1,428 research outputs found

    Studies in Signal Processing Techniques for Speech Enhancement: A comparative study

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    Speech enhancement is very essential to suppress the background noise and to increase speech intelligibility and reduce fatigue in hearing. There exist many simple speech enhancement algorithms like spectral subtraction to complex algorithms like Bayesian Magnitude estimators based on Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and its variants. A continuous research is going and new algorithms are emerging to enhance speech signal recorded in the background of environment such as industries, vehicles and aircraft cockpit. In aviation industries speech enhancement plays a vital role to bring crucial information from pilot’s conversation in case of an incident or accident by suppressing engine and other cockpit instrument noises. In this work proposed is a new approach to speech enhancement making use harmonic wavelet transform and Bayesian estimators. The performance indicators, SNR and listening confirms to the fact that newly modified algorithms using harmonic wavelet transform indeed show better results than currently existing methods. Further, the Harmonic Wavelet Transform is computationally efficient and simple to implement due to its inbuilt decimation-interpolation operations compared to those of filter-bank approach to realize sub-bands

    Perceptually Motivated Wavelet Packet Transform for Bioacoustic Signal Enhancement

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    A significant and often unavoidable problem in bioacoustic signal processing is the presence of background noise due to an adverse recording environment. This paper proposes a new bioacoustic signal enhancement technique which can be used on a wide range of species. The technique is based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet decomposition using a species-specific Greenwood scale function. Spectral estimation techniques, similar to those used for human speech enhancement, are used for estimation of clean signal wavelet coefficients under an additive noise model. The new approach is compared to several other techniques, including basic bandpass filtering as well as classical speech enhancement methods such as spectral subtraction, Wiener filtering, and Ephraim–Malah filtering. Vocalizations recorded from several species are used for evaluation, including the ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana), rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglia), with both additive white Gaussian noise and environment recording noise added across a range of signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Results, measured by both SNR and segmental SNR of the enhanced wave forms, indicate that the proposed method outperforms other approaches for a wide range of noise conditions

    Improved speech presence probability estimation based on wavelet denoising

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    A reliable estimator for speech presence probability (SPP) can significantly improve the performance of many speech enhancement algorithms. Previous work showed that a good SPP estimator can be obtained by using a smooth a-posteriori signal to noise ratio (SNR) function, which can be achieved by reducing the noise variance when estimating the speech power spectrum. In this paper, a wavelet based denoising algorithm is proposed for such purpose. We first apply the wavelet transform to the periodogram of a noisy speech signal to generate an oracle for indicating the locations of the noise floor in the periodogram. We then make use of that oracle to selectively remove the wavelet coefficients of the noise floor in the log multitaper spectrum (MTS) of the noisy speech. The remaining wavelet coefficients are then used to reconstruct a denoised MTS and in turn generate a smooth a-posteriori SNR function. Simulation results show that the new SPP estimator outperforms the traditional approaches and enables a significantly improvement in the quality and intelligibility of the enhanced speeches. © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Wavelet Packet Transform based Speech Enhancement via Two-Dimensional SPP Estimator with Generalized Gamma Priors

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    Despite various speech enhancement techniques have been developed for different applications, existing methods are limited in noisy environments with high ambient noise levels. Speech presence probability (SPP) estimation is a speech enhancement technique to reduce speech distortions, especially in low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) scenario. In this paper, we propose a new two-dimensional (2D) Teager-energyoperators (TEOs) improved SPP estimator for speech enhancement in time-frequency (T-F) domain. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) as a multiband decomposition technique is used to concentrate the energy distribution of speech components. A minimum mean-square error (MMSE) estimator is obtained based on the generalized gamma distribution speech model in WPT domain. In addition, the speech samples corrupted by environment and occupational noises (i.e., machine shop, factory and station) at different input SNRs are used to validate the proposed algorithm. Results suggest that the proposed method achieves a significant enhancement on perceptual quality, compared with four conventional speech enhancement algorithms (i.e., MMSE-84, MMSE-04, Wiener-96, and BTW)

    EMD-based filtering (EMDF) of low-frequency noise for speech enhancement

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    An Empirical Mode Decomposition based filtering (EMDF) approach is presented as a post-processing stage for speech enhancement. This method is particularly effective in low frequency noise environments. Unlike previous EMD based denoising methods, this approach does not make the assumption that the contaminating noise signal is fractional Gaussian Noise. An adaptive method is developed to select the IMF index for separating the noise components from the speech based on the second-order IMF statistics. The low frequency noise components are then separated by a partial reconstruction from the IMFs. It is shown that the proposed EMDF technique is able to suppress residual noise from speech signals that were enhanced by the conventional optimallymodified log-spectral amplitude approach which uses a minimum statistics based noise estimate. A comparative performance study is included that demonstrates the effectiveness of the EMDF system in various noise environments, such as car interior noise, military vehicle noise and babble noise. In particular, improvements up to 10 dB are obtained in car noise environments. Listening tests were performed that confirm the results

    Speech Signal Enhancement through Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding

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    This paper demonstrates the application of the Bionic Wavelet Transform (BWT), an adaptive wavelet transform derived from a non-linear auditory model of the cochlea, to the task of speech signal enhancement. Results, measured objectively by Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) and Segmental SNR (SSNR) and subjectively by Mean Opinion Score (MOS), are given for additive white Gaussian noise as well as four different types of realistic noise environments. Enhancement is accomplished through the use of thresholding on the adapted BWT coefficients, and the results are compared to a variety of speech enhancement techniques, including Ephraim Malah filtering, iterative Wiener filtering, and spectral subtraction, as well as to wavelet denoising based on a perceptually scaled wavelet packet transform decomposition. Overall results indicate that SNR and SSNR improvements for the proposed approach are comparable to those of the Ephraim Malah filter, with BWT enhancement giving the best results of all methods for the noisiest (−10 db and −5 db input SNR) conditions. Subjective measurements using MOS surveys across a variety of 0 db SNR noise conditions indicate enhancement quality competitive with but still lower than results for Ephraim Malah filtering and iterative Wiener filtering, but higher than the perceptually scaled wavelet method