92 research outputs found

    CorefPrompt: Prompt-based Event Coreference Resolution by Measuring Event Type and Argument Compatibilities

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    Event coreference resolution (ECR) aims to group event mentions referring to the same real-world event into clusters. Most previous studies adopt the "encoding first, then scoring" framework, making the coreference judgment rely on event encoding. Furthermore, current methods struggle to leverage human-summarized ECR rules, e.g., coreferential events should have the same event type, to guide the model. To address these two issues, we propose a prompt-based approach, CorefPrompt, to transform ECR into a cloze-style MLM (masked language model) task. This allows for simultaneous event modeling and coreference discrimination within a single template, with a fully shared context. In addition, we introduce two auxiliary prompt tasks, event-type compatibility and argument compatibility, to explicitly demonstrate the reasoning process of ECR, which helps the model make final predictions. Experimental results show that our method CorefPrompt performs well in a state-of-the-art (SOTA) benchmark.Comment: Accepted by EMNLP202

    Towards the extraction of cross-sentence relations through event extraction and entity coreference

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    Cross-sentence relation extraction deals with the extraction of relations beyond the sentence boundary. This thesis focuses on two of the NLP tasks which are of importance to the successful extraction of cross-sentence relation mentions: event extraction and coreference resolution. The first part of the thesis focuses on addressing data sparsity issues in event extraction. We propose a self-training approach for obtaining additional labeled examples for the task. The process starts off with a Bi-LSTM event tagger trained on a small labeled data set which is used to discover new event instances in a large collection of unstructured text. The high confidence model predictions are selected to construct a data set of automatically-labeled training examples. We present several ways in which the resulting data set can be used for re-training the event tagger in conjunction with the initial labeled data. The best configuration achieves statistically significant improvement over the baseline on the ACE 2005 test set (macro-F1), as well as in a 10-fold cross validation (micro- and macro-F1) evaluation. Our error analysis reveals that the augmentation approach is especially beneficial for the classification of the most under-represented event types in the original data set. The second part of the thesis focuses on the problem of coreference resolution. While a certain level of precision can be reached by modeling surface information about entity mentions, their successful resolution often depends on semantic or world knowledge. This thesis investigates an unsupervised source of such knowledge, namely distributed word representations. We present several ways in which word embeddings can be utilized to extract features for a supervised coreference resolver. Our evaluation results and error analysis show that each of these features helps improve over the baseline coreference system’s performance, with a statistically significant improvement (CoNLL F1) achieved when the proposed features are used jointly. Moreover, all features lead to a reduction in the amount of precision errors in resolving references between common nouns, demonstrating that they successfully incorporate semantic information into the process

    Pairwise Representation Learning for Event Coreference

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    Natural Language Processing tasks such as resolving the coreference of events require understanding the relations between two text snippets. These tasks are typically formulated as (binary) classification problems over independently induced representations of the text snippets. In this work, we develop a Pairwise Representation Learning (PairwiseRL) scheme for the event mention pairs, in which we jointly encode a pair of text snippets so that the representation of each mention in the pair is induced in the context of the other one. Furthermore, our representation supports a finer, structured representation of the text snippet to facilitate encoding events and their arguments. We show that PairwiseRL, despite its simplicity, outperforms the prior state-of-the-art event coreference systems on both cross-document and within-document event coreference benchmarks. We also conduct in-depth analysis in terms of the improvement and the limitation of pairwise representation so as to provide insights for future work.Comment: 8 pages. *SEM 202

    Error propagation

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    Incremental Coreference Resolution for German

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    The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1. We introduce a general model for coreference and explore its application to German. • The model features an incremental discourse processing algorithm which allows it to coherently address issues caused by underspecification of mentions, which is an especially pressing problem regarding certain German pronouns. • We introduce novel features relevant for the resolution of German pronouns. A subset of these features are made accessible through the incremental architecture of the discourse processing model. • In evaluation, we show that the coreference model combined with our features provides new state-of-the-art results for coreference and pronoun resolution for German. 2. We elaborate on the evaluation of coreference and pronoun resolution. • We discuss evaluation from the view of prospective downstream applications that benefit from coreference resolution as a preprocessing component. Addressing the shortcomings of the general evaluation framework in this regard, we introduce an alternative framework, the Application Related Coreference Scores (ARCS). • The ARCS framework enables a thorough comparison of different system outputs and the quantification of their similarities and differences beyond the common coreference evaluation. We demonstrate how the framework is applied to state-of-the-art coreference systems. This provides a method to track specific differences in system outputs, which assists researchers in comparing their approaches to related work in detail. 3. We explore semantics for pronoun resolution. • Within the introduced coreference model, we explore distributional approaches to estimate the compatibility of an antecedent candidate and the occurrence context of a pronoun. We compare a state-of-the-art approach for word embeddings to syntactic co-occurrence profiles to this end. • In comparison to related work, we extend the notion of context and thereby increase the applicability of our approach. We find that a combination of both compatibility models, coupled with the coreference model, provides a large potential for improving pronoun resolution performance. We make available all our resources, including a web demo of the system, at: http://pub.cl.uzh.ch/purl/coreference-resolutio

    Strategies to Address Data Sparseness in Implicit Semantic Role Labeling

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    Natural language texts frequently contain predicates whose complete understanding re- quires access to other parts of the discourse. Human readers can retrieve such infor- mation across sentence boundaries and infer the implicit piece of information. This capability enables us to understand complicated texts without needing to repeat the same information in every single sentence. However, for computational systems, resolv- ing such information is problematic because computational approaches traditionally rely on sentence-level processing and rarely take into account the extra-sentential context. In this dissertation, we investigate this omission phenomena, called implicit semantic role labeling. Implicit semantic role labeling involves identification of predicate argu- ments that are not locally realized but are resolvable from the context. For example, in ”What’s the matter, Walters? asked Baynes sharply.”, the ADDRESSEE of the predicate ask, Walters, is not mentioned as one of its syntactic arguments, but can be recoverable from the previous sentence. In this thesis, we try to improve methods for the automatic processing of such predicate instances to improve natural language pro- cessing applications. Our main contribution is introducing approaches to solve the data sparseness problem of the task. We improve automatic identification of implicit roles by increasing the amount of training set without needing to annotate new instances. For this purpose, we propose two approaches. As the first one, we use crowdsourcing to annotate instances of implicit semantic roles and show that with an appropriate task de- sign, reliable annotation of implicit semantic roles can be obtained from the non-experts without the need to present precise and linguistic definition of the roles to them. As the second approach, we combine seemingly incompatible corpora to solve the problem of data sparseness of ISRL by applying a domain adaptation technique. We show that out of domain data from a different genre can be successfully used to improve a baseline implicit semantic role labeling model, when used with an appropriate domain adapta- tion technique. The results also show that the improvement occurs regardless of the predicate part of speech, that is, identification of implicit roles relies more on semantic features than syntactic ones. Therefore, annotating instances of nominal predicates, for instance, can help to improve identification of verbal predicates’ implicit roles, we well. Our findings also show that the variety of the additional data is more important than its size. That is, increasing a large amount of data does not necessarily lead to a better model
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