315 research outputs found

    Improving spam filtering by combining Naive Bayes with simple k-nearest neighbor searches

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    Using naive Bayes for email classification has become very popular within the last few months. They are quite easy to implement and very efficient. In this paper we want to present empirical results of email classification using a combination of naive Bayes and k-nearest neighbor searches. Using this technique we show that the accuracy of a Bayes filter can be improved slightly for a high number of features and significantly for a small number of features

    Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms for Email and Malware Spam Filtering: A Review

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    In this paper, we presented a review of the state-of-the-art hybrid machine learning algorithms that were being used for email effective computing. For this reason, three research questions were formed, and the questions were answered by studying and analyzing related papers collected from some well-established scientific databases (Springer Link, IEEE Explore, Web of Science, and Scopus) based on some exclusion and inclusion criteria. The result presented the common Hybrid ML algorithms used to enhance email spam filtering. Also, the state-of-the-art datasets used for email and malware spam filtering were presented.&nbsp

    A direct ensemble classifier for imbalanced multiclass learning

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    Researchers have shown that although traditional direct classifier algorithm can be easily applied to multiclass classification, the performance of a single classifier is decreased with the existence of imbalance data in multiclass classification tasks.Thus, ensemble of classifiers has emerged as one of the hot topics in multiclass classification tasks for imbalance problem for data mining and machine learning domain.Ensemble learning is an effective technique that has increasingly been adopted to combine multiple learning algorithms to improve overall prediction accuraciesand may outperform any single sophisticated classifiers.In this paper, an ensemble learner called a Direct Ensemble Classifier for Imbalanced Multiclass Learning (DECIML) that combines simple nearest neighbour and Naive Bayes algorithms is proposed. A combiner method called OR-tree is used to combine the decisions obtained from the ensemble classifiers.The DECIML framework has been tested with several benchmark dataset and shows promising results

    Improving Feature Selection Techniques for Machine Learning

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    As a commonly used technique in data preprocessing for machine learning, feature selection identifies important features and removes irrelevant, redundant or noise features to reduce the dimensionality of feature space. It improves efficiency, accuracy and comprehensibility of the models built by learning algorithms. Feature selection techniques have been widely employed in a variety of applications, such as genomic analysis, information retrieval, and text categorization. Researchers have introduced many feature selection algorithms with different selection criteria. However, it has been discovered that no single criterion is best for all applications. We proposed a hybrid feature selection framework called based on genetic algorithms (GAs) that employs a target learning algorithm to evaluate features, a wrapper method. We call it hybrid genetic feature selection (HGFS) framework. The advantages of this approach include the ability to accommodate multiple feature selection criteria and find small subsets of features that perform well for the target algorithm. The experiments on genomic data demonstrate that ours is a robust and effective approach that can find subsets of features with higher classification accuracy and/or smaller size compared to each individual feature selection algorithm. A common characteristic of text categorization tasks is multi-label classification with a great number of features, which makes wrapper methods time-consuming and impractical. We proposed a simple filter (non-wrapper) approach called Relation Strength and Frequency Variance (RSFV) measure. The basic idea is that informative features are those that are highly correlated with the class and distribute most differently among all classes. The approach is compared with two well-known feature selection methods in the experiments on two standard text corpora. The experiments show that RSFV generate equal or better performance than the others in many cases

    Machine learning in digital marketing.

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    Marketers use machine learning to find patterns in user activities on a website or on a mobile application. This helps them predict the further behavior of users and quickly optimize advertising offers. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm based on Machine Learning used in the Information System for optimizing advertising services, attracting customers, growing sales, adapting the promotional offers that correspond to the hobbies of users, and for setting up a spam filter in the email or the Facebook service. Our framework demonstrates the feasibility of the approach to manage advertising campaigns to produce better results

    A systematic literature review on spam content detection and classification

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    The presence of spam content in social media is tremendously increasing, and therefore the detection of spam has become vital. The spam contents increase as people extensively use social media, i.e ., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and E-mail. The time spent by people using social media is overgrowing, especially in the time of the pandemic. Users get a lot of text messages through social media, and they cannot recognize the spam content in these messages. Spam messages contain malicious links, apps, fake accounts, fake news, reviews, rumors, etc. To improve social media security, the detection and control of spam text are essential. This paper presents a detailed survey on the latest developments in spam text detection and classification in social media. The various techniques involved in spam detection and classification involving Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and text-based approaches are discussed in this paper. We also present the challenges encountered in the identification of spam with its control mechanisms and datasets used in existing works involving spam detection

    Application of Big Data Technology, Text Classification, and Azure Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management Using Data Science Methodology

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    Data science plays a crucial role in enabling organizations to optimize data-driven opportunities within financial risk management. It involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, ultimately safeguarding investments, reducing uncertainty, ensuring regulatory compliance, enhancing decision-making, and fostering long-term sustainability. This thesis explores three facets of Data Science projects: enhancing customer understanding, fraud prevention, and predictive analysis, with the goal of improving existing tools and enabling more informed decision-making. The first project examined leveraged big data technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark, to enhance financial risk management by accurately predicting loan defaulters and their repayment likelihood. In the second project, we investigated risk assessment and fraud prevention within the financial sector, where Natural Language Processing and machine learning techniques were applied to classify emails into categories like spam, ham, and phishing. After training various models, their performance was rigorously evaluated. In the third project, we explored the utilization of Azure machine learning to identify loan defaulters, emphasizing the comparison of different machine learning algorithms for predictive analysis. The results aimed to determine the best-performing model by evaluating various performance metrics for the dataset. This study is important because it offers a strategy for enhancing risk management, preventing fraud, and encouraging innovation in the financial industry, ultimately resulting in better financial outcomes and enhanced customer protection

    Scalable Text Mining with Sparse Generative Models

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    The information age has brought a deluge of data. Much of this is in text form, insurmountable in scope for humans and incomprehensible in structure for computers. Text mining is an expanding field of research that seeks to utilize the information contained in vast document collections. General data mining methods based on machine learning face challenges with the scale of text data, posing a need for scalable text mining methods. This thesis proposes a solution to scalable text mining: generative models combined with sparse computation. A unifying formalization for generative text models is defined, bringing together research traditions that have used formally equivalent models, but ignored parallel developments. This framework allows the use of methods developed in different processing tasks such as retrieval and classification, yielding effective solutions across different text mining tasks. Sparse computation using inverted indices is proposed for inference on probabilistic models. This reduces the computational complexity of the common text mining operations according to sparsity, yielding probabilistic models with the scalability of modern search engines. The proposed combination provides sparse generative models: a solution for text mining that is general, effective, and scalable. Extensive experimentation on text classification and ranked retrieval datasets are conducted, showing that the proposed solution matches or outperforms the leading task-specific methods in effectiveness, with a order of magnitude decrease in classification times for Wikipedia article categorization with a million classes. The developed methods were further applied in two 2014 Kaggle data mining prize competitions with over a hundred competing teams, earning first and second places