45 research outputs found

    Which factors are significant for obtaining business intelligence success in the public sector?

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    How do top- and bottom-performing companies differ in using business analytics?

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    Purpose Business analytics (BA) has attracted growing attention mainly due to the phenomena of big data. While studies suggest that BA positively affects organizational performance, there is a lack of academic research. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to examine the extent to which top- and bottom-performing companies differ regarding their use and organizational facilitation of BA. Design/methodology/approach Hypotheses are developed drawing on the information processing view and contingency theory, and tested using multivariate analysis of variance to analyze data collected from 117 UK manufacture companies. Findings Top- and bottom-performing companies differ significantly in their use of BA, data-driven environment, and level of fit between BA and data-drain environment. Practical implications Extensive use of BA and data-driven decisions will lead to superior firm performance. Companies wishing to use BA to improve decision making and performance need to develop relevant analytical strategy to guide BA activities and design its structure and business processes to embed BA activities. Originality/value This study provides useful management insights into the effective use of BA for improving organizational performance

    Сучасний менеджмент бізнес-процесів в межах ланцюжка постачання індустрії моди

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    Бізнес-процеси присутні у всіх типах підприємств, незалежно від розміру або галузі, в якій діє підприємство. Успішне управління бізнес-процесами (BPM) є показником рівня сталості організаційних процесів. В рамках ланцюга поставок можна спостерігати наявність бізнес-процесів спільного характеру, оскільки BPM спирається на принципи партнерства, розвитку та обміну інформацією через зв’язки, що існують у цьому ланцюгу між усіма суб’єктами [1]. У цій роботі розглядається BPM у відносинах з постачальниками та споживачами в ланцюгу поставок підприємств, які працюють в індустрії моди. Ламберт [2] перелічує вісім макропроцесів, що відбуваються в ланцюгу поставок, між постачальниками, виробниками, дистриб’юторами, роздрібними продавцями та кінцевими споживачами, а саме: управління взаємовідносинами з клієнтами, управління взаємовідносинами з постачальниками, управління попитом, виконання замовлень, управління потоками виробництва, удосконалення продукції, а також комерціалізація та менеджмент повернень. У рамках цієї статті представлено дослідження, яке аналізує сегменти управління спільними бізнес-процесами в ланцюгу поставок індустрії моди на основі відповідей 508 менеджерів та працівників індустрії моди в Республіці Сербія. Досліджено потреби у розвитку окремих сегментів відповідно до потреб сучасного менеджменту бізнес-процесів. Дослідницька частина цієї статті спирається на застосування тесту Фрідмана, який дозволяє аналізувати поточний стан BPM у відносинах з постачальниками та споживачами в ланцюгу поставок індустрії моди, що виражається у відповідях працівників із ранжируванням їх уподобань. Матеріал статті сприяє створенню бази знань в рамках досліджень у галузі впливу BPM на вдосконалення ланцюга поставок, на основі яких можна проводити подальші дослідження та розширювати знання. Результати, досліджень цього типу, сприяють розвитку бізнесу з різних аспектів. Переваги можуть бути відображені не лише через посилення конкурентних позицій, а й через сталість бізнесу на основі адекватного застосування практики BPM у всіх його сегментах. Відповідно, крім наукової новизни, яка відображається в результатах дослідницької роботи, є практична новизна, яка знайшла відображення в керівних принципах розвитку сучасного BPM в ланцюгу поставок індустрії моди.Business processes are present in all types of organizations, regardless of the size or industry within which the organization operates. Successful business process management (BPM) is an indicator of the level of process maturity of the organization. Within the supply chain, it is possible to observe the presence of business processes of a collaborative nature, as BPM relies on the principles of partnership, development, and exchange of information through links that exist within this chain between all actors [1]. Within this paper, BPM in the relations with suppliers and consumers within the supply chain of organizations operating in the fashion industry is considered. Lambert [2] lists eight macro processes that take place in the supply chain, between suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers and end consumers, as follows: customer relationship management, supplier relationship management, demand management, order execution, flow management production, product development and commercialization and return management. Within this paper, a research is presented which analyzes industry, based on the responses of 508 managers and employees in the fashion industry in the Republic of Serbia. The needs for the development of certain segments in accordance with the needs of modern business process management have been explored. The research part of this paper relies on the application of Friedman's test which enables the analysis of the current state of BPM in relations with suppliers and consumers within the supply chain of the fashion industry, expressed through workers' responses with a ranking of their preferences. This paper contributes to the creation of a knowledge base within the research in the field of the impact of BPM on improvements in the supply chain, on the basis of which it is possible to conduct further research and upgrade knowledge. The findings derived from the results of research of this type contribute to the development of the business from various aspects. The benefits can be reflected not only through the strengthening of the competitive position but also through the sustainability of business on the basis of adequate application of BPM practices in all business segments. Accordingly, in addition to the scientific novelty, which is reflected in the results of the research work, there is a practical novelty, which is reflected in the guidelines for the development of modern BPM within the supply chain of the fashion industry

