8 research outputs found

    Counting points on curves using a map to P^1

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    We introduce a new algorithm to compute the zeta function of a curve over a finite field. This method extends Kedlaya's algorithm to a very general class of curves using a map to the projective line. We develop all the necessary bounds, analyse the complexity of the algorithm and provide some examples computed with our implementation

    A Point Counting Algorithm for Cyclic Covers of the Projective Line

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    We present a Kedlaya-style point counting algorithm for cyclic covers yr=f(x)y^r = f(x) over a finite field Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} with pp not dividing rr, and rr and degf\deg{f} not necessarily coprime. This algorithm generalizes the Gaudry-G\"urel algorithm for superelliptic curves to a more general class of curves, and has essentially the same complexity. Our practical improvements include a simplified algorithm exploiting the automorphism of C\mathcal{C}, refined bounds on the pp-adic precision, and an alternative pseudo-basis for the Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology which leads to an integral matrix when p2rp \geq 2r. Each of these improvements can also be applied to the original Gaudry-G\"urel algorithm. We include some experimental results, applying our algorithm to compute Weil polynomials of some large genus cyclic covers

    Computing zeta functions of arithmetic schemes

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    We present new algorithms for computing zeta functions of algebraic varieties over finite fields. In particular, let X be an arithmetic scheme (scheme of finite type over Z), and for a prime p let zeta_{X_p}(s) be the local factor of its zeta function. We present an algorithm that computes zeta_{X_p}(s) for a single prime p in time p^(1/2+o(1)), and another algorithm that computes zeta_{X_p}(s) for all primes p < N in time N (log N)^(3+o(1)). These generalise previous results of the author from hyperelliptic curves to completely arbitrary varieties.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ

    Zeta Functions of Monomial Deformations of Delsarte Hypersurfaces

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    Let XλX_\lambda and XλX_\lambda' be monomial deformations of two Delsarte hypersurfaces in weighted projective spaces. In this paper we give a sufficient condition so that their zeta functions have a common factor. This generalises results by Doran, Kelly, Salerno, Sperber, Voight and Whitcher [arXiv:1612.09249], where they showed this for a particular monomial deformation of a Calabi-Yau invertible polynomial. It turns out that our factor can be of higher degree than the factor found in [arXiv:1612.09249]

    Computing Periods of Hypersurfaces

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    We give an algorithm to compute the periods of smooth projective hypersurfaces of any dimension. This is an improvement over existing algorithms which could only compute the periods of plane curves. Our algorithm reduces the evaluation of period integrals to an initial value problem for ordinary differential equations of Picard-Fuchs type. In this way, the periods can be computed to extreme-precision in order to study their arithmetic properties. The initial conditions are obtained by an exact determination of the cohomology pairing on Fermat hypersurfaces with respect to a natural basis.Comment: 33 pages; Final version. Fixed typos, minor expository changes. Changed code repository lin

    Improvements to the Deformation Method for Counting Points on Smooth Projective Hypersurfaces

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    We present various improvements to the deformation method for computing the zeta function of smooth projective hypersurfaces over finite fields using p-adic cohomology. This includes new bounds for the p-adic and t-adic precisions required to obtain provably correct results and gains in the efficiency of the individual steps of the method. The algorithm that we thus obtain has lower time and space complexities than existing methods. Moreover, our implementation is more practical and can be applied more generally, which we illustrate with examples of quintic curves and quartic surfaces.status: publishe