161 research outputs found

    Improving OpenStack Swift interaction with the I/O stack to enable software defined storage

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    This paper analyses how OpenStack Swift, a distributed object storage service for a globally used middleware, interacts with the I/O subsystem through the Operating System. This interaction, which seems organised and clean on the middleware side, becomes disordered on the device side when using mechanical disk drives, due to the way threads are used internally to request data. We will show that only modifying the Swift threading model we achieve an 18% mean improvement in performance with objects larger than 512 KiB and obtain a similar performance with smaller objects. Compared to the original scenario, the performance obtained on both scenarios is obtained in a fair way: the bandwidth is shared equally between concurrently accessed objects. Moreover, this threading model allows us to apply techniques for Software Defined Storage (SDS). We show an implementation of a Bandwidth Differentiation technique that can control each data stream and that guarantees a high utilization of the device.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community under the IOStack (H2020-ICT-2014-7-1) project, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the TIN2015-65316-P grant and by the Catalan Government under the 2014-SGR-1051 grant. To learn more about the IOStack H2020 project, please visit http:nnwww.iostack.eu.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Trusted Computing and Secure Virtualization in Cloud Computing

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    Large-scale deployment and use of cloud computing in industry is accompanied and in the same time hampered by concerns regarding protection of data handled by cloud computing providers. One of the consequences of moving data processing and storage off company premises is that organizations have less control over their infrastructure. As a result, cloud service (CS) clients must trust that the CS provider is able to protect their data and infrastructure from both external and internal attacks. Currently however, such trust can only rely on organizational processes declared by the CS provider and can not be remotely verified and validated by an external party. Enabling the CS client to verify the integrity of the host where the virtual machine instance will run, as well as to ensure that the virtual machine image has not been tampered with, are some steps towards building trust in the CS provider. Having the tools to perform such verifications prior to the launch of the VM instance allows the CS clients to decide in runtime whether certain data should be stored- or calculations should be made on the VM instance offered by the CS provider. This thesis combines three components -- trusted computing, virtualization technology and cloud computing platforms -- to address issues of trust and security in public cloud computing environments. Of the three components, virtualization technology has had the longest evolution and is a cornerstone for the realization of cloud computing. Trusted computing is a recent industry initiative that aims to implement the root of trust in a hardware component, the trusted platform module. The initiative has been formalized in a set of specifications and is currently at version 1.2. Cloud computing platforms pool virtualized computing, storage and network resources in order to serve a large number of customers customers that use a multi-tenant multiplexing model to offer on-demand self-service over broad network. Open source cloud computing platforms are, similar to trusted computing, a fairly recent technology in active development. The issue of trust in public cloud environments is addressed by examining the state of the art within cloud computing security and subsequently addressing the issues of establishing trust in the launch of a generic virtual machine in a public cloud environment. As a result, the thesis proposes a trusted launch protocol that allows CS clients to verify and ensure the integrity of the VM instance at launch time, as well as the integrity of the host where the VM instance is launched. The protocol relies on the use of Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for key generation and data protection. The TPM also plays an essential part in the integrity attestation of the VM instance host. Along with a theoretical, platform-agnostic protocol, the thesis also describes a detailed implementation design of the protocol using the OpenStack cloud computing platform. In order the verify the implementability of the proposed protocol, a prototype implementation has built using a distributed deployment of OpenStack. While the protocol covers only the trusted launch procedure using generic virtual machine images, it presents a step aimed to contribute towards the creation of a secure and trusted public cloud computing environment

