18 research outputs found

    Searching for Bayesian Network Structures in the Space of Restricted Acyclic Partially Directed Graphs

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    Although many algorithms have been designed to construct Bayesian network structures using different approaches and principles, they all employ only two methods: those based on independence criteria, and those based on a scoring function and a search procedure (although some methods combine the two). Within the score+search paradigm, the dominant approach uses local search methods in the space of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), where the usual choices for defining the elementary modifications (local changes) that can be applied are arc addition, arc deletion, and arc reversal. In this paper, we propose a new local search method that uses a different search space, and which takes account of the concept of equivalence between network structures: restricted acyclic partially directed graphs (RPDAGs). In this way, the number of different configurations of the search space is reduced, thus improving efficiency. Moreover, although the final result must necessarily be a local optimum given the nature of the search method, the topology of the new search space, which avoids making early decisions about the directions of the arcs, may help to find better local optima than those obtained by searching in the DAG space. Detailed results of the evaluation of the proposed search method on several test problems, including the well-known Alarm Monitoring System, are also presented

    Continuous Learning of the Structure of Bayesian Networks: A Mapping Study

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    Bayesian networks can be built based on knowledge, data, or both. Independent of the source of information used to build the model, inaccuracies might occur or the application domain might change. Therefore, there is a need to continuously improve the model during its usage. As new data are collected, algorithms to continuously incorporate the updated knowledge can play an essential role in this process. In regard to the continuous learning of the Bayesian network’s structure, the current solutions are based on its structural refinement or adaptation. Recent researchers aim to reduce complexity and memory usage, allowing to solve complex and large-scale practical problems. This study aims to identify and evaluate solutions for the continuous learning of the Bayesian network’s structures, as well as to outline related future research directions. Our attention remains on the structures because the accurate parameters are completely useless if the structure is not representative

    Evolutionary approaches for the reverse-engineering of gene regulatory networks: A study on a biologically realistic dataset

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inferring gene regulatory networks from data requires the development of algorithms devoted to structure extraction. When only static data are available, gene interactions may be modelled by a Bayesian Network (BN) that represents the presence of direct interactions from regulators to regulees by conditional probability distributions. We used enhanced evolutionary algorithms to stochastically evolve a set of candidate BN structures and found the model that best fits data without prior knowledge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We proposed various evolutionary strategies suitable for the task and tested our choices using simulated data drawn from a given bio-realistic network of 35 nodes, the so-called insulin network, which has been used in the literature for benchmarking. We assessed the inferred models against this reference to obtain statistical performance results. We then compared performances of evolutionary algorithms using two kinds of recombination operators that operate at different scales in the graphs. We introduced a niching strategy that reinforces diversity through the population and avoided trapping of the algorithm in one local minimum in the early steps of learning. We show the limited effect of the mutation operator when niching is applied. Finally, we compared our best evolutionary approach with various well known learning algorithms (MCMC, K2, greedy search, TPDA, MMHC) devoted to BN structure learning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We studied the behaviour of an evolutionary approach enhanced by niching for the learning of gene regulatory networks with BN. We show that this approach outperforms classical structure learning methods in elucidating the original model. These results were obtained for the learning of a bio-realistic network and, more importantly, on various small datasets. This is a suitable approach for learning transcriptional regulatory networks from real datasets without prior knowledge.</p

    Bayesian network learning algorithms using structural restrictions

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    The use of several types of structural restrictions within algorithms for learning Bayesian networks is considered. These restrictions may codify expert knowledge in a given domain, in such a way that a Bayesian network representing this domain should satisfy them. The main goal of this paper is to study whether the algorithms for automatically learning the structure of a Bayesian network from data can obtain better results by using this prior knowledge. Three types of restrictions are formally defined: existence of arcs and/or edges, absence of arcs and/or edges, and ordering restrictions. We analyze the possible interactions between these types of restrictions and also how the restrictions can be managed within Bayesian network learning algorithms based on both the score + search and conditional independence paradigms. Then we particularize our study to two classical learning algorithms: a local search algorithm guided by a scoring function, with the operators of arc addition, arc removal and arc reversal, and the PC algorithm. We also carry out experiments using these two algorithms on several data sets.Spanish Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and Ministerio Educación y Ciencia Projects PBC-02-002 and TIN2004- 06204-C03-0

    A scoring function for learning Bayesian networks based on mutual information and conditional independence tests

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    We propose a new scoring function for learning Bayesian networks from data using score+search algorithms. This is based on the concept of mutual information and exploits some well-known properties of this measure in a novel way. Essentially, a statistical independence test based on the chi-square distribution, associated with the mutual information measure, together with a property of additive decomposition of this measure, are combined in order to measure the degree of interaction between each variable and its parent variables in the network. The result is a non-Bayesian scoring function called MIT (mutual information tests) which belongs to the family of scores based on information theory. The MIT score also represents a penalization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the joint probability distributions associated with a candidate network and with the available data set. Detailed results of a complete experimental evaluation of the proposed scoring function and its comparison with the well-known K2, BDeu and BIC/MDL scores are also presented.I would like to acknowledge support for this work from the Spanish ‘Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía’, under Project TIC-276

    On the construction of the inclusion boundary neighbourhood for markov equivalence classes of bayesian network structures

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    peer reviewedThe problem of learning Markov equivalence classes of Bayesian network structures may be solved by searching for the maximum of a scoring metric in a space of these classes. This paper deals with the definition and analysis of one such search space. We use a theoretically motivated neighbourhood, the inclusion boundary, and represent equivalence classes by essential graphs. We show that this search space is connected and that the score of the neighbours can be evaluated incrementally. We devise a practical way of building this neighbourhood for an essential graph that is purely graphical and does not explicitely refer to the underlying independences. We find that its size can be intractable, depending on the complexity of the essential graph of the equivalence class. The emphasis is put on the potential use of this space with greedy hillclimbing search

    Three algorithms for causal learning

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    The field of causal learning has grown in the past decade, establishing itself as a major focus in artificial intelligence research. Traditionally, approaches to causal learning are split into two areas. One area involves the learning of structures from observational data alone and the second, involves the methodologies of conducting and learning from experiments. In this dissertation, I investigate three different aspects of causal learning, all of which are based on the causal Bayesian network framework. Constraint based structure search algorithms that learn partially directed acyclic graphs as causal models from observational data rely on the faithfulness assumption, which is often violated due to inaccurate statistical tests on finite datasets. My first contribution is a modification of the traditional approaches to achieving greater robustness in the light of these faults. Secondly, I present a new algorithm to infer the parent set of a variable when a specific type of experiment called a `hard intervention\u27 is performed. I also present an auxiliary result of this effort, a fast algorithm to estimate the Kullback Leibler divergence of high dimensional distributions from datasets. Thirdly, I introduce a fast heuristic algorithm to optimize the number and sequence of experiments required towards complete causal discovery for different classes of causal graphs and provide suggestions for implementing an interactive version. Finally, I provide numerical simulation results for each algorithm discussed and present some directions for future research