6 research outputs found

    Efficient Utilization of Dependency Pattern and Sequential Covering for Aspect Extraction Rule Learning

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    The use of dependency rules for aspect extraction tasks in aspect-based sentiment analysis is a promising approach. One problem with this approach is incomplete rules. This paper presents an aspect extraction rule learning method that combines dependency rules with the Sequential Covering algorithm. Sequential Covering is known for its characteristics in constructing rules that increase positive examples covered and decrease negative ones. This property is vital to make sure that the rule set used has high performance, but not inevitably high coverage, which is a characteristic of the aspect extraction task. To test the new method, four datasets were used from four product domains and three baselines: Double Propagation, Aspectator, and a previous work by the authors. The results show that the proposed approach performed better than the three baseline methods for the F-measure metric, with the highest F-measure value at 0.633

    Toward a multitask aspect-based sentiment analysis model using deep learning

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    International audienceSentiment analysis or opinion mining is used to understand the community’s opinions on a particular product. This is a system of selection and classification of opinions on sentences or documents. At a more detailed level, aspect-based sentiment analysis makes an effort to extract and categorize sentiments on aspects of entities in opinion text. In this paper, we propose a novel supervised learning approach using deep learning techniques for a multitasking aspect-based opinion mining system that supports four main subtasks: extract opinion target, classify aspect, classify entity (category) and estimate opinion polarity (positive, neutral, negative) on each extracted aspect of the entity. We have used a part-of-speech (POS) layer to define the words’ morphological features integrated with GloVe word embedding in the previous layer and fed to the convolutional neural network_bidirectional long-short term memory (CNN_BiLSTM) stacked construction to improve the model’s accuracy in the opinion classification process and related tasks. Our multitasking aspect-based sentiment analysis experiments on the dataset of SemEval 2016 showed that our proposed models have obtained and categorized core tasks mentioned above simultaneously and attained considerably better accurateness than the advanced researches

    Aspect extraction on user textual reviews using multi-channel convolutional neural network

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    Aspect extraction is a subtask of sentiment analysis that deals with identifying opinion targets in an opinionated text. Existing approaches to aspect extraction typically rely on using handcrafted features, linear and integrated network architectures. Although these methods can achieve good performances, they are time-consuming and often very complicated. In real-life systems, a simple model with competitive results is generally more effective and preferable over complicated models. In this paper, we present a multichannel convolutional neural network for aspect extraction. The model consists of a deep convolutional neural network with two input channels: a word embedding channel which aims to encode semantic information of the words and a part of speech (POS) tag embedding channel to facilitate the sequential tagging process. To get the vector representation of words, we initialized the word embedding channel and the POS channel using pretrained word2vec and one-hot-vector of POS tags, respectively. Both the word embedding and the POS embedding vectors were fed into the convolutional layer and concatenated to a one-dimensional vector, which is finally pooled and processed using a Softmax function for sequence labeling. We finally conducted a series of experiments using four different datasets. The results indicated better performance compared to the baseline models

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches

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    Sentiment analysis (SA) is also known as opinion mining, it is the process of gathering and analyzing people's opinions about a particular service, good, or company on websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and blogs, among other places. This article covers a thorough analysis of SA and its levels. This manuscript's main focus is on aspect-based SA, which helps manufacturing organizations make better decisions by examining consumers' viewpoints and opinions of their products. The many approaches and methods used in aspect-based sentiment analysis are covered in this review study (ABSA). The features associated with the aspects were manually drawn out in traditional methods, which made it a time-consuming and error-prone operation. Nevertheless, these restrictions may be overcome as artificial intelligence develops. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of ABSA, researchers are increasingly using AI-based machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques. Additionally, certain recently released ABSA approaches based on ML and DL are examined, contrasted, and based on this research, gaps in both methodologies are discovered. At the conclusion of this study, the difficulties that current ABSA models encounter are also emphasized, along with suggestions that can be made to improve the efficacy and precision of ABSA systems

    Review-based collaborative recommender system using deep learning methods

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    Recommender systems have been widely adopted to assist users in purchasing and increasing sales. Collaborative filtering techniques have been identified to be the most popular methods used for the recommendation system. One major drawback of these approaches is the data sparsity problem, which generally leads to low performances of the recommender systems. Recent development has shown that user review texts can be exploited to tackle the issue of data sparsity thereby improving the accuracy of the recommender systems. However, the problem with existing methods for the review-based recommender system is the use of handcrafted features which makes the system less accurate. Thus, to address the above issue, this study proposed collaborative recommender system models that utilize user textual reviews based on deep learning methods for improving predictive performances of recommender systems. To extract the product aspects to mine users‟ opinion, an aspect extraction method was first developed using a Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network. An aspect-based recommender system was then designed by integrating the opinions of users based on the product aspects into the collaborative filtering method for the recommendation process. To further improve the predictive performance, the fine-grained user-item interaction based on the aspect-based collaborative method was studied and a sentiment-aware recommender system was also designed using a deep learning method. Extensive series of experiments were conducted on real-world datasets from the Semeval-014, Amazon, and Yelp reviews to evaluate the performances of the proposed models from both the aspect extraction and rating prediction. Experimental results showed that the proposed aspect extraction model performed better than compared methods such as rule-based and the neural network-based approaches, with average gains of 5.2%, 12.0%, and 7.5% in terms of Precision, Recall, and F1 score, respectively. Meanwhile, the proposed aspect-based collaborative methods demonstrated better performances compared to benchmark approaches such as topic modelling techniques with an average improvement of 6.5% and 8.0% in terms of the Root Means Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), respectively. Statistical T-test was conducted and the results showed that all the performance improvements were significant at P<0.05. This result indicates the effectiveness of utilizing the multi-channel convolutional neural network for better extraction accuracy. The findings also demonstrate the advantage of utilizing user textual reviews and the deep learning methods for improving the predictive accuracy in recommendation systems