1,024 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation for Wireless ad-hoc Networks

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    In this paper we introduce a novel modulation and multiplexing method which facilitates highly efficient and simultaneous communication between multiple terminals in wireless ad-hoc networks. We term this method Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation (CCSM). The CCSM method is particularly efficient in situations where communicating nodes operate in highly time dispersive environments. This is all achieved with a minimal MAC layer overhead, since all users are allowed to transmit and receive at the same time/frequency (full simultaneous duplex). The CCSM method has its roots in sparse modelling and the receiver is based on compressive sampling techniques. Towards this end, we develop a new low complexity algorithm termed Group Subspace Pursuit. Our analysis suggests that CCSM at least doubles the throughput when compared to the state-of-the art.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 201

    Compressed materialised views of semi-structured data

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    Query performance issues over semi-structured data have led to the emergence of materialised XML views as a means of restricting the data structure processed by a query. However preserving the conventional representation of such views remains a significant limiting factor especially in the context of mobile devices where processing power, memory usage and bandwidth are significant factors. To explore the concept of a compressed materialised view, we extend our earlier work on structural XML compression to produce a combination of structural summarisation and data compression techniques. These techniques provide a basis for efficiently dealing with both structural queries and valuebased predicates. We evaluate the effectiveness of such a scheme, presenting results and performance measures that show advantages of using such structures

    A novel approach for the hardware implementation of a PPMC statistical data compressor

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    This thesis aims to understand how to design high-performance compression algorithms suitable for hardware implementation and to provide hardware support for an efficient compression algorithm. Lossless data compression techniques have been developed to exploit the available bandwidth of applications in data communications and computer systems by reducing the amount of data they transmit or store. As the amount of data to handle is ever increasing, traditional methods for compressing data become· insufficient. To overcome this problem, more powerful methods have been developed. Among those are the so-called statistical data compression methods that compress data based on their statistics. However, their high complexity and space requirements have prevented their hardware implementation and the full exploitation of their potential benefits. This thesis looks into the feasibility of the hardware implementation of one of these statistical data compression methods by exploring the potential for reorganising and restructuring the method for hardware implementation and investigating ways of achieving efficient and effective designs to achieve an efficient and cost-effective algorithm. [Continues.

    Finding relevant free-text radiology reports at scale with IBM Watson Content Analytics: a feasibility study in the UK NHS

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    Background. Significant amounts of health data are stored as free-text within clinical reports, letters, discharge summaries and notes. Busy clinicians have limited time to read such large amounts of free-text and are at risk of information overload and consequently missing information vital to patient care. Automatically identifying relevant information at the point of care has the potential to reduce these risks but represents a considerable research challenge. One software solution that has been proposed in industry is the IBM Watson analytics suite which includes rule-based analytics capable of processing large document collections at scale. Results. In this paper we present an overview of IBM Watson Content Analytics and a feasibility study using Content Analytics with a large-scale corpus of clinical free-text reports within a UK National Health Service (NHS) context. We created dictionaries and rules for identifying positive incidence of hydronephrosis and brain metastasis from 5.6m radiology reports and were able to achieve 94% precision, 95% recall and 89% precision, 94% recall respectively on a sample of manually annotated reports. With minor changes for US English we applied the same rule set to an open access corpus of 0.5m radiology reports from a US hospital and achieved 93% precision, 94% recall and 84% precision, 88% recall respectively. Conclusions. We were able to implement IBM Watson within a UK NHS context and demonstrate effective results that could provide clinicians with an automatic safety net which highlights clinically important information within free-text documents. Our results suggest that currently available technologies such as IBM Watson Content Analytics already have the potential to address information overload and improve clinical safety and that solutions developed in one hospital and country may be transportable to different hospitals and countries. Our study was limited to exploring technical aspects of the feasibility of one industry solution and we recognise that healthcare text analytics research is a fast moving field. That said, we believe our study suggests that text analytics is sufficiently advanced to be implemented within industry solutions that can improve clinical safety

    Systematic Literature Review: Information overload of online distance learners

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    This paper aims to summarize the developments of previous studies done in Information Overload fields in the past five years and gives a prospect to future research in this field using the systematic literature review method. The results show very limitedly and low publication activity has been done in the area of information overload with Online Distance Learners. It is anticipated that this paper will trigger further studies that could focus on the impact of information overload on education fields. Keywords: Information Overload; Distance Learners; Online Learning; Systematic Literature Review. eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by E-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC  BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behavior Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioral Researchers on Asians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behavior Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

    Gbit/second lossless data compression hardware

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    This thesis investigates how to improve the performance of lossless data compression hardware as a tool to reduce the cost per bit stored in a computer system or transmitted over a communication network. Lossless data compression allows the exact reconstruction of the original data after decompression. Its deployment in some high-bandwidth applications has been hampered due to performance limitations in the compressing hardware that needs to match the performance of the original system to avoid becoming a bottleneck. Advancing the area of lossless data compression hardware, hence, offers a valid motivation with the potential of doubling the performance of the system that incorporates it with minimum investment. This work starts by presenting an analysis of current compression methods with the objective of identifying the factors that limit performance and also the factors that increase it. [Continues.

    Physics-guided Noise Neural Proxy for Low-light Raw Image Denoising

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    Low-light raw image denoising plays a crucial role in mobile photography, and learning-based methods have become the mainstream approach. Training the learning-based methods with synthetic data emerges as an efficient and practical alternative to paired real data. However, the quality of synthetic data is inherently limited by the low accuracy of the noise model, which decreases the performance of low-light raw image denoising. In this paper, we develop a novel framework for accurate noise modeling that learns a physics-guided noise neural proxy (PNNP) from dark frames. PNNP integrates three efficient techniques: physics-guided noise decoupling (PND), physics-guided proxy model (PPM), and differentiable distribution-oriented loss (DDL). The PND decouples the dark frame into different components and handles different levels of noise in a flexible manner, which reduces the complexity of the noise neural proxy. The PPM incorporates physical priors to effectively constrain the generated noise, which promotes the accuracy of the noise neural proxy. The DDL provides explicit and reliable supervision for noise modeling, which promotes the precision of the noise neural proxy. Extensive experiments on public low-light raw image denoising datasets and real low-light imaging scenarios demonstrate the superior performance of our PNNP framework
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