1,026 research outputs found

    A Simple Space Vector Modulation of High-Frequency AC Linked Three-Phase-to-Single-Phase/DC Converter

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    High-performance motor drives

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    This article reviews the present state and trends in the development of key parts of controlled induction motor drive systems: converter topologies, modulation methods, as well as control and estimation techniques. Two- and multilevel voltage-source converters, current-source converters, and direct converters are described. The main part of all the produced electric energy is used to feed electric motors, and the conversion of electrical power into mechanical power involves motors ranges from less than 1 W up to several dozen megawatts

    Power Electronics Applications in Renewable Energy Systems

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    The renewable generation system is currently experiencing rapid growth in various power grids. The stability and dynamic response issues of power grids are receiving attention due to the increase in power electronics-based renewable energy. The main focus of this Special Issue is to provide solutions for power system planning and operation. Power electronics-based devices can offer new ancillary services to several industrial sectors. In order to fully include the capability of power conversion systems in the network integration of renewable generators, several studies should be carried out, including detailed studies of switching circuits, and comprehensive operating strategies for numerous devices, consisting of large-scale renewable generation clusters

    Efficiency improvement and power loss breakdown for a Lundell-alternator/active-rectifier system in automotive applications

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    A control strategy for a conventional Lundell alternator and an active-rectifier using different modulation schemes was proposed in previous work. The modulation techniques examined indicated that the system could operate more efficiently than a passive rectifier over a certain speed and power range. This paper extends the modulation scheme analysis using a SVM scheme with six commutations per switching cycle, giving better electrical and overall efficiency. Furthermore, a power loss breakdown is performed for the active-rectifier with the assistance of experimental and simulation results of double pulse tests. Switching loss estimation curves are produced allowing the loss examination of the active-rectifier. Switching losses account only for a minor portion of the total rectifier losses in comparison to conduction losses. Finally, a higher dc-link voltage of 14.5 V was introduced using SVM scheme, giving better efficiency, in order to exploit further the rectifier loss distribution

    Contributions to Modulation and Control Algorithms for Multilevel Converters

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    Las actuales tendencias de la red eléctrica han lanzado a la industria a la búsqueda de sistemas de generación, distribución y consumo de energía eléctrica más eficientes. Generación distribuida, reducción de componentes pasivos, líneas DC de alta tensión son, entre otras, las posibles líneas de investigación que están actualmente siendo consideradas como el futuro de la red eléctrica. Sin embargo, nada de esto sería posible si no fuera por los avances alcanzados en el campo de la electrónica de potencia. El trabajo aquí presentado comienza con una breve introducción a la electrónica de potencia, concretamente a los convertidores de potencia conectados a red, sus estrategias de control más comunes y enfoques ante redes desbalanceadas. A continuación, las contribuciones del autor sobre el control y modulación de una topología particular de convertidores, conocidos como convertidores multinivel, se presentan como el principal contenido de este trabajo. Este tipo de convertidores mejoran la eficiencia y ciertas prestaciones, en comparación con convertidores más tradicionales, a costa de una mayor complejidad en el control al incrementar la cantidad de los componentes hardware. A pesar de que existen numerosas topologías de convertidores multinivel y algunas de ellas son brevemente expuestas en este trabajo, la mayoría de las aportaciones están enfocadas para convertidores del tipo diode-clamped converter. Adicionalmente, se incluye una aportación para convertidores del tipo multinivel modular, y otra para convertidores en cascada. Se espera que el contenido de la introducción de este trabajo, junto a las contribuciones particulares para convertidores multinivel sirva de inspiración para futuros investigadores del campo

    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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    Power Converters in Power Electronics

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    In recent years, power converters have played an important role in power electronics technology for different applications, such as renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, pulsed power generation, and biomedical sciences. Power converters, in the realm of power electronics, are becoming essential for generating electrical power energy in various ways. This Special Issue focuses on the development of novel power converter topologies in power electronics. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Z-source converters; multilevel power converter topologies; switched-capacitor-based power converters; power converters for battery management systems; power converters in wireless power transfer techniques; the reliability of power conversion systems; and modulation techniques for advanced power converters