12 research outputs found

    Tolerating Correlated Failures in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines

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    Fault-tolerance techniques for stream processing engines can be categorized into passive and active approaches. A typical passive approach periodically checkpoints a processing task's runtime states and can recover a failed task by restoring its runtime state using its latest checkpoint. On the other hand, an active approach usually employs backup nodes to run replicated tasks. Upon failure, the active replica can take over the processing of the failed task with minimal latency. However, both approaches have their own inadequacies in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines (MPSPE). The passive approach incurs a long recovery latency especially when a number of correlated nodes fail simultaneously, while the active approach requires extra replication resources. In this paper, we propose a new fault-tolerance framework, which is Passive and Partially Active (PPA). In a PPA scheme, the passive approach is applied to all tasks while only a selected set of tasks will be actively replicated. The number of actively replicated tasks depends on the available resources. If tasks without active replicas fail, tentative outputs will be generated before the completion of the recovery process. We also propose effective and efficient algorithms to optimize a partially active replication plan to maximize the quality of tentative outputs. We implemented PPA on top of Storm, an open-source MPSPE and conducted extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets to verify the effectiveness of our approach

    Checkpointing algorithms and fault prediction

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    This paper deals with the impact of fault prediction techniques on checkpointing strategies. We extend the classical first-order analysis of Young and Daly in the presence of a fault prediction system, characterized by its recall and its precision. In this framework, we provide an optimal algorithm to decide when to take predictions into account, and we derive the optimal value of the checkpointing period. These results allow to analytically assess the key parameters that impact the performance of fault predictors at very large scale.Comment: Supported in part by ANR Rescue. Published in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1207.693

    Passive and partially active fault tolerance for massively parallel stream processing engines

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    Reliability models for HPC applications and a Cloud economic model

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    With the enormous number of computing resources in HPC and Cloud systems, failures become a major concern. Therefore, failure behaviors such as reliability, failure rate, and mean time to failure need to be understood to manage such a large system efficiently. This dissertation makes three major contributions in HPC and Cloud studies. First, a reliability model with correlated failures in a k-node system for HPC applications is studied. This model is extended to improve accuracy by accounting for failure correlation. Marshall-Olkin Multivariate Weibull distribution is improved by excess life, conditional Weibull, to better estimate system reliability. Also, the univariate method is proposed for estimating Marshall-Olkin Multivariate Weibull parameters of a system composed of a large number of nodes. Then, failure rate, and mean time to failure are derived. The model is validated by using log data from Blue Gene/L system at LLNL. Results show that when failures of nodes in the system have correlation, the system becomes less reliable. Secondly, a reliability model of Cloud computing is proposed. The reliability model and mean time to failure and failure rate are estimated based on a system of k nodes and s virtual machines under four scenarios: 1) Hardware components fail independently, and software components fail independently; 2) software components fail independently, and hardware components are correlated in failure; 3) correlated software failure and independent hardware failure; and 4) dependent software and hardware failure. Results show that if the failure of the nodes and/or software in the system possesses a degree of dependency, the system becomes less reliable. Also, an increase in the number of computing components decreases the reliability of the system. Finally, an economic model for a Cloud service provider is proposed. This economic model aims at maximizing profit based on the right pricing and rightsizing in the Cloud data center. Total cost is a key element in the model and it is analyzed by considering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of the Cloud

    Reliability -aware optimal checkpoint /restart model in high performance computing

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    Computational power demand for large challenging problems has increasingly driven the physical size of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. As the system gets larger, it requires more and more components (processor, memory, disk, switch, power supply and so on). Thus, challenges arise in handling reliability of such large-scale systems. In order to minimize the performance loss due to unexpected failures, fault tolerant mechanisms are vital to sustain computational power in such environment. Checkpoint/restart is a common fault tolerant technique which has been widely applied in the single computer system. However, checkpointing in a large-scale HPC environment is much more challenging due to complexity, coordination, and timing issues. In this dissertation, we present a reliability-aware method for an optimal checkpoint/restart strategy. Our scheme aims to address the fault tolerance challenge, especially in a large-scale HPC system, by providing optimal checkpoint placement techniques derived from the actual system reliability. Unlike existing checkpoint models, which can only handle Poisson failure and a constant checkpoint interval, our model can perform a varying checkpoint interval and deal with different failure distributions. In addition, the approach considers optimality for both checkpoint overhead and rollback time. Our validation results suggest a significant improvement over existing techniques

