5 research outputs found

    Web Service Recommender Systems: Methodologies, Merits and Demerits

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    Web services nowadays are considered a consolidated reality of the modern Web with remarkable, increasing influence on everyday computing tasks. Following Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm, corporations are increasingly offering their services within and between organizations either on intranets or the cloud. Recommender Systems are the software agents guiding the web services to reach the end user. The aim of this paper is to present the survey of advancements in assisting end users and corporations to benefit from Web service technology by facilitating the recommendation and integration of Web services into composite services

    Web services for rural areas-Security challenges in development and use

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    Web services (WS) are the modern response of traders and online service providers to satisfying the increasing needs and demands of the digital communities. WS formation and operation is based on a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Security is of paramount importance to WS and the ability to measure and evaluate the level of security available is key to establishing and continuing to develop the level of trust based on reputation developed by the provider of the WS. The greatest challenge in offering secure WS is to groups of people where the level of expertise of the user is low and the need for transparency of the service provision quite high, such as the case with services offered primarily to people in rural areas. Providers of such services face many challenges in balancing the requirements for performance, interoperability, and security against the cost of implementing secure systems and running profitable operations through low income generating WS. A review of services offered, of the users and the challenges in building online trust among providers and users are discussed for the case of rural areas in the United Kingdom. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Web services for rural areas—Security challenges in development and use

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    Web services (WS) are the modern response of traders and online service providers to satisfying the increasing needs and demands of the digital communities. WS formation and operation is based on a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Security is of paramount importance to WS and the ability to measure and evaluate the level of security available is key to establishing and continuing to develop the level of trust based on reputation developed by the provider of the WS. The greatest challenge in offering secure WS is to groups of people where the level of expertise of the user is low and the need for transparency of the service provision quite high, such as the case with services offered primarily to people in rural areas. Providers of such services face many challenges in balancing the requirements for performance, interoperability, and security against the cost of implementing secure systems and running profitable operations through low income generating WS. A review of services offered, of the users and the challenges in building online trust among providers and users are discussed for the case of rural areas in the United Kingdom

    Vers une Composition Dynamique des Services Web: une approche de Composabilité Offline

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    Dynamic composition remains one of the key aims of Web services technology. While they are designed to be aggregated and work together, Web services can be simultaneously implemented independently and use different standards or models. Therefore, their dynamic composition process is complex and time-consuming. Checking the possibility of connecting services (composability) enhances significantly this process’s efficiency and accuracy. In most works relating to Web services composition, the composability of two services or service operations is often limited to the process of semantic and/or syntactic matching of the inputs and outputs of the services or the operations concerned, and does not deal with the consistency of technical, non-functional, structural or contextual properties of the two services.In order to achieve efficient composition plans and optimize dynamic composition time, this work suggests an offline composability approach. The latter aims at identifying all the services which can be composed at different levels, as a preliminary, the process of construction of composition plans to be performed dynamically.It defines beforehand a multi-aspect Web service description model, which is aligned with the W3C specifications, namely, WSDL 2.0, SAWSDL and WS-Policy 1.5. This model incorporates the descriptive properties provided by these three standards and enriches them with new properties, in order to get as much information about a Web service, while remaining compliant with the standards. Based on this descriptive model, our approach identifies the descriptive properties involved in the offline composability of services and defines a set of multi-aspect rules which use this information in order to deal with the aspects of composability of two Web service operations: functional, non-functional, contextual, data-driven and technical. This approach defines also the overall method of automatic checking of the aspects of offline composability of two operations. This method consists of three main phases: (i) extraction and storage of composability information from SAWSDL, WSDL 2.0 and WS-Policy files, (ii) automatic checking of the offline composability of two operations using an algorithm that we have developed for this purpose, and (iii) traceability of the operation composability results. An experimentation part is presented within the framework of this research so as to clarify the use of the developed offline composability mechanisms.La composition dynamique reste un des objectifs clé de la technologie des services Web. Alors qu'ils sont conçus pour être agrégés et collaborer ensemble, les services Web peuvent en même temps être mis en œuvre indépendamment et utiliser des normes ou modèles différents. Par conséquent, leur processus de composition dynamique s’avère complexe et coûteux en temps. Vérifier la possibilité de connecter des services (la composabilité) en amont permet d’accroître considérablement, l'efficacité et l'exactitude de ce processus. Dans la plupart des travaux sur la composition des services Web, la composabilité de deux services ou opérations de services se limite souvent aux processus d’appariement sémantique et/ou syntaxique des entrées et sorties des services ou opérations concernés, et ne traite pas la cohérence des propriétés techniques, non-fonctionnelles, structurelles ou contextuelles des deux services. Dans le but d’aboutir à des plans de composition efficaces et d’optimiser le temps de composition dynamique, notre recherche propose une approche de composabilité offline. Cette approche consiste à identifier l’ensemble de services composables à différents niveaux, en amont du processus de construction des plans de composition devant être effectué de façon dynamique. Elle définit d’abord un modèle de description de services Web multi-aspects qui s’aligne avec les spécifications W3C, à savoir, WSDL 2.0, SAWSDL et WS-Policy 1.5. Ce modèle intègre les propriétés descriptives prévues par ces trois standards et les enrichit par de nouvelles propriétés, dans le but de capturer le maximum d’informations sur un service Web, tout en restant conforme aux standards. Sur la base de ce modèle descriptif, notre approche identifie les propriétés descriptives impliquées dans la composabilité offline des services et définit six règles multi-aspects qui exploitent ces informations pour traiter les aspects de composabilité de deux opérations de services Web : fonctionnel, non-fonctionnel, contextuel, orienté données et technique. Nous définissons aussi une démarche globale de vérification automatique des aspects de composabilité offline de deux opérations. Cette démarche comprend trois principales phases : (i) l’extraction et le stockage des informations de composabilité à partir des fichiers SAWSDL, WSDL 2.0 et WS-Policy, (ii) la vérification automatique de la composabilité offline de deux opérations par l’algorithme que nous avons développé à cette fin, et enfin (iii) la traçabilité des résultats de composabilité des opérations. La faisabilité de cette démarche a été démontrée par le dispositif de composabilité offline que nous avons réalisé

    focus service-centric software systems Improving Web Service Discovery with Usage Data

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    system to help service-based application developers discover appropriate services uses a task description and the history of previous decisions made for similar objectives