286 research outputs found

    Efficient Conditional Proxy Re-encryption with Chosen-Ciphertext Security

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    Recently, a variant of proxy re-encryption, named conditional proxy re-encryption (C-PRE), has been introduced. Compared with traditional proxy re-encryption, C-PRE enables the delegator to implement fine-grained delegation of decryption rights, and thus is more useful in many applications. In this paper, based on a careful observation on the existing definitions and security notions for C-PRE, we reformalize more rigorous definition and security notions for C-PRE. We further propose a more efficient C-PRE scheme, and prove its chosenciphertext security under the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) assumption in the random oracle model. In addition, we point out that a recent C-PRE scheme fails to achieve the chosen-ciphertext security

    Efficient cryptographic primitives: Secure comparison, binary decomposition and proxy re-encryption

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    ”Data outsourcing becomes an essential paradigm for an organization to reduce operation costs on supporting and managing its IT infrastructure. When sensitive data are outsourced to a remote server, the data generally need to be encrypted before outsourcing. To preserve the confidentiality of the data, any computations performed by the server should only be on the encrypted data. In other words, the encrypted data should not be decrypted during any stage of the computation. This kind of task is commonly termed as query processing over encrypted data (QPED). One natural solution to solve the QPED problem is to utilize fully homomorphic encryption. However, fully homomorphic encryption is yet to be practical. The second solution is to adopt multi-server setting. However, the existing work is not efficient. Their implementations adopt costly primitives, such as secure comparison, binary decomposition among others, which reduce the efficiency of the whole protocols. Therefore, the improvement of these primitives results in high efficiency of the protocols. To have a well-defined scope, the following types of computations are considered: secure comparison (CMP), secure binary decomposition (SBD) and proxy re-encryption (PRE). We adopt the secret sharing scheme and paillier public key encryption as building blocks, and all computations can be done on the encrypted data by utilizing multiple servers. We analyze the security and the complexity of our proposed protocols, and their efficiencies are evaluated by comparing with the existing solutions.”--Abstract, page iii

    PRE+: dual of proxy re-encryption for secure cloud data sharing service

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    With the rapid development of very large, diverse, complex, and distributed datasets generated from internet transactions, emails, videos, business information systems, manufacturing industry, sensors and internet of things etc., cloud and big data computation have emerged as a cornerstone of modern applications. Indeed, on the one hand, cloud and big data applications are becoming a main driver for economic growth. On the other hand, cloud and big data techniques may threaten people and enterprises’ privacy and security due to ever increasing exposure of their data to massive access. In this paper, aiming at providing secure cloud data sharing services in cloud storage, we propose a scalable and controllable cloud data sharing framework for cloud users (called: Scanf). To this end, we introduce a new cryptographic primitive, namely, PRE+, which can be seen as the dual of traditional proxy re-encryption (PRE) primitive. All the traditional PRE schemes until now require the delegator (or the delegator and the delegatee cooperatively) to generate the re-encryption keys. We observe that this is not the only way to generate the re-encryption keys, the encrypter also has the ability to generate re-encryption keys. Based on this observation, we construct a new PRE+ scheme, which is almost the same as the traditional PRE scheme except the re-encryption keys generated by the encrypter. Compared with PRE, our PRE+ scheme can easily achieve the non-transferable property and message-level based fine-grained delegation. Thus our Scanf framework based on PRE+ can also achieve these two properties, which is very important for users of cloud storage sharing service. We also roughly evaluate our PRE+ scheme’s performance and the results show that our scheme is efficient and practica for cloud data storage applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Efficient Certificateless Encryption for Secure Data Sharing in Public Clouds

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    We propose a mediated certificateless encryption scheme without pairing operations for securely sharing sensitive information in public clouds. Mediated certificateless public key encryption (mCL-PKE) solves the key escrow problem in identity based encryption and certificate revocation problem in public key cryptography. However, existing mCL-PKE schemes are either inefficient because of the use of expensive pairing operations or vulnerable against partial decryption attacks. In order to address the performance and security issues, in this paper, we first propose a mCL-PKE scheme without using pairing operations. We apply our mCL-PKE scheme to construct a practical solution to the problem of sharing sensitive information in public clouds. The cloud is employed as a secure storage as well as a key generation center. In our system, the data owner encrypts the sensitive data using the cloud generated users’ public keys based on its access control policies and uploads the encrypted data to the cloud. Upon successful authorization, the cloud partially decrypts the encrypted data for the users. The users subsequently fully decrypt the partially decrypted data using their private keys. The confidentiality of the content and the keys is preserved with respect to the cloud, because the cloud cannot fully decrypt the information. We also propose an extension to the above approach to improve the efficiency of encryption at the data owner. We implement our mCL-PKE scheme and the overall cloud based system, and evaluate its security and performance. Our results show that our schemes are efficient and practical

