484 research outputs found

    Design and theoretical analysis of advanced power based positioning in RF system

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    Accurate locating and tracking of people and resources has become a fundamental requirement for many applications. The global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is widely used. But its accuracy suffers from signal obstruction by buildings, multipath fading, and disruption due to jamming and spoof. Hence, it is required to supplement GPS with inertial sensors and indoor localization schemes that make use of WiFi APs or beacon nodes. In the GPS-challenging or fault scenario, radio-frequency (RF) infrastructure based localization schemes can be a fallback solution for robust navigation. For the indoor/outdoor transition scenario, we propose hypothesis test based fusion method to integrate multi-modal localization sensors. In the first paper, a ubiquitous tracking using motion and location sensor (UTMLS) is proposed. As a fallback approach, power-based schemes are cost-effective when compared with the existing ToA or AoA schemes. However, traditional power-based positioning methods suffer from low accuracy and are vulnerable to environmental fading. Also, the expected accuracy of power-based localization is not well understood but is needed to derive the hypothesis test for the fusion scheme. Hence, in paper 2-5, we focus on developing more accurate power-based localization schemes. The second paper improves the power-based range estimation accuracy by estimating the LoS component. The ranging error model in fading channel is derived. The third paper introduces the LoS-based positioning method with corresponding theoretical limits and error models. In the fourth and fifth paper, a novel antenna radiation-pattern-aware power-based positioning (ARPAP) system and power contour circle fitting (PCCF) algorithm are proposed to address antenna directivity effect on power-based localization. Overall, a complete LoS signal power based positioning system has been developed that can be included in the fusion scheme --Abstract, page iv

    Empirical Rates Characterization of Wearable Multi-Antenna Terminals for First-Responders

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    Empirical characterization of the achievable rates for a wearable multi-antenna terminal shows the potential advantages of deploying a large number of antennas at the user end. We focus on the challenges and requirements of the broadband communication in future emergency communication systems, specifically addressing the outdoor-to-indoor propagation scenario, where the first responder is within an underground area such as a garage or basement. The measurement campaign undertaken characterizes the flat fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel matrices at 3.5 GHz for a maximum of M = 30 antennas deployed at the base station (BS), and N = 12 wearable antennas at the user. The achievable rates are obtained for two transmission strategies that account for the different levels of channel knowledge. In both cases, all the MIMO processing is carried out at the BS.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under Project MIMOTEX (TEC2014-61776-EXP), Project CIES (RTC-2015-4213-7), and Project TERESA-ADA (TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R) (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), and in part by the Chilean Government through projects CONICYT under Grant Proyecto Basal FB0821, Grant Fondecyt Iniciación 11171159, and Grant VRIEA-PUCV 039.462/2017.Publicad

    Analysis and Design of Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems under Spatially Correlated Fading Channels

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWireless communications have become a key pillar in our modern society. It can be hard to think of a service that somehow does not rely on them. Particularly, mobile networks are one of the most necessary technologies in our daily life. This produces that the demand for data rates is by no means stopping from increasing. The cellular architecture is facing a crucial challenge under limited performance by interference and spectrum saturation. This involves cell-edge users experiencing poor performance due to the close vicinity of base stations (BSs) using the same carrier frequency. Based on a combination of the coordinated multi-point (CoMP) technique and traditional massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, cell-free (CF) massive MIMO networks have irrupted as a solution for avoiding inter-cell interference issues and for providing uniform service in large coverage areas. This thesis focuses on the analysis and design of CF massive MIMO networks assuming a spatially correlated fading model. A general-purpose channel model is provided and the whole network functioning is given in detail. Despite the many characteristics a CF massive MIMO system shares with conventional colocated massive MIMO its distributed nature brings along new issues that need to be carefully accounted for. In particular, the so-called channel hardening effect that postulates that the variance of the compound wireless channel experienced by a given user from a large number of transmit antennas tends to vanish, effectively making the channel deterministic. This critical assumption, which permeates most theoretical results of massive MIMO, has been well investigated and validated in centralized architectures, however, it has received little attention in the context of CF massive MIMO networks. Hardening in CF architectures is potentially compromised by the different large-scale gains each access point (AP) impinges on the transmitted signal to each user, a condition that is further stressed when not all APs transmit to all users as proposed in the user-centric (UC) variations of CF massive MIMO. In this document, the presence of channel hardening in this new architecture scheme is addressed using distributed and cooperative precoders and combiners and different power control strategies. It is shown that the line-of-sight (LOS) component, spatially correlated antennas, and clustering schemes have an impact on how the channel hardens. In addition, we examine the existent gap between the estimated achievable rate and the true network performance when channel hardening is compromised. Exact closed-form expressions for both a hardening metric and achievable downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) rates are given as well. We also look into the pilot contamination problem in the UL and DL with different degrees of cooperation between the APs. The optimum minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) processing can take advantage of large-scale fading coefficients for canceling the interference of pilot-sharing users and thus achieves asymptotically unbounded capacity. However, it is computationally demanding and can only be implemented in a fully centralized network. Here, sub-optimal schemes are derived that provide unbounded capacity with much lower complexity and using only local channel estimates but global channel statistics. This makes them suited for both centralized and distributed networks. In this latter case, the best performance is achieved with a generalized maximum ratio combiner that maximizes a capacity bound based on channel statistics only.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Rui Dinis.- Secretario: María Julia Fernández-Getino García.- Vocal: Carmen Botella Mascarel

    Experimental statistical channel modelling for advanced wireless communication systems in indoor environments

