183 research outputs found


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     Створення та функціонування сайту закладу вищох освіти – це необхідна умова ефективної комунікації користувачів та закладу. Маркетинг просування саме освітніх сайтів має совї аспекти на відміну від просування комерційниї вебресурсів. Особливе значення для освітніх сайтів має позиція закладу у світових рейтингах оцінювання, а не лише топ видачі у списках пошукових систем. Запропоновано практичну реалізацію раніше розробленого комплексу основних методичних, організаційних заходів і програмних засобів для підвищення позицій освітнього вебресурса в пошуковій системі Google і світових рейтингах. Впровадження покрокової SEO-оптимізації продемонстровано на конкретному прикладі офіційного вебресурсу ДВНЗ «Український державний хіміко-технологічний університет» (УДХТУ). Розглянуто бібліометричні методи, SEO-оптимізація та оптимізація вебресурсу. Аналіз результатів проведеної SEO-оптимізації показав, що за допомогою правильних базових SEO-налаштувань сайту, без використання комерційної реклами, позиція сайту УДХТУ піднялася на перше місце в списку видачі пошукової системи Google. Продемонстровано, що застосовані методи та засоби дають змогу підвищити внутрішню та зовнішню оптимізацію вебресурсу, оптимізувати вебсервер, на якому розташовано сайт, збільшити швидкість завантаження сторінок. Загальна частина переходів на сайт збільшилася за рахунок розширення функціоналу. Впровадження комплексу основних методичних, організаційних заходів та програмних засобів на вебресурсі УДХТУ підвищило позиції в міжнародних рейтингах. Результати, отримані в ході проведеного дослідження, сприятимуть вирішенню конкретних практичних завдань підвищення рейтингу сайтів закладів вищої освіти в списку пошукових систем і будуть корисні тим, хто планує проводити заходи по просуванню освітіх сайтів в пошукових системах та світових рейтингах оцінювання закладів вищої освіти. Ключові слова: вебсайт, вебресурс, SЕО-оптимізація, пошукова система Google, бібліометричні методи, зовнішня внутрішня оптимізація.A set of basic methodological, organizational measures and software tools has been proposed to increase positions of the educational Web-resource in Google Search Engine and in world rankings. The introduction of the step-by-step SEO-optimization has been demonstrated using the specific example of the existing web resource of the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (USUCT). There have been taken into account bibliometric methods, SEO optimization and web resource optimization. The analysis of the results of the carried out SEO-optimization showed that with the help of correct basic SEO-settings of the website, without using the commercial advertising, the position of the website rose to the first place in the list of Google Search Engine. The general part of transitions to the website increased due to the expansion of functionality. The introduced methods on the SHI USUCT web resource made it possible to increase the position in the world rating ratings The results obtained during the study performed will contribute to solving specific practical problems of increasing the ranking of websites in the list of search engines and will be useful for those who plan to carry out activities to promote the educational website in outputs of search engines. Keywords: website, web resource, SEO-optimization, Google Search Engine, bibliometric methods, SEO optimization and web resource optimization

    Multi-Objective and Multi-Attribute Optimisation for Sustainable Development Decision Aiding

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    Optimization is considered as a decision-making process for getting the most out of available resources for the best attainable results. Many real-world problems are multi-objective or multi-attribute problems that naturally involve several competing objectives that need to be optimized simultaneously, while respecting some constraints or involving selection among feasible discrete alternatives. In this Reprint of the Special Issue, 19 research papers co-authored by 88 researchers from 14 different countries explore aspects of multi-objective or multi-attribute modeling and optimization in crisp or uncertain environments by suggesting multiple-attribute decision-making (MADM) and multi-objective decision-making (MODM) approaches. The papers elaborate upon the approaches of state-of-the-art case studies in selected areas of applications related to sustainable development decision aiding in engineering and management, including construction, transportation, infrastructure development, production, and organization management

    How can start-ups increase their value co-creation through SEO?