    Live-Migration in Cloud Computing Environment

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    O tráfego global de IP aumentou cinco vezes nos últimos cinco anos, e prevê-se que crescerá três vezes nos próximos cinco. Já para o período de 2013 a 2018, anteviu-se que o total do tráfego de IP iria aumentar a sua taxa composta de crescimento anual (CAGR) em, aproximadamente, 3.9 vezes. Assim, os Prestadores de Serviços estão a sofrer com este acréscimo exponencial, que é proveniente do número abismal de dispositivos e utilizadores que estão ligados à Internet, bem como das suas exigências por vários recursos e serviços de rede (como por exemplo, distribuição de conteúdo multimédia, segurança, mobilidade, etc.). Mais especificamente, estes estão com dificuldades em: introduzir novos serviços geradores de receitas; e otimizar e adaptar as suas infraestruturas mais caras, centros de processamento de dados, e redes empresariais e de longa distância (COMpuTIN, 2015). Estas redes continuam a ter sérios problemas (no que toca a agilidade, gestão, mobilidade e no tempo despendido para se adaptarem), que não foram corrigidos até ao momento. Portanto, foram propostos novos modelos de Virtualização de Funções da Rede (NFV) e tecnologias de Redes de Software Definidos (SDN) para solucionar gastos operacionais e de capital não otimizado, e limitações das redes (Lopez, 2014, Hakiri and Berthou, 2015). Para se ultrapassar tais adversidades, o Instituto Europeu de Normas de Telecomunicações (ETSI) e outras organizações propuseram novas arquiteturas de rede. De acordo com o ETSI, a NFV é uma técnica emergente e poderosa, com grande aplicabilidade, e com o objetivo de transformar a maneira como os operadores desenham as redes. Isto é alcançado pela evolução da tecnologia padrão de virtualização TI, de forma a consolidar vários tipos de equipamentos de redes como: servidores de grande volume, routers, switches e armazenamento (Xilouris et al., 2014). Nesta dissertação, foram usadas as soluções mais atuais de SDN e NFV, de forma a produzir um caso de uso que possa solucionar o crescimento do tráfego de rede e a excedência da sua capacidade máxima. Para o desenvolvimento e avalização da solução, foi instalada a plataforma de computação na nuvem OpenStack, de modo a implementar, gerir e testar um caso de uso de Live Migration.Global IP traffic has increased fivefold over the past five years, and will continue increasing threefold over the next five years. The overall IP traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) nearly 3.9-fold from 2013 to 2018. Service Providers are experiencing the exponential growth of IP traffic that comes from the incredible increased number of devices and users who are connected to the internet along with their demands for various resources and network services like multimedia content distribution, security, mobility and else. Therefore, Service Providers are finding difficult to introduce new revenue generating services, optimize and adapt their expensive infrastructures, data centers, wide-area networks and enterprise networks (COMpuTIN, 2015). The networks continue to have serious known problems, such as, agility, manageability, mobility and time-to-application that have not been successfully addressed so far. Thus, novel Network Function Virtualization (NFV) models and Software-defined Networking (SDN) technologies have been proposed to solve the non-optimal capital and operational expenditures and network’s limitations (Lopez, 2014, Hakiri and Berthou, 2015). In order to solve these issues, the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and other standard organizations are proposing new network architecture approaches. According to ETSI, The Network Functions Virtualization is a powerful emerging technique with widespread applicability, aiming to transform the way that network operators design networks by evolving standard IT virtualization technology to consolidate many network equipment types: high volume servers, routers, switches and storage (Xilouris et al., 2014). In this thesis, the current Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) solutions were used in order to make a use case that can address the increasing of network traffic and exceeding its maximum capacity. To develop and evaluate the solution, OpenStack cloud computing platform was installed in order to deploy, manage and test a Live-Migration use-case

    Enabling the processing of bioinformatics workflows where data is located through the use of cloud and container technologies

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScThe growing size of raw data and the lack of internet communication technology to keep up with that growth is introducing unique challenges to academic researchers. This is especially true for those residing in rural areas or countries with sub-par telecommunication infrastructure. In this project I investigate the usefulness of cloud computing technology, data analysis workflow languages and portable computation for institutions that generate data. I introduce the concept of a software solution that could be used to simplify the way that researchers execute their analysis on data sets at remote sources, rather than having to move the data. The scope of this project involved conceptualising and designing a software system to simplify the use of a cloud environment as well as implementing a working prototype of said software for the OpenStack cloud computing platform. I conclude that it is possible to improve the performance of research pipelines by removing the need for researchers to have operating system or cloud computing knowledge and that utilising technologies such as this can ease the burden of moving data

    Data-Driven resource orchestration in sliced 5G Networks

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    En los últimos años la quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles ha comenzado a desarrollarse. El 5G supone un gran cambio si se compara con las anteriores generaciones de comunicaciones móviles, puesto que no se centra meramente en aumentar el ancho de banda, reducir la latencia o mejorar la eficiencia espectral, sino en ofrecer un amplio rango de servicios y aplicaciones, con requisitos muy dispares entre sí, a una gran variedad de tipos de usuario. Estos objetivos pretenden ser alcanzados empleando nuevas tecnologías: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es analizar el soporte actual de end-to-end Network Slicing en un entorno 5G Open Source y desarrollar una maqueta 5G con software que admita Network-slicing.In the past few years the fifth generation in mobile communications started to arise. 5G supposes a great change compared with the past mobile communication generations, it doesn’t aim merely at improving bandwidth, reducing delay or upgrading spectral efficiency but at offering a wide range of services and applications, with huge differentrequirements, to a vast variety of users. These objectives are to be accomplished using new technologies such as: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. The objective of this Master Thesisis to analyze the current support for end-to-end Network Slicing in a 5G Open Source environment and to developan open source5GTestbedwith recent Software contributions in Network Slicing.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (M125

