13 research outputs found

    Improving Students With Rubric-Based Self-Assessment and Oral Feedback

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    Rubrics and oral feedback are approaches to help students improve performance and meet learning outcomes. However, their effect on the actual improvement achieved is inconclusive. This paper evaluates the effect of rubrics and oral feedback on student learning outcomes. An experiment was conducted in a software engineering course on requirements engineering, using the two approaches in course assignments. Both approaches led to statistically significant improvements, though no material improvement (i.e., a change by more than one grade) was achieved. The rubrics led to a significant decrease in the number of complaints and questions regarding grades

    Student Awareness and Use of Rubrics in Online Classes

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    The design, development and deployment of online instruction has become standard practice. The focus of the study was on student perceptions of course rubrics and not on the rubrics, themselves, or the instructors. In order to improve student engagement online we conducted an exploratory study of the awareness and perceptions of course rubrics. Fifty graduate students completed an online survey at the end of the semester about their awareness and perceptions of course rubrics. All students reported that they were aware that course rubrics existed. They indicated that they had learned about this information through the course syllabus, professor announcements via email and posts to LMS. Most students reported reviewing rubrics prior to submitting an assignment. One of the key findings from this study was that students see rubrics as a mechanism for scaffolding their performance, and thus, instructors need to focus more effort on designing rubrics to accomplish more than student assessment

    Relación entre la percepción de validez de una rúbrica, el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación de estudiantes de ciencias del deporte

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    [EN] The use of rubrics can be an especially useful tool to align the teaching, learning and evaluation processes of oral presentation. Its validity is essential to assess academic performance and may be influenced by student self-regulation. The objective of the study was to determine the perception of validity and utility of a rubric for students of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences degree, as well as to identify the relationship between this perception, their academic performance and their self-regulation. 123 students participated in the study. The teacher of the subject provided the rubric to evaluate oral presentations. After oral presentations, students answered two questionnaires: one about the perception of the validity of the rubric and the other about self-regulation. In addition, their academic performance was recorded. The students positively assessed the rubric’s validity as a method of preparing and evaluating the oral presentation. Self-regulation presented a clearer direct relationship with the perception of rubric’s validity than academic performance, however, this relationship was weak and needs to be verified in future studies.[ES] La utilización de rúbricas puede ser una herramienta especialmente útil para alinear los procesos de enseñanza, aprendizaje y evaluación de la exposición oral. Su validez es fundamental para valorar el rendimiento académico y puede estar influenciada por la autorregulación del alumnado. El objetivo del estudio ha consistido en determinar la validez y utilidad que el alumnado de la titulación de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte conceden a una rúbrica desarrollada al efecto, así como identificar la relación entre esta percepción, su rendimiento académico y su autorregulación. En el estudio participaron un total de 123 estudiantes. El profesor de la asignatura facilitó la rúbrica para evaluar exposiciones orales. Una vez realizadas las exposiciones orales, el alumnado respondió a dos cuestionarios: uno de percepción de validez de la rúbrica y otro de autorregulación. Además, se tuvo constancia de su rendimiento académico. El alumnado valoró positivamente la validez y utilidad de la rúbrica como método de preparación y evaluación de la exposición oral. La autorregulación presentó una relación directa más clara con la percepción de validez de la rúbrica que el rendimiento académico, sin embargo, dicha relación resultó débil y necesita ser contrastada en futuros estudios.Jimenez-Perez, I.; Requena-Bueno, L.; Gil-Calvo, M.; Pérez-Soriano, P.; Priego-Quesada, J. (2021). Relación entre la percepción de validez de una rúbrica, el rendimiento académico y la autorregulación de estudiantes de ciencias del deporte. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 701-712. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13658OCS70171

    ¿Implicar a los estudiantes en la modificación de rúbricas influye sobre su percepción de validez?

