6 research outputs found

    Improved Bounds for the Excluded-Minor Approximation of Treedepth

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    Treedepth, a more restrictive graph width parameter than treewidth and pathwidth, plays a major role in the theory of sparse graph classes. We show that there exists a constant C such that for every integers a,b >= 2 and a graph G, if the treedepth of G is at least Cab log a, then the treewidth of G is at least a or G contains a subcubic (i.e., of maximum degree at most 3) tree of treedepth at least b as a subgraph. As a direct corollary, we obtain that every graph of treedepth Omega(k^3 log k) is either of treewidth at least k, contains a subdivision of full binary tree of depth k, or contains a path of length 2^k. This improves the bound of Omega(k^5 log^2 k) of Kawarabayashi and Rossman [SODA 2018]. We also show an application for approximation algorithms of treedepth: given a graph G of treedepth k and treewidth t, one can in polynomial time compute a treedepth decomposition of G of width O(kt log^{3/2} t). This improves upon a bound of O(kt^2 log t) stemming from a tradeoff between known results. The main technical ingredient in our result is a proof that every tree of treedepth d contains a subcubic subtree of treedepth at least d * log_3 ((1+sqrt{5})/2)

    Approximating pathwidth for graphs of small treewidth

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    We describe a polynomial-time algorithm which, given a graph GG with treewidth tt, approximates the pathwidth of GG to within a ratio of O(tlogt)O(t\sqrt{\log t}). This is the first algorithm to achieve an f(t)f(t)-approximation for some function ff. Our approach builds on the following key insight: every graph with large pathwidth has large treewidth or contains a subdivision of a large complete binary tree. Specifically, we show that every graph with pathwidth at least th+2th+2 has treewidth at least tt or contains a subdivision of a complete binary tree of height h+1h+1. The bound th+2th+2 is best possible up to a multiplicative constant. This result was motivated by, and implies (with c=2c=2), the following conjecture of Kawarabayashi and Rossman (SODA'18): there exists a universal constant cc such that every graph with pathwidth Ω(kc)\Omega(k^c) has treewidth at least kk or contains a subdivision of a complete binary tree of height kk. Our main technical algorithm takes a graph GG and some (not necessarily optimal) tree decomposition of GG of width tt' in the input, and it computes in polynomial time an integer hh, a certificate that GG has pathwidth at least hh, and a path decomposition of GG of width at most (t+1)h+1(t'+1)h+1. The certificate is closely related to (and implies) the existence of a subdivision of a complete binary tree of height hh. The approximation algorithm for pathwidth is then obtained by combining this algorithm with the approximation algorithm of Feige, Hajiaghayi, and Lee (STOC'05) for treewidth

    Efficient fully dynamic elimination forests with applications to detecting long paths and cycles

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    We present a data structure that in a dynamic graph of treedepth at most dd, which is modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, maintains an optimum-height elimination forest. The data structure achieves worst-case update time 2O(d2)2^{{\cal O}(d^2)}, which matches the best known parameter dependency in the running time of a static fpt algorithm for computing the treedepth of a graph. This improves a result of Dvo\v{r}\'ak et al. [ESA 2014], who for the same problem achieved update time f(d)f(d) for some non-elementary (i.e. tower-exponential) function ff. As a by-product, we improve known upper bounds on the sizes of minimal obstructions for having treedepth dd from doubly-exponential in dd to dO(d)d^{{\cal O}(d)}. As applications, we design new fully dynamic parameterized data structures for detecting long paths and cycles in general graphs. More precisely, for a fixed parameter kk and a dynamic graph GG, modified over time by edge insertions and deletions, our data structures maintain answers to the following queries: - Does GG contain a simple path on kk vertices? - Does GG contain a simple cycle on at least kk vertices? In the first case, the data structure achieves amortized update time 2O(k2)2^{{\cal O}(k^2)}. In the second case, the amortized update time is 2O(k4)+O(klogn)2^{{\cal O}(k^4)} + {\cal O}(k \log n). In both cases we assume access to a dictionary on the edges of GG.Comment: 74 pages, 5 figure

    Improved Bounds for the Excluded-Minor Approximation of Treedepth

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    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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