7 research outputs found

    Structured Prediction of Sequences and Trees using Infinite Contexts

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    Linguistic structures exhibit a rich array of global phenomena, however commonly used Markov models are unable to adequately describe these phenomena due to their strong locality assumptions. We propose a novel hierarchical model for structured prediction over sequences and trees which exploits global context by conditioning each generation decision on an unbounded context of prior decisions. This builds on the success of Markov models but without imposing a fixed bound in order to better represent global phenomena. To facilitate learning of this large and unbounded model, we use a hierarchical Pitman-Yor process prior which provides a recursive form of smoothing. We propose prediction algorithms based on A* and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling. Empirical results demonstrate the potential of our model compared to baseline finite-context Markov models on part-of-speech tagging and syntactic parsing

    Mining International Political Norms from the GDELT Database

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    Researchers have long been interested in the role that norms can play in governing agent actions in multi-agent systems. Much work has been done on formalising normative concepts from human society and adapting them for the government of open software systems, and on the simulation of normative processes in human and artificial societies. However, there has been comparatively little work on applying normative MAS mechanisms to understanding the norms in human society. This work investigates this issue in the context of international politics. Using the GDELT dataset, containing machine-encoded records of international events extracted from news reports, we extracted bilateral sequences of inter-country events and applied a Bayesian norm mining mechanism to identify norms that best explained the observed behaviour. A statistical evaluation showed that the normative model fitted the data significantly better than a probabilistic discrete event model.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, pre-print for International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems (COINE), co-located with AAMAS 202

    Generative Non-Markov Models for Information Extraction

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    Learning from unlabeled data is a long-standing challenge in machine learning. A principled solution involves modeling the full joint distribution over inputs and the latent structure of interest, and imputing the missing data via marginalization. Unfortunately, such marginalization is expensive for most non-trivial problems, which places practical limits on the expressiveness of generative models. As a result, joint models often encode strict assumptions about the underlying process such as fixed-order Markovian assumptions and employ simple count-based features of the inputs. In contrast, conditional models, which do not directly model the observed data, are free to incorporate rich overlapping features of the input in order to predict the latent structure of interest. It would be desirable to develop expressive generative models that retain tractable inference. This is the topic of this thesis. In particular, we explore joint models which relax fixed-order Markov assumptions, and investigate the use of recurrent neural networks for automatic feature induction in the generative process. We focus on two structured prediction problems: (1) imputing labeled segmentions of input character sequences, and (2) imputing directed spanning trees relating strings in text corpora. These problems arise in many applications of practical interest, but we are primarily concerned with named-entity recognition and cross-document coreference resolution in this work. For named-entity recognition, we propose a generative model in which the observed characters originate from a latent non-Markov process over words, and where the characters are themselves produced via a non-Markov process: a recurrent neural network (RNN). We propose a sampler for the proposed model in which sequential Monte Carlo is used as a transition kernel for a Gibbs sampler. The kernel is amenable to a fast parallel implementation, and results in fast mixing in practice. For cross-document coreference resolution, we move beyond sequence modeling to consider string-to-string transduction. We stipulate a generative process for a corpus of documents in which entity names arise from copying---and optionally transforming---previous names of the same entity. Our proposed model is sensitive to both the context in which the names occur as well as their spelling. The string-to-string transformations correspond to systematic linguistic processes such as abbreviation, typos, and nicknaming, and by analogy to biology, we think of them as mutations along the edges of a phylogeny. We propose a novel block Gibbs sampler for this problem that alternates between sampling an ordering of the mentions and a spanning tree relating all mentions in the corpus

    Bayesian nonparametric models of genetic variation

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    We will develop three new Bayesian nonparametric models for genetic variation. These models are all dynamic-clustering approximations of the ancestral recombination graph (or ARG), a structure that fully describes the genetic history of a population. Due to its complexity, efficient inference for the ARG is not possible. However, different aspects of the ARG can be captured by the approximations discussed in our work. The ARG can be described by a tree valued HMM where the trees vary along the genetic sequence. Many modern models of genetic variation proceed by approximating these trees with (often finite) clusterings. We will consider Bayesian nonparametric priors for the clustering, thereby providing nonparametric generalizations of these models and avoiding problems with model selection and label switching. Further, we will compare the performance of these models on a wide selection of inference problems in genetics such as phasing, imputation, genome wide association and admixture or bottleneck discovery. These experiments should provide a common testing ground on which the different approximations inherent in modern genetic models can be compared. The results of these experiments should shed light on the nature of the approximations and guide future application of these models

    Improvements to the sequence memoizer

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    The sequence memoizer is a model for sequence data with state-of-the-art performance on language modeling and compression. We propose a number of improvements to the model and inference algorithm, including an enlarged range of hyperparameters, a memory-efficient representation, and inference algorithms operating on the new representation. Our derivations are based on precise definitions of the various processes that will also allow us to provide an elementary proof of the "mysterious" coagulation and fragmentation properties used in the original paper on the sequence memoizer by Wood et al. (2009). We present some experimental results supporting our improvements

    Improvements to the Sequence Memoizer

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    The sequence memoizer is a model for sequence data with state-of-the-art performance on language modeling and compression. We propose a number of improvements to the model and inference algorithm, including an enlarged range of hyperparameters, a memory-efficient representation, and inference algorithms operating on the new representation. Our derivations are based on precise definitions of the various processes that will also allow us to provide an elementary proof of the “mysterious ” coagulation and fragmentation properties used in the original paper on the sequence memoizer by Wood et al. (2009). We present some experimental results supporting our improvements.