1,216 research outputs found

    Privacy-preserving Data clustering in Cloud Computing based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    Cloud infrastructure with its massive storage and computing power is an ideal platform to perform large scale data analysis tasks to extract knowledge and support decision-making. However, there are critical data privacy and security issues associated with this platform, as the data is stored in a public infrastructure. Recently, fully homomorphic data encryption has been proposed as a solution due to its capabilities in performing computations over encrypted data. However, it is demonstrably slow for practical data mining applications. To address this and related concerns, we introduce a fully homomorphic and distributed data processing framework that utilizes MapReduce to perform distributed computations for data clustering tasks on a large number of cloud Virtual Machines (VMs). We illustrate how a variety of fully homomorphic-based computations can be carried out to accomplish data clustering tasks independently in the cloud and show that the distributed execution of data clustering tasks based on MapReduce can significantly reduce the execution time overhead caused by fully homomorphic computations. To evaluate our framework, we performed experiments using electricity consumption measurement data on the Google cloud platform with 100 VMs. We found the proposed distributed data processing framework to be highly efficient when compared to a centralized approach and as accurate as a plaintext implementation

    Big Data and Large-scale Data Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures

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    One of the significant shifts of the next-generation computing technologies will certainly be in the development of Big Data (BD) deployment architectures. Apache Hadoop, the BD landmark, evolved as a widely deployed BD operating system. Its new features include federation structure and many associated frameworks, which provide Hadoop 3.x with the maturity to serve different markets. This dissertation addresses two leading issues involved in exploiting BD and large-scale data analytics realm using the Hadoop platform. Namely, (i)Scalability that directly affects the system performance and overall throughput using portable Docker containers. (ii) Security that spread the adoption of data protection practices among practitioners using access controls. An Enhanced Mapreduce Environment (EME), OPportunistic and Elastic Resource Allocation (OPERA) scheduler, BD Federation Access Broker (BDFAB), and a Secure Intelligent Transportation System (SITS) of multi-tiers architecture for data streaming to the cloud computing are the main contribution of this thesis study

    MapReduce analysis for cloud-archived data

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    Public storage clouds have become a popular choice for archiving certain classes of enterprise data - for example, application and infrastructure logs. These logs contain sensitive information like IP addresses or user logins due to which regulatory and security requirements often require data to be encrypted before moved to the cloud. In order to leverage such data for any business value, analytics systems (e.g. Hadoop/MapReduce) first download data from these public clouds, decrypt it and then process it at the secure enterprise site. We propose VNCache: an efficient solution for MapReduceanalysis of such cloud-archived log data without requiring an apriori data transfer and loading into the local Hadoop cluster. VNcache dynamically integrates cloud-archived data into a virtual namespace at the enterprise Hadoop cluster. Through a seamless data streaming and prefetching model, Hadoop jobs can begin execution as soon as they are launched without requiring any apriori downloading. With VNcache's accurate pre-fetching and caching, jobs often run on a local cached copy of the data block significantly improving performance. When no longer needed, data is safely evicted from the enterprise cluster reducing the total storage footprint. Uniquely, VNcache is implemented with NO changes to the Hadoop application stack. © 2014 IEEE

    Secure genome processing in public cloud and HPC environments

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    Aligning next generation sequencing data requires significant compute resources. HPC and cloud systems can provide sufficient compute capacity, but do not offer the required data security guarantees. HPC environments are typically designed for many groups of trusted users and often only include minimal security enforcement, while Cloud environments are mostly under the control of untrusted entities and companies. In this work we present a scalable pipeline approach that enables the use of public Cloud and HPC environments, while improving the patients’ privacy. The applied techniques include adding noisy data, cryptography, and a MapReduce program for the parallel processing of data

    Securing cloud-based data analytics: A practical approach

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    The ubiquitous nature of computers is driving a massive increase in the amount of data generated by humans and machines. The shift to cloud technologies is a paradigm change that offers considerable financial and administrative gains in the effort to analyze these data. However, governmental and business institutions wanting to tap into these gains are concerned with security issues. The cloud presents new vulnerabilities and is dominated by new kinds of applications, which calls for new security solutions. In the direction of analyzing massive amounts of data, tools like MapReduce, Apache Storm, Dryad and higher-level scripting languages like Pig Latin and DryadLINQ have significantly improved corresponding tasks for software developers. The equally important aspect of securing computations performed by these tools and ensuring confidentiality of data has seen very little support emerge for programmers. In this dissertation, we present solutions to a. secure computations being run in the cloud by leveraging BFT replication coupled with fault isolation and b. secure data from being leaked by computing directly on encrypted data. For securing computations (a.), we leverage a combination of variable-degree clustering, approximated and offline output comparison, smart deployment, and separation of duty to achieve a parameterized tradeoff between fault tolerance and overhead in practice. We demonstrate the low overhead achieved with our solution when securing data-flow computations expressed in Apache Pig, and Hadoop. Our solution allows assured computation with less than 10 percent latency overhead as shown by our evaluation. For securing data (b.), we present novel data flow analyses and program transformations for Pig Latin and Apache Storm, that automatically enable the execution of corresponding scripts on encrypted data. We avoid fully homomorphic encryption because of its prohibitively high cost; instead, in some cases, we rely on a minimal set of operations performed by the client. We present the algorithms used for this translation, and empirically demonstrate the practical performance of our approach as well as improvements for programmers in terms of the effort required to preserve data confidentiality

    Analysis of outsourcing data to the cloud using autonomous key generation

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    Cloud computing, a technology that enables users to store and manage their data at a low cost and high availability, has been emerging for the past few decades because of the many services it provides. One of the many services cloud computing provides to its users is data storage. The majority of the users of this service are still concerned to outsource their data due to the integrity and confidentiality issues, as well as performance and cost issues, that come along with it. These issues make it necessary to encrypt data prior to outsourcing it to the cloud. However, encrypting data prior to outsourcing makes searching the data obsolete, lowering the functionality of the cloud. Most existing cloud storage schemes often prioritize security over performance and functionality, or vice versa. In this thesis, the cloud storage service is explored, and the aspects of security, performance, and functionality are analyzed in order to investigate the trade-offs of the service. DSB-SEIS, a scheme with encryption intensity selection, an autonomous key generation algorithm that allows users to control the encryption intensity of their files, as well as other features is developed in order to find a balance between performance, security, and functionality. The features that DSB-SEIS contains are deduplication, assured deletion, and searchable encryption. The effect of encryption intensity selection on encryption, decryption, and key generation is explored, and the performance and security of DSB-SEIS are evaluated. The MapReduce framework is also used to investigate the DSB-SEIS algorithm performance with big data. Analysis demonstrates that the encryption intensity selection algorithm generates a manageable number of encryption keys based on the confidentiality of data while not adding significant overhead on encryption or decryption --Abstract, page iii
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