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    Abstract. The internet started in the 1960s for government researchers to exchange research. Tim Berners Lee created the foundation for the web in 1990, which consisted of the HTTP protocol, a browser, a server, and the world’s first website. Netscape, an early web browser, had a very successful IPO in 1995, which ultimately popularized the web and sparked the so-called “Dot Com bubble.” The World Wide Web, since its creation until now, has become a critical channel between companies and customers. Over half of the internet starts their search on a search engine, making it imperative for companies that want to stay competitive to have a website online. Ever since the commercialization of the internet, startup companies have competed for the first search results in search engines through a digital marketing technique known as Search Engine Optimization. SEO as a study topic has been studied since Google was created in 1998. This thesis explores how value co-creation is created with Search Engine Optimization and how the two concepts are related. The context is for high-growth start-up companies that aim to increase their digital presence online. The research method is qualitative dominant and takes an abductive approach. The primary data was collected from a young startup company in North America and consisted of an extensive data set of user behavior. The data consisted of screen recordings of the users and user metrics collected through a tracking script on the website. The secondary data used takes the form of peer-reviewed articles, previous SEO studies, online articles, and books. Search Engine Optimization was found to enable companies that want to increase their value co-creation based on the data. It was shown to have the capacity to boost their online presence, create more opportunities for value co-creation, and provide an insight into any blockages preventing co-creation. Essentially, SEO was found to be a vehicle to drive users to companies’ websites and increase the chances for the company to engage the user with a value proposition that could later turn into value-creation. The data also revealed that companies could choose to become co-creators in value if they choose to do so. This was a contrary finding to the pre-existing theory

    Investigant la SEO de les ciències socials: 'scoping review'

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    Introduction: SEO (search engine optimization) is the set of strategies that apply to content and websites so that they appear in relevant positions in search results. Given its importance in broad sectors of human activity, SEO has not gone unnoticed by academia, which has led to the development of different studies on this discipline. Objectives: under this premise, in this work, we aim to learn the academy's vision of SEO. In particular, we aim to explore the main characteristics of the corpus of published academic articles on SEO in the field of social sciences. The specific objectives are to determine key ideas, trends and key themes related to search engine positioning, including commonly used methodologies, as well as provide evidence-based input through a scoping review. Methodology: to carry out this research and determine what is the academia's vision about SEO, an exploratory systematic review has been applied, under a methodology known internationally as scoping review. For the development of the different phases of the systematized review, the SALSA framework has been followed, which has provided a basis of evidence from 56 documents. Results: the results of this research provide an overall characterization of academic studies in SEO from the social sciences and determine that they have focused, mainly, on knowing how general search engines like Google work, study SEO in relation to libraries and repositories, research positioning techniques in general and in particular business sectors, notably in journalism and the media, analyze the learning and training applied to search engine optimization and demonstrate the relationship between search engine positioning and user experience

    Investigando el SEO desde las ciencias sociales: 'scoping review'

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    Introduction: SEO (search engine optimization) is the set of strategies that apply to content and websites so that they appear in relevant positions in search results. Given its importance in broad sectors of human activity, SEO has not gone unnoticed by academia, which has led to the development of different studies on this discipline. Objectives: under this premise, in this work, we aim to learn the academy's vision of SEO. In particular, we aim to explore the main characteristics of the corpus of published academic articles on SEO in the field of social sciences. The specific objectives are to determine key ideas, trends and key themes related to search engine positioning, including commonly used methodologies, as well as provide evidence-based input through a scoping review. Methodology: to carry out this research and determine what is the academia's vision about SEO, an exploratory systematic review has been applied, under a methodology known internationally as scoping review. For the development of the different phases of the systematized review, the SALSA framework has been followed, which has provided a basis of evidence from 56 documents. Results: the results of this research provide an overall characterization of academic studies in SEO from the social sciences and determine that they have focused, mainly, on knowing how general search engines like Google work, study SEO in relation to libraries and repositories, research positioning techniques in general and in particular business sectors, notably in journalism and the media, analyze the learning and training applied to search engine optimization and demonstrate the relationship between search engine positioning and user experience

