17 research outputs found

    Improving Bandwidth Efficiency in E-band Communication Systems

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    The allocation of a large amount of bandwidth by regulating bodies in the 70/80 GHz band, i.e., the E-band, has opened up new potentials and challenges for providing affordable and reliable Gigabit per second wireless point-to-point links. This article first reviews the available bandwidth and licensing regulations in the E-band. Subsequently, different propagation models, e.g., the ITU-R and Cane models, are compared against measurement results and it is concluded that to meet specific availability requirements, E-band wireless systems may need to be designed with larger fade margins compared to microwave systems. A similar comparison is carried out between measurements and models for oscillator phase noise. It is confirmed that phase noise characteristics, that are neglected by the models used for narrowband systems, need to be taken into account for the wideband systems deployed in the E-band. Next, a new multi-input multi-output (MIMO) transceiver design, termed continuous aperture phased (CAP)-MIMO, is presented. Simulations show that CAP-MIMO enables E-band systems to achieve fiber-optic like throughputs. Finally, it is argued that full-duplex relaying can be used to greatly enhance the coverage of E-band systems without sacrificing throughput, thus, facilitating their application in establishing the backhaul of heterogeneous networks.Comment: 16 pages, 6 Figures, Journal paper. IEEE Communication Magazine 201

    Reconfigurable Antennas in mmWave MIMO Systems

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    The key obstacle to achieving the full potential of the millimeter wave (mmWave) band has been the poor propagation characteristics of wireless signals in this band. One approach to overcome this issue is to use antennas that can support higher gains while providing beam adaptability and diversity, i.e., reconfigurable antennas. In this article, we present a new architecture for mmWave multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications that uses a new class of reconfigurable antennas. More specifically, the proposed lens-based antennas can support multiple radiation patterns while using a single radio frequency chain. Moreover, by using a beam selection network, each antenna beam can be steered in the desired direction. Further, using the proposed reconfigurable antenna in a MIMO architecture, we propose a new signal processing algorithm that uses the additional degrees of freedom provided by the antennas to overcome propagation issues at mmWave frequencies. Our simulation results show that the proposed reconfigurable antenna MIMO architecture significantly enhances the performance of mmWave communication systems

    High-Rate Space Coding for Reconfigurable 2x2 Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems

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    Millimeter-wave links are of a line-of-sight nature. Hence, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems operating in the millimeter-wave band may not achieve full spatial diversity or multiplexing. In this paper, we utilize reconfigurable antennas and the high antenna directivity in the millimeter-wave band to propose a rate-two space coding design for 2x2 MIMO systems. The proposed scheme can be decoded with a low complexity maximum-likelihood detector at the receiver and yet it can enhance the bit-error-rate performance of millimeter-wave systems compared to traditional spatial multiplexing schemes, such as the Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time Architecture (VBLAST). Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed code and show its superiority compared to existing rate-two space-time block codes

    Receiver Algorithm based on Differential Signaling for SIMO Phase Noise Channels with Common and Separate Oscillator Configurations

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    In this paper, a receiver algorithm consisting of differential transmission and a two-stage detection for a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) phase-noise channels is studied. Specifically, the phases of the QAM modulated data symbols are manipulated before transmission in order to make them more immune to the random rotational effects of phase noise. At the receiver, a two-stage detector is implemented, which first detects the amplitude of the transmitted symbols from a nonlinear combination of the received signal amplitudes. Then in the second stage, the detector performs phase detection. The studied signaling method does not require transmission of any known symbols that act as pilots. Furthermore, no phase noise estimator (or a tracker) is needed at the receiver to compensate the effect of phase noise. This considerably reduces the complexity of the receiver structure. Moreover, it is observed that the studied algorithm can be used for the setups where a common local oscillator or separate independent oscillators drive the radio-frequency circuitries connected to each antenna. Due to the differential encoding/decoding of the phase, weighted averaging can be employed at a multi-antenna receiver, allowing for phase noise suppression to leverage the large number of antennas. Hence, we observe that the performance improves by increasing the number of antennas, especially in the separate oscillator case. Further increasing the number of receive antennas results in a performance error floor, which is a function of the quality of the oscillator at the transmitter.Comment: IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Oscillator Phase Noise and Small-Scale Channel Fading in Higher Frequency Bands

