7 research outputs found


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    A long queue and waiting time have become the most common issue that usually happened at service industry. Similarly, in a vehicle inspection centre (VIC), a higher quality of service is measured by a short and acceptable waiting time. Typically, the long waiting time among customers is resulted by some factors, which are customer arrivals, human factors, and maintenance strategy. However, this study only focuses on customer arrival factor that contributed to this problem. This paper is a review of work based on a study conducted at VIC in Selangor, Malaysia. A framework of simulation-based DEA model is proposed to determine the most efficient strategy to reduce the problem of customer waiting time at VIC. The developed framework aims to help the management in decision making to improve the operation of the VIC current system in future

    Response time, waiting time and service quality in emergency department

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    Response time and waiting time were key performance indicators in the emergency department of a hospital. This study will shed light on important factors contributing to service quality in emergency department of Indonesian public hospital by utilizing a cross-sectional design. About 117 patients were selected by simple random sampling techniques. Data observation sheets and a modified service quality instrument were used to measure health services in this department. Findings revealed that 83.8% patients felt satisfied with the services provided by emergency staff. Based on Kendall’s Tau test, waiting time had a significant relationship with service quality (p<0.05) compared to response time (p>0.05). The results of logistic regression test showed that waiting time had a higher value for Exp(B)= 3.522. In conclusion, waiting time was the most important factor affecting service quality in emergency department of Indonesian public hospital

    Simulation and analysis of a bank queuing system

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    Improving service quality in the banking sector is essential for customer satisfaction. Decision makers are especially concerned about the time that customers wait before receiving their service. To stay competitive, decision makers have to continuously improve their service quality, measured in terms of suitable performance indicators. In this study, we focus on modelling and analysis of bank queuing systems. The study comprises three phases: (i) identify suitable performance indicators that influence customer perception with regards to service quality, (ii) simulate the behavioral performance of bank queuing systems, and (ii) evaluate and improve the service quality of the system. An illustrative case study is presented, showing the utility of proposed simulation approach

    Generációs észlelések az időtényező kapcsán a lakossági banki szolgáltatásoknál = Generational perceptions regarding the time factor in retail banking services

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    A tanulmány az ügyfélérték létrehozásának összetevőit, azon belül az időtényező ügyféloldali észleléseit vizsgálja a banki szolgáltatásoknál. Napjaink rohanó világában a lakosság olyan lehetőségeket keres, amelyeknek köszönhetően sokkal gyorsabban és hatékonyabban tudja kezelni a pénzügyeit, elkerülve a hosszú ügyintézési, várakozási és utazási időt. Az ügyfélélmény fenntartásához és eléréséhez az ügyintézők segítőkészsége, szakértelme, a szolgáltatás magas szintű minősége, a kedvező árazás, illetve a banki hírnév mellett egyre inkább megjelenik az idő is mint kulcsfontosságú tényező, így kutatásunkban az időfaktor mélyebb vizsgálatát tűztük ki célul. A tanulmány kitekintést nyújt a nemzetközi és a hazai kutatási eredményekre, majd a vevőérték modelljéből kiindulva vizsgálja az időtényezőt és annak szerepét a banki szektorban. Az online felmérés 725 fő bevonásával arra kereste a választ, hogy miképpen érzékelik a várakozási időt és a várakozásért felelős tényezőket az egyes generációk a banki szolgáltatásoknál, mit tartanak tolerálható várakozási időnek, és mely időrabló tényezőket észlelik a legkritikusabban az ügyintézésnél. Az adatelemzés módszereként gyakorisági eloszlással kapcsolatos statisztikai mutatókat, ANOVAvarianciaanalízist, Tukey Post Hoc-tesztet és többdimenziós skálázást alkalmaztunk. A kutatás több ponton mélyíti és kiegészíti a témában korábban végzett felmérések eredményeit, valamint iránytűként szolgálhat a banki szakemberek, ügyintézők számára a szolgáltatásfejlesztési és az időtényező csökkentését célzó projektekhez. = The study examines the components of customer value creation, including customer-side perceptions of the time factor in banking services. Nowadays in the fast-spaced world everybody is looking for opportunities which help them to manage their finances faster and faster, avoid long administration, waiting and travel times. Besides the helpfulness and expertise of the bank clerks, the high level of service, the favorable pricing and the reputation of the bank, the role of time is becoming more and more important in order to maintain and achieve the customer experience. The study provides an overview of international and domestic research results then examines the time factor and its role in the banking sector based on the customer value model. The online survey with 725 asked people, looked for answers how each generation perceives waiting time, how many waiting time they can tolerate and what time-consuming factors they think the most critical in the banking administration. As data analysis methods, we used frequency distribution, ANOVA (analysis of variance), Tukey Post Hoc test and multidimensional scaling. The research deepens and complements the results of previous surveys on the topic at several points, and can serve as a guide for both banking professionals and administrators in the project of improving the service by reducing the time factor