    Deployment of NFV and SFC scenarios

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    Aquest ítem conté el treball original, defensat públicament amb data de 24 de febrer de 2017, així com una versió millorada del mateix amb data de 28 de febrer de 2017. Els canvis introduïts a la segona versió són 1) correcció d'errades 2) procediment del darrer annex.Telecommunications services have been traditionally designed linking hardware devices and providing mechanisms so that they can interoperate. Those devices are usually specific to a single service and are based on proprietary technology. On the other hand, the current model works by defining standards and strict protocols to achieve high levels of quality and reliability which have defined the carrier-class provider environment. Provisioning new services represent challenges at different levels because inserting the required devices involve changes in the network topology. This leads to slow deployment times and increased operational costs. To overcome the current burdens network function installation and insertion processes into the current service topology needs to be streamlined to allow greater flexibility. The current service provider model has been disrupted by the over-the-top Internet content providers (Facebook, Netflix, etc.), with short product cycles and fast development pace of new services. The content provider irruption has meant a competition and stress over service providers' infrastructure and has forced telco companies to research new technologies to recover market share with flexible and revenue-generating services. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Service Function Chaining (SFC) are some of the initiatives led by the Communication Service Providers to regain the lost leadership. This project focuses on experimenting with some of these already available new technologies, which are expected to be the foundation of the new network paradigms (5G, IOT) and support new value-added services over cost-efficient telecommunication infrastructures. Specifically, SFC scenarios have been deployed with Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV), a Linux Foundation project. Some use cases of the NFV technology are demonstrated applied to teaching laboratories. Although the current implementation does not achieve a production degree of reliability, it provides a suitable environment for the development of new functional improvements and evaluation of the performance of virtualized network infrastructures