    Failure analysis and reliability -aware resource allocation of parallel applications in High Performance Computing systems

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    The demand for more computational power to solve complex scientific problems has been driving the physical size of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems to hundreds and thousands of nodes. Uninterrupted execution of large scale parallel applications naturally becomes a major challenge because a single node failure interrupts the entire application, and the reliability of a job completion decreases with increasing the number of nodes. Accurate reliability knowledge of a HPC system enables runtime systems such as resource management and applications to minimize performance loss due to random failures while also providing better Quality Of Service (QOS) for computational users. This dissertation makes three major contributions for reliability evaluation and resource management in HPC systems. First we study the failure properties of HPC systems and observe that Times To Failure (TTF\u27s) of individual compute nodes follow a time-varying failure rate based distribution like Weibull distribution. We then propose a model for the TTF distribution of a system of k independent nodes when individual nodes exhibit time varying failure rates. Based on the reliability of the proposed TTF model, we develop reliability-aware resource allocation algorithms and evaluated them on actual parallel workloads and failure data of a HPC system. Our observations indicate that applying time varying failure rate-based reliability function combined with some heuristics reduce the performance loss due to unexpected failures by as much as 30 to 53 percent. Finally, we also study the effect of reliability with respect to the number of nodes and propose reliability-aware optimal k node allocation algorithm for large scale parallel applications. Our simulation results of comparing the optimal k node algorithm indicate that choosing the number of nodes for large scale parallel applications based on the reliability of compute nodes can reduce the overall completion time and waste time when the k may be smaller than the total number of nodes in the system

    Near-optimal scheduling and decision-making models for reactive and proactive fault tolerance mechanisms

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    As High Performance Computing (HPC) systems increase in size to fulfill computational power demand, the chance of failure occurrences dramatically increases, resulting in potentially large amounts of lost computing time. Fault Tolerance (FT) mechanisms aim to mitigate the impact of failure occurrences to the running applications. However, the overhead of FT mechanisms increases proportionally to the HPC systems\u27 size. Therefore, challenges arise in handling the expensive overhead of FT mechanisms while minimizing the large amount of lost computing time due to failure occurrences. In this dissertation, a near-optimal scheduling model is built to determine when to invoke a hybrid checkpoint mechanism, by means of stochastic processes and calculus of variations. The obtained schedule minimizes the waste time caused by checkpoint mechanism and failure occurrences. Generally, the checkpoint/restart mechanisms periodically save application states and load the saved state, upon failure occurrences. Furthermore, to handle various FT mechanisms, an adaptive decision-making model has been developed to determine the best FT strategy to invoke at each decision point. The best mechanism at each decision point is selected among considered FT mechanisms to globally minimize the total waste time for an application execution by means of a dynamic programming approach. In addition, the model is adaptive to deal with changes in failure rate over time

    A Large-Scale Study of the Time Required to Compromise a Computer System

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    A failure index for high performance computing applications

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    This dissertation introduces a new metric in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC) application reliability and performance modeling. Derived via the time-dependent implementation of an existing inequality measure, the Failure index (FI) generates a coefficient representing the level of volatility for the failures incurred by an application running on a given HPC system in a given time interval. This coefficient presents a normalized cross-system representation of the failure volatility of applications running on failure-rich HPC platforms. Further, the origin and ramifications of application failures are investigated, from which certain mathematical conclusions yield greater insight into the behavior of these applications in failure-rich system environments. This work also includes background information on the problems facing HPC applications at the highest scale, the lack of standardized application-specific metrics within this arena, and a means of generating such metrics in a low latency manner. A case study containing detailed analysis showcasing the benefits of the FI is also included