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    Draadloze communicatiesystemen voor mobiele telefonie en draadloos internet zijn onmisbaar geworden in het dagelijkse leven. De grootste troef van draadloze communicatie over bedrade communicatie is de toegenomen mobiliteit. Draadloze communicatie heeft evenwel ook één groot nadeel, namelijk de onzekerheid over de kwaliteit van de link tussen zender en ontvanger. Waar bedrade communicatie een doorgedreven ontwerp van het kanaal tussen zender en ontvanger (d.i. de kabel) toelaat, is het ontwerp van het draadloze kanaal (d.i. de omgeving) bijna onmogelijk. Desondanks kunnen wel modellen van de propagatie van draadloze signalen opgesteld worden voor verschillende types omgevingen. Deze modellen laten toe om de betrouwbaarheid en de performantie van een draadloze link in te schatten. Modellering van draadloze propagatie voor indooromgevingen is het algemeen onderwerp van dit proefschrift. De propagatiemodellering in dit proefschrift betreft drie types indooromgevingen, nl. industriële en kantooromgevingen, en de omgeving binnen in een voertuig. De modellering bestaat uit statistische modellen gebaseerd op veldmetingen in deze omgevingen. Verschillende parameters van draadloze signalen worden onderzocht, zoals de variabiliteit van het signaalvermogen met de afstand en in de tijd, het signaalbereik, de dispersie in het tijdsdomein, de dispersie in het spatiaal domein en het vermogensverlies bij propagatie van buiten naar binnen een voertuig

    Chernoff bounds on pairwise error probabilities of space-time codes

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    We derive Chernoff bounds on pairwise error probabilities of coherent and noncoherent space-time signaling schemes. First, general Chernoff bound expressions are derived for a correlated Ricean fading channel and correlated additive Gaussian noise. Then, we specialize the obtained results to the cases of space-time-separable noise, white noise, and uncorrelated fading. We derive approximate Chernoff bounds for high and low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) and propose optimal signaling schemes. We also compute the optimal number of transmitter antennas for noncoherent signaling with unitary mutually orthogonal space-time codes

    Characterization of Single- and Multi-antenna Wireless Channels

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    The wireless propagation channel significantly influences the received signal, so that it needs to be modeled effectively. Extensive measurements and analysis are required for investigating the validity of theoretical models and postulating new models based on measurements. Such measurements, analysis, and modeling are the topic of this thesis. The focus of the included contributions are Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) propagation channels and radio channels for sensor network applications. Paper I presents results from one of the first MIMO measurements for a double-directional characterization of the outdoor-to-indoor wireless propagation channel. Such channels are of interest for both cellular and wireless LAN applications. We discuss physical aspects of building penetration, and also provide statistics of angle and delay spreads in the channel. The paper also investigates the coupling between DOD and DOA and the two spectra are found to have non-negligible dependence. We test the applicability of three analytical channel models that make different assumptions on the coupling between DODs and DOAs. Our results indicate that analytical models, that impose fewer restrictions on the DOD to DOA coupling, should be used preferrably over models such as the Kronecker model that have more restrictive assumptions. Paper II presents a cluster-based analysis of the outdoor-to-indoor MIMO measurements analyzed in Paper I. A subset of parameters of the COST 273 channel model, a generic model for MIMO propagation channels, are characterized for the outdoor-to-indoor scenario. MPC parameters are extracted at each measured location using a high-resolution algorithm and clusters of MPCs are identified with an automated clustering approach. In particular, the adopted clustering approach requires that all MPC parameters must be similar in order for the MPCs to form a cluster. A statistical analysis of the identified clusters is performed for both the intra- and inter-cluster properties. Paper III analyzes the spatial fading distribution for a range of canonical sensor deployment scenarios. The presented results are relevant to communicating within, and between, clusters of nodes. Contrary to the widely accepted assumption in published literature that the channel is AWGN at a small-enough distance, our measurements indicate that values of the Rice factor do not, in general, increase monotonically as the Tx-Rx distance is reduced. A probability mixture model is presented, with distance dependent parameters, to account for the distance dependent variations of the Rice factor. A simulation model that includes small- and large-scale fading effects is presented. According to the modeling approach, a sensor node placed anywhere within the spatial extent of a small-scale region will experience the channel statistics applicable to that region. Paper IV presents results characterizing a radio channel for outdoor short-range sensor networks. A number of antennas are placed on the ground in an open area and time-variation of the channel is induced by a person moving in the vicinity of the nodes. The channel statistics of both the LOS path and the overall narrowband signal are non-stationary. We investigate the stationarity interval length to be used for small-scale analysis. Our analysis of the various measured links shows that the Rx signal strength is significantly influenced by a moving person only when the person blocks the LOS path. We present a generic approach for modeling the LOS blockage, and also model the time-variant Doppler spectrum of the channel's scattered components

    Robust Distributed Estimation over Multiple Access Channels with Constant Modulus Signaling

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    A distributed estimation scheme where the sensors transmit with constant modulus signals over a multiple access channel is considered. The proposed estimator is shown to be strongly consistent for any sensing noise distribution in the i.i.d. case both for a per-sensor power constraint, and a total power constraint. When the distributions of the sensing noise are not identical, a bound on the variances is shown to establish strong consistency. The estimator is shown to be asymptotically normal with a variance (AsV) that depends on the characteristic function of the sensing noise. Optimization of the AsV is considered with respect to a transmission phase parameter for a variety of noise distributions exhibiting differing levels of impulsive behavior. The robustness of the estimator to impulsive sensing noise distributions such as those with positive excess kurtosis, or those that do not have finite moments is shown. The proposed estimator is favorably compared with the amplify and forward scheme under an impulsive noise scenario. The effect of fading is shown to not affect the consistency of the estimator, but to scale the asymptotic variance by a constant fading penalty depending on the fading statistics. Simulations corroborate our analytical results.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing for consideratio