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    This paper investigates the effect of oscillator phase noise and channel variations due to fading on the performance of communication systems at frequency bands higher than 10GHz. Phase noise and channel models are reviewed and technology-dependent bounds on the phase noise quality of radio oscillators are presented. Our study shows that, in general, both channel variations and phase noise can have severe effects on the system performance at high frequencies. Importantly, their relative severity depends on the application scenario and system parameters such as center frequency and bandwidth. Channel variations are seen to be more severe than phase noise when the relative velocity between the transmitter and receiver is high. On the other hand, performance degradation due to phase noise can be more severe when the center frequency is increased and the bandwidth is kept a constant, or when oscillators based on low power CMOS technology are used, as opposed to high power GaN HEMT based oscillators.Comment: IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Austin, TX, Dec. 201

    On the Capacity of the Wiener Phase-Noise Channel: Bounds and Capacity Achieving Distributions

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    In this paper, the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, affected by time-varying Wiener phase noise is investigated. Tight upper and lower bounds on the capacity of this channel are developed. The upper bound is obtained by using the duality approach, and considering a specific distribution over the output of the channel. In order to lower-bound the capacity, first a family of capacity-achieving input distributions is found by solving a functional optimization of the channel mutual information. Then, lower bounds on the capacity are obtained by drawing samples from the proposed distributions through Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed capacity-achieving input distributions are circularly symmetric, non-Gaussian, and the input amplitudes are correlated over time. The evaluated capacity bounds are tight for a wide range of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) values, and thus they can be used to quantify the capacity. Specifically, the bounds follow the well-known AWGN capacity curve at low SNR, while at high SNR, they coincide with the high-SNR capacity result available in the literature for the phase-noise channel.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201

    Channel, Phase Noise, and Frequency Offset in OFDM Systems: Joint Estimation, Data Detection, and Hybrid Cramer-Rao Lower Bound

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    Oscillator phase noise (PHN) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) can adversely impact the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, since they can result in inter carrier interference and rotation of the signal constellation. In this paper, we propose an expectation conditional maximization (ECM) based algorithm for joint estimation of channel, PHN, and CFO in OFDM systems. We present the signal model for the estimation problem and derive the hybrid Cramer-Rao lower bound (HCRB) for the joint estimation problem. Next, we propose an iterative receiver based on an extended Kalman filter for joint data detection and PHN tracking. Numerical results show that, compared to existing algorithms, the performance of the proposed ECM-based estimator is closer to the derived HCRB and outperforms the existing estimation algorithms at moderate-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In addition, the combined estimation algorithm and iterative receiver are more computationally efficient than existing algorithms and result in improved average uncoded and coded bit error rate (BER) performance

    Millimeter Wave Systems for Airports and Short-Range Aviation Communications: A Survey of the Current Channel Models at mmWave Frequencies

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    Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications will play a key role in enhancing the throughput, reliability, and security of next generation wireless networks. These advancements are achieved through the large bandwidth available in this band and through the use of highly directional links that will be used to overcome the large pathloss at these frequencies. Although the terrestrial application of mmWave systems is advancing at a rapid pace, the use of mmWave communication systems in aviation systems or airports is still in its infancy. This can be attributed to the challenges related to radio technology and lack of development, and characterization of mmWave wireless channels for the aviation field and the airport environment. Consequently, one of our goals is to develop methodologies that support mmWave air to ground links, and various links at airports, by applying new localization schemes that allow for application of highly directional links that can be deployed over longer distances despite the high path loss at mmWave frequencies. However, a very thorough understanding of the mmWave channel models are needed to enable such new applications. To this end, in this paper, we present a survey of the current channel models in the mmWave band. The 3-dimensional statistical channel model is also reviewed and its parameters and typical characteristics for this model are identified and computed through simulation for the Boise metropolitan area

    Non-coherent FSK: An attractive modulation set for millimeter-wave communications

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    Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) systems suffer from an assortment of propagation and hardware challenges such as extremely high pathloss/shadowing and amplifier nonlinearity/phase noise, respectively. In this paper, we demonstrate via simulations that non-coherent frequency shift keying (FSK) can utilize the vast bandwidth at mm-wave frequencies to combat significant pathloss and shadowing in this band, while being robust to amplifier non-linearity and phase noise. To support our findings, we establish a comprehensive simulation setup and set of parameters that consider the impact of pathloss, shadowing, amplifier non-linearity, and phase noise, at mm-wave frequencies. Our results indicate that non-coherent FSK outperforms other modulation schemes such as phase shift keying and quadrature amplitude modulation. This outcome combined with the low detection complexity of non-coherent FSK make it an attractive modulation for achieving multi Gbps wireless links at mm-wave frequencies. The proposed comprehensive simulation setup can also be applied to investigate and validate the performance of various mm-wave systems in practical settings.ARC Discovery Projects Grant DP14010113