    Cost-effective secure e-health cloud system using identity based cryptographic techniques

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    Nowadays E-health cloud systems are more and more widely employed. However the security of these systems needs more consideration for the sensitive health information of patients. Some protocols on how to secure the e-health cloud system have been proposed, but many of them use the traditional PKI infrastructure to implement cryptographic mechanisms, which is cumbersome for they require every user having and remembering its own public/private keys. Identity based encryption (View the MathML sourceIBE) is a cryptographic primitive which uses the identity information of the user (e.g., email address) as the public key. Hence the public key is implicitly authenticated and the certificate management is simplified. Proxy re-encryption is another cryptographic primitive which aims at transforming a ciphertext under the delegator AA into another ciphertext which can be decrypted by the delegatee BB. In this paper, we describe several identity related cryptographic techniques for securing E-health system, which include new View the MathML sourceIBE schemes, new identity based proxy re-encryption (View the MathML sourceIBPRE) schemes. We also prove these schemes’ security and give the performance analysis, the results show our View the MathML sourceIBPRE scheme is especially highly efficient for re-encryption, which can be used to achieve cost-effective cloud usage.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Searchable atribute-based mechanism with efficiient data sharing for secure cloud storage

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    To date, the growth of electronic personal data leads to a trend that data owners prefer to remotely outsource their data to clouds for the enjoyment of the high-quality retrieval and storage service without worrying the burden of local data management and maintenance. However, secure share and search for the outsourced data is a formidable task, which may easily incur the leakage of sensitive personal information. Efficient data sharing and searching with security is of critical importance. This paper, for the first time, proposes a searchable attribute-based proxy re-encryption system. When compared to existing systems only supporting either searchable attribute-based functionality or attribute-based proxy re-encryption, our new primitive supports both abilities and provides flexible keyword update service. Specifically, the system enables a data owner to efficiently share his data to a specified group of users matching a sharing policy and meanwhile, the data will maintain its searchable property but also the corresponding search keyword(s) can be updated after the data sharing. The new mechanism is applicable to many real-world applications, such as electronic health record systems. It is also proved chosen ciphertext secure in the random oracle model

    Offline privacy preserving proxy re-encryption in mobile cloud computing

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    This paper addresses the always online behavior of the data owner in proxy re- encryption schemes for re-encryption keys issuing. We extend and adapt multi-authority ciphertext policy attribute based encryption techniques to type-based proxy re-encryption to build our solution. As a result, user authentication and user authorization are moved to the cloud server which does not require further interaction with the data owner, data owner and data users identities are hidden from the cloud server, and re-encryption keys are only issued to legitimate users. An in depth analysis shows that our scheme is secure, flexible and efficient for mobile cloud computing

    PRTA: a Proxy Re-encryption based Trusted Authorization Scheme for Nodes on CloudIoT

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    In CloudIoT platform, the data is collected and shared by different nodes of Internet of Things(IoT), and data is processed and stored based on cloud servers. It has increased the abilities of IoT on information computation. Meanwhile, it also has enriched the resource in cloud and improved integration of the Internet and human world. All of this offer advantages as well as the new challenges of information security and privacy protection. As the energy limitation of the nodes in IoT, they are particularly vulnerable. It is much easier to hijack the nodes than to attack the data center for hackers. Thus, it is a crucial and urgent issue to realize the trusted update of authorization of nodes. When some nodes are hijacked, both of the behaviors to upload data to servers and to download information from servers should be forbidden. Otherwise, it might cause the serious damage to the sensitive data and privacy of servers. In order to solve this problem, we proposed a Proxy Re-encryption based Trusted Authorization scheme for nodes on CloudIoT(PRTA). PRTA is based on the proxy re-encryption (PRE), and the cloud server will play the roles of data storing and re-encrypting, which would reach the full potential of cloud computing and reduce the cost of nodes. The node’s status is taken as one of the parameters for data re-encryption and it is under the authorization servers’ control, which could ensure the security and reliability of the data and be beneficial for the privacy protection in CloudIoT. Also, the authorization servers are divided into the downloading and uploading kinds, which will make the application range much wider


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    The requirement of unharmed big data storage is greater helpful than ever to date. The prime concern of the service is to assurance the privacy of the data. Nevertheless, the anonymity of the service providers, one of the greatest crucial appearances of privacy, should be deliberate concurrently. Furthermore, the service also should contribute realistic and delicate encrypted data sharing like that a data owner is allowed to share a cipher text of data between others under some specified conditions. In this mechanism the advantage of proxy re-encryption technique are employed in which only the cipher text to be shared securely and conditionally over multiple times. It also ensures that, original message and information identity of cipher text senders and it is not vulnerable to cipher text attacks. Furthermore, this paper shows that the new primitive is secure against chosen-cipher text attacks in the standard model