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    [EN] Oral presentation is one of the fundamental competences in the teaching-learning process for most of the university students and rubrics could be used as a useful tool in this process. Therefore, the main objective was to determine the perception of validity and utility of a rubric for students of the Physical Education and Sports Sciences degree, considering also if they were involved or not in the rubric’s development. 115 students participated, in two groups. The teacher of the subject gave to both groups the same rubric to evaluate their oral presentations. So, one of the groups modified and prepared the rubric´s elements. After oral presentations, both groups completed a rubric's validity perception questionnaire. Moreover, the academic performance of the two groups was recorded. Students positively assessed the rubric´s validity as a method of preparing and evaluating the oral presentation. The results non-show to the possible effect on this perception in the students that could be involved in the modification and preparation of the rubric. However, academic performance could have a greater influence.[ES] Una de las competencias transversales fundamentales en el ámbito universitario es la exposición oral. Las rúbricas pueden ser una herramienta especialmente útil para promover su desarrollo y alinear los procesos enseñanza-aprendizaje y la evaluación de la misma. El objetivo principal del estudio ha consistido en determinar la validez y utilidad que los estudiantes de la titulación de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte conceden a una rúbrica desarrollada al efecto, considerando adicionalmente su implicación o no en la elaboración de la misma. En el estudio participaron un total de 115 estudiantes divididos en dos grupos. El profesor de la asignatura facilitó la misma rúbrica a ambos grupos para guiar el desarrollo y evaluar sus posteriores exposiciones orales, aunque solo un grupo pudo participar en la elaboración y modificación de los elementos que componen la rúbrica. Una vez realizadas las exposiciones orales, ambos grupos respondieron a un cuestionario de percepción de validez de la rúbrica. Además, se tuvo constancia del rendimiento académico de los dos grupos. Ambos grupos valoraron positivamente la validez y utilidad de la rúbrica como método de preparación y evaluación de la exposición oral. Sin embargo, los resultados no muestran efectos significativos de la implicación o no en la modificación y elaboración de la rúbrica sobre la misma, a diferencia del rendimiento académico que sí que pudo tener una mayor influencia.Priego Quesada, J.; Requena-Bueno, L.; Jiménez-Pérez, I.; García-Ros, R. (2019). ¿Implicar a los estudiantes en la modificación de rúbricas influye sobre su percepción de validez?. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 329-342. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.1041632934

    Exploring the use of self-assessment to facilitate health students’ generic skills development

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    Employability skills for health graduates, and many disciplines within higher education, are considered vital to maximising their capacity to cope with the rapidly changing, uncertain and highly competitive labour market. Despite the increasing importance of developing generic skills for employability, there is a dearth of knowledge about how to support health students to develop generic skills as part of their formal education. The main objective of this two-phase study was to engage health students in the process of self-assessment of their generic skills and explore the potential of this process to facilitate their generic skills development. The first phase of this study engaged students in completing a self- assessment questionnaire, incorporating a validated set of industry-demanded skills with associated behaviours. In the second phase a subsection of respondents participated in focus group interviews that explored their perception of the self-assessment process in generic skills development. Students viewed themselves as having some capabilities to perform the generic skills, as well as their university studies contributing to the development of these skills. The qualitative data found that the self-assessment process prompted students to reflect on their abilities and further engage with developing these skills. This study supports the evidence for contextualising and embedding a process of self-assessment of generic skills into the formal curricula to help better prepare health students for their future work

    Uso de rúbricas para la evaluación formativa mediante autoevaluación. Análisis y comparación de la percepción aprendizaje alumno-docente