    Usage of Business Analytics and Supply Chain Performance An Empirical Study of Sri Lankan Aapparel Sector

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    Advances in technology and innovation require companies to embrace these new trends to compete and stay ahead in the business world. In particular, there is a need for companies to incorporate Business Analytics practices within their organizations. Business Analytics consists of two components: Information Systems and Business Process Orientation. This study aims to investigate the impact of the use of Business Analytics on the Supply Chain Performance in apparel companies in Sri Lanka. This research focuses on discussing the objectives developed to achieve the purpose of the study. To achieve this objective, this current study investigates the relationship between the Information System, Supply Chain Performance and the effect of the use of the Information System in the supply chains of Sri Lankan apparel companies. The study uses a quantitative approach. In this study, for quantitative analysis study performs regression analysis and decision tree analysis. This study identifies a positive relationship between the Information System and the Supply Chain Performance. For further future studies, it is advisable to extend this study by examining the performance of medium-and large-scale companies in the country

    Integrating Business Intelligence and Analytics in Managing Public Sector Performance: An Empirical Study

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    Business intelligence and analytics (BIA) is emerging as a critical area to boost organizational performance. Nowadays, data is not only important and valuable to the organization but recognized as necessary to spike the organization performance and success. As a result, many organizations spend a considerable amount of investment toward obtaining faster accurate information on a real-time basis. The previous study revealed that even though many organizations use business intelligence technologies for obtaining information, yet they still lack analytics implementation. Therefore, this study aims to discover the integrated implementation factors of business intelligence and analytics in managing organizational performance, particularly for organizations of the public sector. In achieving this, a depth literature review was carried out to identify the influential factors in the implementation of business intelligence, business analytics, and performance management. The subject matter experts in Business Intelligence (BI), Business Analytics (BA) and Organisational Performance Management (OPM) were invited to participate in this empirical study, which was conducted in Malaysia. The study was carried out through interviewing experts, in order to identify the essential factors for business intelligence and data analytics implementation. Twenty essential factors and sixty-four sub-factors were identified and analyzed to construct the integrated factors in BIA and OPM implementation. The result of the study revealed four integrated factors of the BIA and OPM implementation, such as skill, documentation, visualization, and work culture. Finance, data management, software, strategic planning, and decision-making are other factors integrated with BI, BA, and OPM respectively. Finally, this study illustrates the integrated factors in a visual form

    Identification and analysis of handovers in organisations using process model repositories

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    Purpose Identifying handovers is an important but difficult to achieve goal for companies as handovers have advantages allowing for specialisation in processes as well as disadvantages by creating erroneous interfaces. Design/methodology/approach Conceptualisation of a method based on theory and evaluation with company data using a process model repository. Findings The method allows to evaluate handovers from the perspective of roles in processes and grouping of employees in organisational units. It uses existing process model repositories connected with organisational chart information in companies to determine the density of handovers. The method is successfully evaluated using the example of a major telecommunications company with 1,010 process models in its repository. Practical implications Companies can determine on various levels, up to the overall organisational level, in which parts of the company efforts are best spent to manage handovers in an optimal way. Originality/value This paper is first in showing how handovers can be conceptualised and identified with a large-scale method


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    Business intelligence (BI) is a strategically important tool for organisations. Numerous studies have attempted to investigate the factors that contribute to BI success. However, an overview of the critical success factors (CSFs) is lacking, as is an understanding of the gaps in the extant research. After examining 444 articles, we integrated the findings of 29 studies. We used the framework of information system success to identify the CSFs and to analyse how researchers identify information system success. We identified 36 variables related to BI success in the extant literature. The distinct CSFs relate to project management skills, management support, user involvement, the external environment and management processes. In the articles in which BI success was operationalised, we found several dis-tinct factors: system quality, information quality, use, service quality, user satisfaction and net bene-fits. We extended the framework of information system success to include three additional factors: strategy and vision, organisational form and competency development. We contribute to the extant research by extending the framework of information system success and identifying the gaps in the extant research. We contribute to practice through an enhanced understanding of the CSFs related to BI success