    Guests\u27 Waiting Experience at Hotels: Evidence From Saudi Arabia

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    The main purpose of this study was to explore guests’ waiting experience at hotels in Saudi Arabia, as well as the role of delay on overall experience. Investigating the effects of guests’ waiting experience on service quality and subsequent satisfaction with overall experience is the main aim of this study. In particular, this study had three objectives. First, to explore guests’ perceptions about their wait experiences in the hospitality industry. Second, to understand the factors that cause unacceptable waiting times. Third, to provide some important insights into the management of the long waiting times in the hotel industry. Employing a qualitative method, the study was conducted by interviewing 15 guests in person at a five-star hotel in Riyadh. The study also included interviews with four hotel staff at the same hotel. Based on a semi-structured approach, the interview questions were drawn from three main sources: the objectives of the study, the relevant literature, and empirical studies focusing on customers’ wait experiences in the hospitality industry. The study found that the majority of guests were more satisfied by the services provided and hotel location. However, the observed unsatisfactory service was the crowding in the hotel parking located in the basement of the hotel. Many guests faced a delay with valet car service. Another important finding was the variety of food offered at the hotel restaurant. Food variety was limited at breakfast time, and there was a long queue at the buffet table. Although there were some delays at the hotel, guests were satisfied with their overall experience. The most interesting finding was that the hotel doesn’t engage the guest in activities during the waiting period unless the service provider fails to provide the service on time

    Designing of a Quality Audit Methodology for IT Support Service : Development of a quality audit criteria

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    In today's business landscape, IT Support has become a key service due to the increasing prominence of information technology in companies. In addition, many companies decide to outsource their IT services, partly to ensure its quality. However, despite the implementation of contracts and Service Level Agreements between the parties, which formalise all the conditions for the successful delivery of this service, IT service quality is nevertheless not guaranteed. This thesis therefore focuses on monitoring the quality of a Service Desk through an audit methodology in order to increase its quality. Indeed, this thesis is a Design Science research based on a case study conducted within a company with the aim of developing a solution, based on an audit methodology, to measure the weak points of its IT support service in order to later elaborate an action plan to improve its quality. To this end, quantitative surveys among users and service providers were conducted in order to develop an audit criteria norm for the company under study. This research produced a number of key findings. Firstly, it was found that the main factors influencing service quality are behaviour of service providers, competence of service providers and the surrounding environment such as different management and communication tools. It was also determined that for this case study, a lack of quality results in a lack of communication between users and providers, long waiting times, as well as undelivered service. Furthermore, the audit methodology for the research was inspired by the ITIL best practice, and more specifically its section on Continuous Service Improvement. The final solution is represented in the form of an analysis grid with several checkpoints. In the case, these checkpoints are selected through the analysis of the questionnaires, representing the potential weak points of the support service to be monitored. These checkpoints are measured through indicators, and if they are confirmed to be below the threshold, recommendations for remedial action are proposed. Finally, this analysis grid was validated by the involved company and accepted for a test implementation. The aim is that this audit report will be reproduced on a regular basis and that the analysis grid will evolve as the IT Support Service improves

    Accesibilidad, tiempo de espera y recorrido como indicador de calidad de servicio SITP Bogotá. Caso estudio

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    Spa: El presente trabajo busca establecer indicadores de calidad desde la perspectiva del usuario del SITP en la ciudad de Bogotá, partiendo del concepto de calidad respecto a “la evaluación general del nivel actual de calidad sin estar sujeto a ningún valor de referencia”. Sin duda este concepto de calidad es diferenciado y busca establecer un referente entre la diferenciación de la calidad percibida, en este caso por el usuario y los valores encontrados en el proceso de operación. Ante la diversidad de factores que intervienen en la definición de aspectos de calidad se obliga a limitar el trabajo a la valoración de un área específica, lo que convierte en este ejercicio en un caso estudio. Por otra parte, es indispensable la selección de un atributo que represente significativamente los aspectos más penalizados por los usuarios al calificar la prestación del servicio. De acuerdo a lo anterior, el presente trabajo se desarrolla bajo el estudio de las condiciones de servicio para el área comprendida por la Unidad de Planeamiento Zonal - UPZ Minuto de Dios en la ciudad de Bogotá desde las características relacionadas con el atributo de rapidez y sus variables tiempo y distancia de viaje para cada una de las etapas acceso, espera y a bordo del vehículo. El estudio estará encaminado en la determinación de indicadores para cada una de estas etapas asociando la influencia en la percepción de acuerdo a las características personales como lo son: edad, género, ingreso, nivel educativo y motivo de viaje, consolidando una escala representativa que clasifique el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios de esta zona de la ciudad.Bibliografía y webgrafía : páginas 184-201.MaestríaMagister en Ingenieríacon Enfasis en Transporte, Tránsito e Infraestructura Via