    VISOR: virtual machine images management service for cloud infarestructures

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    Cloud Computing is a relatively novel paradigm that aims to fulfill the computing as utility dream. It has appeared to bring the possibility of providing computing resources (such as servers, storage and networks) as a service and on demand, making them accessible through common Internet protocols. Through cloud offers, users only need to pay for the amount of resources they need and for the time they use them. Virtualization is the clouds key technology, acting upon virtual machine images to deliver fully functional virtual machine instances. Therefore, virtual machine images play an important role in Cloud Computing and their efficient management becomes a key concern that should be carefully addressed. To tackle this requirement, most cloud offers provide their own image repository, where images are stored and retrieved from, in order to instantiate new virtual machines. However, the rise of Cloud Computing has brought new problems in managing large collections of images. Existing image repositories are not able to efficiently manage, store and catalogue virtual machine images from other clouds through the same centralized service repository. This becomes especially important when considering the management of multiple heterogeneous cloud offers. In fact, despite the hype around Cloud Computing, there are still existing barriers to its widespread adoption. Among them, clouds interoperability is one of the most notable issues. Interoperability limitations arise from the fact that current cloud offers provide proprietary interfaces, and their services are tied to their own requirements. Therefore, when dealing with multiple heterogeneous clouds, users face hard to manage integration and compatibility issues. The management and delivery of virtual machine images across different clouds is an example of such interoperability constraints. This dissertation presents VISOR, a cloud agnostic virtual machine images management service and repository. Our work towards VISOR aims to provide a service not designed to fit in a specific cloud offer but rather to overreach sharing and interoperability limitations among different clouds. With VISOR, the management of clouds interoperability can be seamlessly abstracted from the underlying procedures details. In this way, it aims to provide users with the ability to manage and expose virtual machine images across heterogeneous clouds, throughout the same generic and centralized repository and management service. VISOR is an open source software with a community-driven development process, thus it can be freely customized and further improved by everyone. The conducted tests to evaluate its performance and resources usage rate have shown VISOR as a stable and high performance service, even when compared with other services already in production. Lastly, placing clouds as the main target audience is not a limitation for other use cases. In fact, virtualization and virtual machine images are not exclusively linked to cloud environments. Therefore and given the service agnostic design concerns, it is possible to adapt it to other usage scenarios as well.A Computação em Nuvem (”Cloud Computing”) é um paradigma relativamente novo que visa cumprir o sonho de fornecer a computação como um serviço. O mesmo surgiu para possibilitar o fornecimento de recursos de computação (servidores, armazenamento e redes) como um serviço de acordo com as necessidades dos utilizadores, tornando-os acessíveis através de protocolos de Internet comuns. Através das ofertas de ”cloud”, os utilizadores apenas pagam pela quantidade de recursos que precisam e pelo tempo que os usam. A virtualização é a tecnologia chave das ”clouds”, atuando sobre imagens de máquinas virtuais de forma a gerar máquinas virtuais totalmente funcionais. Sendo assim, as imagens de máquinas virtuais desempenham um papel fundamental no ”Cloud Computing” e a sua gestão eficiente torna-se um requisito que deve ser cuidadosamente analisado. Para fazer face a tal necessidade, a maioria das ofertas de ”cloud” fornece o seu próprio repositório de imagens, onde as mesmas são armazenadas e de onde são copiadas a fim de criar novas máquinas virtuais. Contudo, com o crescimento do ”Cloud Computing” surgiram novos problemas na gestão de grandes conjuntos de imagens. Os repositórios existentes não são capazes de gerir, armazenar e catalogar images de máquinas virtuais de forma eficiente a partir de outras ”clouds”, mantendo um único repositório e serviço centralizado. Esta necessidade torna-se especialmente importante quando se considera a gestão de múltiplas ”clouds” heterogéneas. Na verdade, apesar da promoção extrema do ”Cloud Computing”, ainda existem barreiras à sua adoção generalizada. Entre elas, a interoperabilidade entre ”clouds” é um dos constrangimentos mais notáveis. As limitações de interoperabilidade surgem do fato de as ofertas de ”cloud” atuais possuírem interfaces proprietárias, e de os seus serviços estarem vinculados às suas próprias necessidades. Os utilizadores enfrentam assim problemas de compatibilidade e integração difíceis de gerir, ao lidar com ”clouds” de diferentes fornecedores. A gestão e disponibilização de imagens de máquinas virtuais entre diferentes ”clouds” é um exemplo de tais restrições de interoperabilidade. Esta dissertação apresenta o VISOR, o qual é um repositório e serviço de gestão de imagens de máquinas virtuais genérico. O nosso trabalho em torno do VISOR visa proporcionar um serviço que não foi concebido para lidar com uma ”cloud” específica, mas sim para superar as limitações de interoperabilidade entre ”clouds”. Com o VISOR, a gestão da interoperabilidade entre ”clouds” é abstraída dos detalhes subjacentes. Desta forma pretende-se proporcionar aos utilizadores a capacidade de gerir e expor imagens entre ”clouds” heterogéneas, mantendo um repositório e serviço de gestão centralizados. O VISOR é um software de código livre com um processo de desenvolvimento aberto. O mesmo pode ser livremente personalizado e melhorado por qualquer pessoa. Os testes realizados para avaliar o seu desempenho e a taxa de utilização de recursos mostraram o VISOR como sendo um serviço estável e de alto desempenho, mesmo quando comparado com outros serviços já em utilização. Por fim, colocar as ”clouds” como principal público-alvo não representa uma limitação para outros tipos de utilização. Na verdade, as imagens de máquinas virtuais e a virtualização não estão exclusivamente ligadas a ambientes de ”cloud”. Assim sendo, e tendo em conta as preocupações tidas no desenho de um serviço genérico, também é possível adaptar o nosso serviço a outros cenários de utilização

    Using OSM for real-time redeployment of VNFs based on network status

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    Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία θα εξετάσουμε την Εικονικοποίηση δικτυακών λειτουργιών (Network Functions Virtualisation - NFV) ως την κατάλληλη αρχιτεκτονική για την υλοποίηση ενός δικτύου κατάλληλου για το Διαδίκτυο των Πραγμάτων (Internet of Things - IoT), το οποίο πρέπει να είναι ευέλικτο και επεκτάσιμο. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, θα επικεντρωθούμε στην αποτελεσματική αξιοποίηση του Open Source MANO (OSM) στην υλοποίηση μιας εφαρμογής που παρακολουθεί την κατάσταση του δικτύου των Εικονικοποιημένων δικτυακών λειτουργιών (Virtual Network Functions – VNFs) και σε περίπτωση κακής κατάστασης του δικτύου (π.χ. συμφόρηση του δικτύου) αναλαμβάνει τη μετακίνηση των επηρεαζόμενων VNFs σε κάποιον άλλο Διαχειριστή Εικονικής Υποδομής (Virtual Infrastructure Manager – VIM), για να αποτραπεί η πτώση στην απόδοση των ενεργών υπηρεσιών.In this thesis we will be examining the Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) framework as a suitable framework for implementing a network appropriate for Internet of Things (IoT), which needs to be flexible and scalable. More precisely, we will be focusing on how Open Source MANO (OSM) can be efficiently utilized in a solution that monitors the network status of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) and in case of bad network status (e.g. network congestion) triggers the redeployment of affected VNFs to some other Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) to prevent the underperformance of running services