    Implementasi Marketing Automation Menggunakan Metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) On Page dan Off Page pada Website Berbasis Content Management System (CMS) pada PT. Eltama Prima Indo

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    PT Eltama Prima Indo adalah perusahaan yang bergerak pada sektor chemicals yang menyediakan layanan berupa produk cat epoxy, jasa epoxy, coating, dan sandblasting. Seiring dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, PT Eltama Prima Indo hendak memaksimalkan teknologi sebagai media pemasaran terutama search engine Google. Hanya saja, PT Eltama Prima Indo belum memiliki halaman atau website yang ditujukan untuk optimalisasi pada search engine. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dimulai dengan pengembangan website dengan alamat https://www.epoxynesia.com menggunakan Content Management System (CMS) Wordpress. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan optimalisasi website pada search engine Google menggunakan metode Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on page dan off page. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research & development untuk pengujian efektivitas implementasi SEO on page dan off page terhadap peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan jumlah visitors epoxynesia.com pada search engine Google. Berdasarkan analisis SEO dan kompetitor, epoxynesia.com diketahui membutuhkan implementasi SEO on page maupun SEO off page untuk menyesuaikan website dengan kaidah dari algoritme Google. Setelah dilakukan analisis, penulis melanjutkan dengan implementasi SEO on page dan off page. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian hasil implementasi menggunakan beberapa tools untuk mengetahui perubahan pada peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan visitors. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, terdapat peningkatan pada peringkat kata kunci, performance, dan visitors. Selain itu, peningkatan pada skor authority SEO versi domain authority Moz naik 14 poin. Sedangkan, domain rating versi Ahrefs naik 31 poin

    Advances in Theoretical and Computational Energy Optimization Processes

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    The paradigm in the design of all human activity that requires energy for its development must change from the past. We must change the processes of product manufacturing and functional services. This is necessary in order to mitigate the ecological footprint of man on the Earth, which cannot be considered as a resource with infinite capacities. To do this, every single process must be analyzed and modified, with the aim of decarbonising each production sector. This collection of articles has been assembled to provide ideas and new broad-spectrum contributions for these purposes

    Initialization of a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms Knowledge Acquisition System for Renewable Energy Power Plants

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    pp. 185-204The design of Renewable Energy Power Plants (REPPs) is crucial not only for the investments' performance and attractiveness measures, but also for the maximization of resource (source) usage (e.g. sun, water, and wind) and the minimization of raw materials (e.g. aluminum: Al, cadmium: Cd, iron: Fe, silicon: Si, and tellurium: Te) consumption. Hence, several appropriate and satisfactory Multi-objective Problems (MOPs) are mandatory during the REPPs' design phases. MOPs related tasks can only be managed by very well organized knowledge acquisition on all REPPs' design equations and models. The proposed MOPs need to be solved with one or more multiobjective algorithm, such as Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). In this respect, the first aim of this research study is to start gathering knowledge on the REPPs' MOPs. The second aim of this study is to gather detailed information about all MOEAs and available free software tools for their development. The main contribution of this research is the initialization of a proposed multi-objective evolutionary algorithm knowledge acquisition system for renewable energy power plants (MOEAs-KAS-FREPPs) (research and development loopwise process: develop, train, validate, improve, test, improve, operate, and improve). As a simple representative example of this knowledge acquisition system research with two selective and elective proposed standard objectives (as test objectives) and eight selective and elective proposed standard constraints (as test constraints) are generated and applied as a standardized MOP for a virtual small hydropower plant design and investment. The maximization of energy generation (MWh) and the minimization of initial investment cost (million €) are achieved by the Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), the Niched Sharing Genetic Algorithm/Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-I), and the NSGA-II algorithms in the Scilab 6.0.0 as only three standardized MOEAs amongst all proposed standardized MOEAs on two desktop computer configurations (Windows 10 Home 1709 64 bits, Intel i5-7200 CPU @ 2.7 GHz, 8.00 GB RAM with internet connection and Windows 10 Pro, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20 GHz, 6,00 GB RAM with internet connection). The algorithm run-times (computation time) of the current applications vary between 20.64 and 59.98 seconds.S