Solver), LU Decomposition, Matrix Inverse, SpMV (Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication), SpMM (Sparse Matrix Matrix Multiplication). It is a multicore architecture where each core consists of a 2D array of processing elements (PE). The 2D array of PEs is of size 4x4 and is scheduled to perform 4x4 sized matrix updates efficiently. A sequence of such updates is used to solve a larger problem inside a core. A novel partitioned block compressed sparse data structure (PBCSC/PBCSR) is used to perform sparse kernel updates. Scalable partitioning and mapping schemes are presented that map input matrices of any given size to the multicore architecture. Design trade-offs related to the PE array dimension, size of local memory inside a core and the bandwidth between on-chip memories and the cores have been presented. An optimal core configuration is developed from this analysis. Synthesis results using a 7nm PDK show that the proposed accelerator can achieve a performance of upto 32 GOPS using a single core.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Engineering 201
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