7 research outputs found

    PENGARUH METODE LATIHAN DAN KOORDINASI TERHADAP PENINGKATAN VO2 MAX (Studi Eksperimen Metode Latihan Small Side Games, Modification Small Side Games Training, Interval Training dan Koordinasi Pada Atlet Futsal Academy Kabupaten Cianjur)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara metode latihan (A) yang terdiri dari metode small side games (A1), metode Small Side Games (A2) dan metode interval training (A3) dengan melibatkan variabel moderator Koordinasi (B) dalam meningkatkan ketergantungan Variabel yaitu Peningakatkan Vo2max (Y). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen faktorial 3 x 2 dengan populasi yang dijadikan target penelitian adalah 112 Atlet Futsal Kab Cianjur. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan memilih 27% dari jumlah data skor tertinggi dan 27% skor terendah mengacu pada teori Verducci. Koordinasi tinggi dan Koordinasi rendah (B1) dan (B2) adalah 27% dari 112 = 30,25 (dijadikan 30 orang karena jika sampel dibulatkan ke 30 orang, maka dibagi sama rata tiap kolom. Vo2max Atlet Futsal Kab Cianjur. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur hasil kemampuan Vo2max menggunakan MST Modification Vo2Max sedangkan untuk mengukur koordinasi menggunakan MST Modification Coordination Test Rancangan Perlakuan Dilakukan dalam 16 pertemuan melalui penerapan metode latihan small side games, modification small side games dan interval training. Menggunakan aplikasi loogbook latihan dan video latihan. Berdasarkan Hasil Pengolahan dan analisis data, Maka dapat disimpulkan Bahwa: (1) Terdapat Interaksi antara Metode latihan dengan koordinasi terdahap peningkatan Vo2max atlet futsal, (2) untuk atlet futsal dengan koordinasi tinggi lebih efektif dilatih dengan metode latihan Small Side Games (3) untuk atlet futsal dengan koordinasi rendah lebih efektif dilatih dengan metode latihan Interval Training. ************* This study aims to determine the difference between the learning method (A) which consists of the small side games method (A1), the Small Side Games method (A2) and the interval training method (A3) by involving the moderator variable Coordination (B) in increasing the variable, namely Increasing Vo2max(Y). This study uses a 3 x 2 factorial experimental method with the population being the target of the study is 112 Futsal Athletes in Cianjur Regency. Sampling using purposive sampling technique by selecting 27% of the total data the highest score and 27% the lowest score refers to Verducci's theory. High Coordination (B1) and (B2) are 27% of 112 = 30.25 (it is 30 people because if the sample is rounded up to 30 people, then it is divided equally in each column of Vo2max Futsal Athletes, Cianjur Regency. Instruments used for Vo2max ability results using MST Modification Vo2Max measures equipment to measure coordination using the Modified MST Treatment Design which was carried out in 16 meetings through the application of small side games training methods, modification of small side games and interval training. Using the exercise logbook application and exercise videos. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, it can be concluded that ensured: (1) There is an interaction between the training method with coordination to increase Vo2max for futsal athletes, (2) for futsal athletes with more effective coordination with the interval training method (3) for futsal athletes with low coordination it is more effective with the small side game training metho

    Uncertainty in Multi-Commodity Routing Networks: When does it help?

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    We study the equilibrium behavior in a multi-commodity selfish routing game with many types of uncertain users where each user over- or under-estimates their congestion costs by a multiplicative factor. Surprisingly, we find that uncertainties in different directions have qualitatively distinct impacts on equilibria. Namely, contrary to the usual notion that uncertainty increases inefficiencies, network congestion actually decreases when users over-estimate their costs. On the other hand, under-estimation of costs leads to increased congestion. We apply these results to urban transportation networks, where drivers have different estimates about the cost of congestion. In light of the dynamic pricing policies aimed at tackling congestion, our results indicate that users' perception of these prices can significantly impact the policy's efficacy, and "caution in the face of uncertainty" leads to favorable network conditions.Comment: Currently under revie

    Improving selfish routing for risk-averse players

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    We investigate how and to which extent one can exploit riskaversion and modify the perceived cost of the players in selfish routing so that the Price of Anarchy (PoA) is improved. We introduce small random perturbations to the edge latencies so that the expected latency does not change, but the perceived cost of the players increases due to risk-aversion. We adopt the model of γ-modifiable routing games, a variant of routing games with restricted tolls. We prove that computing the best γ-enforceable flow is NP-hard for parallel-link networks with affine latencies and two classes of heterogeneous risk-averse players. On the positive side, we show that for parallel-link networks with heterogeneous players and for series-parallel networks with homogeneous players, there exists a nicely structured γ-enforceable flow whose PoA improves fast as γ increases. We show that the complexity of computing such a γ-enforceable flow is determined by the complexity of computing a Nash flow of the original game. Moreover, we prove that the PoA of this flow is best possible in the worst-case, in the sense that there are instances where (i) the best γ-enforceable flow has the same PoA, and (ii) considering more flexible modifications does not lead to any further improvement. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015