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    [EN] The professional practice linked to the Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Creative Technologies and Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, requires a critical capacity that must be developed during the formative stage as one of the cross-cutting areas in the student’s knowledge and skills learning. Accordingly, teaching throughout this training period poses numerous challenges regarding the acquisition of knowledge and real learning by students. The case described in this article is part of an Educational Innovation and Improvement Project (PIME) that analyzes the use of evaluation as a learning method. The research carried out aims to offer tools to students so that they can know their evolution, allowing them to independently assess their learning and how it relates to academic results. Based on the work with the rubrics and their use for self-evaluation, students improve their knowledge on the course objectives. In addition, this study allows teachers to obtain detailed information on those contents in which it is possible to improve the teaching methodology.[ES] El ejercicio profesional vinculado a los grados de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales, Diseño y Tecnologías Creativa y Bellas Artes, requiere de una capacidad crítica que debe ser desarrollada durante la etapa formativa como uno de los ejes transversales en el aprendizaje de conocimientos y competencias por parte del alumnado. En este sentido, el ejercicio docente a lo largo de este periodo formativo plantea numerosos retos acerca de la adquisición de conocimientos y el aprendizaje real por parte del alumnado. El caso descrito en este artículo forma parte de un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa (PIME) que analiza el uso de la evaluación como método de aprendizaje. La investigación elaborada pretende ofrecer herramientas a los estudiantes para que puedan conocer su evolución, permitiéndoles valorar de manera autónoma su aprendizaje y cómo este se relaciona con los resultados académicos. A partir del trabajo en el aula con las rúbricas y su uso para la autoevaluación, además de mejorar el conocimiento de los objetivos de la asignatura por parte de los estudiantes, este estudio permite que el profesorado pueda obtener información detallada sobre aquellos contenidos en los que es posible mejorar la metodología docente.Bosch Roig, MDP.; Lleonart García, M.; Bosch Roig, L.; Madrid García, JA. (2021). Uso de rúbricas para la evaluación formativa mediante autoevaluación. Análisis y comparación de la percepción aprendizaje alumno-docente. En IN-RED 2021: VII Congreso de Innovación Edicativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1233-1248. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2021.2021.13472OCS1233124

    Teachers’ beliefs of pre-service German teachers about student self-assessment

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    The aim of the research is to investigate beliefs of Austrian and Czech preservice teachers of German about student self-assessment (SSA). In the first part of the paper important theoretical and empirical findings on and principles of SSA and about teachers’ beliefs are discussed. After the description of the research design the data analysis is presented. Results show that only a minority of trainee teachers participating in this survey have experienced SSA as students themselves and that even fewer have been able to implement SSA as teachers in their classroom. Moreover, it was verified that most of the trainee teachers have theoretical knowledge about student self-assessment. If one looks at the statements of the individual pre-service teachers as a whole and assign them to a growth mindset (=self-assessment skills can be learned with suitable training) or a fixed mindset (=self-assessment skills are only mastered by certain particularly reflective students), it is evident that although 43.8% cannot be classified and 9.4% make statements that can be assigned to both mindsets, 28.1% of the prospective teachers can be assigned to a growth mindset and 18.8% to a fixed mindset. Didactically, it would be desirable if it were clearly accentuated that self-assessment skills can be learned through suitable didactic training

    The Effect of Oral Feedback on Perceived Classroom Community in Undergraduate Students

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    The ongoing trend in research regarding feedback has been to explore quantitative assessment. Garnering support more recently is qualitative narrative feedback in support of formative assessment. This type of feedback offers insight into expectations as well as offer additional knowledge gained. It enables students to improve their performance with its timeliness and clarity. Research in the area of oral feedback for college students as a more effective formative assessment and tool for learning is needed. This study examined the effects of oral feedback on the students in four undergraduate courses at a public university in Florida. 68 students were recruited to consent to participate. A quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control groups, pretest/posttest factorial design was planned but a Mann Whitney U-test was ultimately employed due to a failed assumption. Data collected from the Classroom Community Scale was evaluated using Mann Whitney u-tests

    Feedback on Academic Writing: ESL Instructors' and ESL Students' Perspectives

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    Most international students strive to meet writing requirements at the postsecondary level, and they are a group that need additional instructions and help on academic writing. Feedback has been widely used as a pedagogical intervention to help language learners with their writing, but effective feedback has not always been achieved. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore teaching pedagogies related to feedback strategies by analyzing students’ and instructors’ perceptions in the ESL context. From a sociocultural perspective, this study analyzed participants’ perceptions of the effectiveness of feedback and students’ engagement with instructors’ feedback. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, a focus group, and email questionnaires. Key findings of this research include students’ reliance on written feedback, the value of feedback conferences and dialogues, and the need to generate more feedback engagements and interactions. The study also discusses the pedagogical implications of findings and makes suggestions for future practice and research