4 research outputs found

    Review and classification of trajectory summarisation algorithms: From compression to segmentation

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    With the continuous development and cost reduction of positioning and tracking technologies, a large amount of trajectories are being exploited in multiple domains for knowledge extraction. A trajectory is formed by a large number of measurements, where many of them are unnecessary to describe the actual trajectory of the vehicle, or even harmful due to sensor noise. This not only consumes large amounts of memory, but also makes the extracting knowledge process more difficult. Trajectory summarisation techniques can solve this problem, generating a smaller and more manageable representation and even semantic segments. In this comprehensive review, we explain and classify techniques for the summarisation of trajectories according to their search strategy and point evaluation criteria, describing connections with the line simplification problem. We also explain several special concepts in trajectory summarisation problem. Finally, we outline the recent trends and best practices to continue the research in next summarisation algorithms.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: This work was funded by public research projects of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO), reference TEC2017-88048-C2-2-

    Spatiotemporal compression techniques for moving point objects,”

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    Abstract. Moving object data handling has received a fair share of attention over recent years in the spatial database community. This is understandable as positioning technology is rapidly making its way into the consumer market, not only through the already ubiquitous cell phone but soon also through small, on-board positioning devices in many means of transport and in other types of portable equipment. It is thus to be expected that all these devices will start to generate an unprecedented data stream of time-stamped positions. Sooner or later, such enormous volumes of data will lead to storage, transmission, computation, and display challenges. Hence, the need for compression techniques. Although previously some work has been done in compression for time series data, this work mainly deals with one-dimensional time series. On the other hand, they are good for short time series and in absence of noise, two characteristics not met by moving objects. We target applications in which present and past positions of objects are important, so focus on the compression of moving object trajectories. The paper applies some older techniques of line generalization, and compares their performance against algorithms that we specifically designed for compressing moving object trajectories

    Incorporation of adaptive compression into a GPU parallel computing framework for analyzing large-scale vessel trajectories

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    Automatic Identification System (AIS) offers a wealth of vessel navigation data, which underpins research in maritime data mining, situational awareness, and knowledge discovery within the realm of intelligent transportation systems. The flourishing marine industry has prompted AIS satellites and base stations to generate massive amounts of vessel trajectory data, escalating both data storage and calculation costs. The conventional Douglas-Peucker (DP) algorithm used for trajectory compression sets a uniform threshold, which hampers effective compression. Additionally, compressing and accelerating the computation of large datasets poses a significant challenge in real-world applications. To address these limitations, this paper aims to develop a new Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel computing and compression framework that enables the acceleration of the optimal threshold calculation for each trajectory automatically in maritime big data mining. It achieves this by incorporating a new Adaptive DP with Speed and Course (ADPSC) algorithm, which utilizes the dynamic navigation characteristics of different vessels. It can effectively solve the associated computational time cost concern when using the ADPSC algorithm to compress vast trajectory datasets in the real world. Additionally, this paper proposes a novel evaluation metric for assessing compression efficacy based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method. Comprehensive experiments encompass vessel trajectory datasets from three representative research areas: Tianjin Port, Chengshan Jiao Promontory, and Caofeidian Port. The experimental results demonstrate that 1) the newly developed ADPSC method outperforms in terms of compression, and 2) the designed GPU parallel computing framework can significantly shorten the compression time for extensive datasets. The GPU-accelerated compression methodology not only minimizes storage and transmission costs for data from both manned and unmanned vessels but also enhances data processing speed, supporting real-time decision-making. From a theoretical perspective, it provides the key to the puzzle of realizing the real-time anti-collision of manned and unmanned ships, particularly in complex waters. It hence makes significant contributions to maritime safety in the autonomous shipping era

    Aeronautical engineering: A cumulative index to a continuing bibliography

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    This bibliography is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in NASA SP-7037 (197) through NASA SP-7037 (208) of Aeronautical Engineering: A Continuing Bibliography. NASA SP-7037 and its supplements have been compiled through the cooperative efforts of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). This cumulative index includes subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract, report number, and accession number indexes