2,379 research outputs found

    Wireless Software Synchronization of Multiple Distributed Cameras

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    We present a method for precisely time-synchronizing the capture of image sequences from a collection of smartphone cameras connected over WiFi. Our method is entirely software-based, has only modest hardware requirements, and achieves an accuracy of less than 250 microseconds on unmodified commodity hardware. It does not use image content and synchronizes cameras prior to capture. The algorithm operates in two stages. In the first stage, we designate one device as the leader and synchronize each client device's clock to it by estimating network delay. Once clocks are synchronized, the second stage initiates continuous image streaming, estimates the relative phase of image timestamps between each client and the leader, and shifts the streams into alignment. We quantitatively validate our results on a multi-camera rig imaging a high-precision LED array and qualitatively demonstrate significant improvements to multi-view stereo depth estimation and stitching of dynamic scenes. We release as open source 'libsoftwaresync', an Android implementation of our system, to inspire new types of collective capture applications.Comment: Main: 9 pages, 10 figures. Supplemental: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Fundamentals of Large Sensor Networks: Connectivity, Capacity, Clocks and Computation

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    Sensor networks potentially feature large numbers of nodes that can sense their environment over time, communicate with each other over a wireless network, and process information. They differ from data networks in that the network as a whole may be designed for a specific application. We study the theoretical foundations of such large scale sensor networks, addressing four fundamental issues- connectivity, capacity, clocks and function computation. To begin with, a sensor network must be connected so that information can indeed be exchanged between nodes. The connectivity graph of an ad-hoc network is modeled as a random graph and the critical range for asymptotic connectivity is determined, as well as the critical number of neighbors that a node needs to connect to. Next, given connectivity, we address the issue of how much data can be transported over the sensor network. We present fundamental bounds on capacity under several models, as well as architectural implications for how wireless communication should be organized. Temporal information is important both for the applications of sensor networks as well as their operation.We present fundamental bounds on the synchronizability of clocks in networks, and also present and analyze algorithms for clock synchronization. Finally we turn to the issue of gathering relevant information, that sensor networks are designed to do. One needs to study optimal strategies for in-network aggregation of data, in order to reliably compute a composite function of sensor measurements, as well as the complexity of doing so. We address the issue of how such computation can be performed efficiently in a sensor network and the algorithms for doing so, for some classes of functions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEE

    Position surveillance using one active ranging satellite and time-of-arrival of a signal from an independent satellite

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    Position surveillance using one active ranging/communication satellite and the time-of-arrival of signals from an independent satellite was shown to be feasible and practical. A towboat on the Mississippi River was equipped with a tone-code ranging transponder and a receiver tuned to the timing signals of the GOES satellite. A similar transponder was located at the office of the towing company. Tone-code ranging interrogations were transmitted from the General Electric Earth Station Laboratory through ATS-6 to the towboat and to the ground truth transponder office. Their automatic responses included digital transmissions of time-of-arrival measurements derived from the GOES signals. The Earth Station Laboratory determined ranges from the satellites to the towboat and computed position fixes. The ATS-6 lines-of-position were more precise than 0.1 NMi, 1 sigma, and the GOES lines-of-position were more precise than 1.6 NMi, 1 sigma. High quality voice communications were accomplished with the transponders using a nondirectional antenna on the towboat. The simple and effective surveillance technique merits further evaluation using operational maritime satellites

    Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Node Heterogeneity for Energy Efficient Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Network

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    AbstractThe energy of the node in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is scare and causes the variation in the lifetime of the network. Also, the throughput and delay of the network depend on how long the network sustains i.e. energy consumption. One way to increase the sustainability of network is the introduction of heterogeneous nodes regarding energy, and the other is to synchronize the local clock of the node with the global clock of the network. In this context, the paper proposes Node Heterogeneity aware Energy Efficient Synchronization Algorithm (NHES). It works on the formation of cluster-based spanning tree (SPT). In the initial stage of the algorithm, the nodes are grouped into the cluster and form the tree. The nodes in the cluster and cluster heads in the network are synchronized with the notion of the global time scale of the network. Also, clock skews may cause the errors and be one of the sources of delay and energy consumption. To minimize the energy consumptions and delay, NHES synchronizes the time slots using TDMA based MAC protocol. The results show that level by level synchronization used in NHES is energy efficient and has less delay as compared to the state-of-the-art solutions

    Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview

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    The development of tiny, low-cost, low-power and multifunctional sensor nodes equipped with sensing, data processing, and communicating components, have been made possible by the recent advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) assume a collection of such tiny sensing devices connected wirelessly and which are used to observe and monitor a variety of phenomena in the real physical world. Many applications based on these WSNs assume local clocks at each sensor node that need to be synchronized to a common notion of time. This paper reviews the existing clock synchronization protocols for WSNs and the methods of estimating clock offset and clock skew in the most representative clock synchronization protocols for WSNs

    Synchronization of streamed audio between multiple playback devices over an unmanaged IP network

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    When designing and implementing a prototype supporting inter-destination media synchronization – synchronized playback between multiple devices receiving the same stream – there are a lot of aspects that need to be considered, especially when working with unmanaged networks. Not only is a proper streaming protocol essential, but also a way to obtain and maintain the synchronization of the clocks of the devices. The thesis had a few constraints, namely that the server producing the stream should be written for the .NET-platform and that the clients receiving it should be using the media framework GStreamer. This framework provides methods for both achieving synchronization as well as resynchronization. As the provided resynchro- nization methods introduced distortions in the audio, an alternative method was implemented. This method focused on minimizing the distortions, thus maintain- ing a smooth playback. After the prototype had been implemented, it was tested to see how well it performed under the influence of packet loss and delay. The accuracy of the synchronization was also tested under optimal conditions using two different time synchronization protocols. What could be concluded from this was that a good synchronization could be maintained on unloaded networks using the proposed method, but when introducing delay the prototype struggled more. This was mainly due to the usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which is known to perform badly on networks with asymmetric paths.When working with synchronized playback it is not enough just obtain- ing it – it also needs to be maintained. Implementing a prototype thus involves many parts ranging from choosing a proper streaming protocol, to handling glitch free resynchronization of audio. Synchronization between multiple speakers has a wide area of application, ranging from home entertainment solutions to big malls where announcements should appear synchronized over the entire perimeter. In order to achieve this, two main parts are involved: the streaming of the audio, and the actual synchronization. The streaming itself poses problems mostly since the prototype should not only work on dedicated networks, but rather on all kinds, such as the Internet. As the information over these networks are transmitted in packets, and the path from source to destination crosses many sub networks, the packets may be delayed or even lost. This may create an audible distortion in the playback. The next part is the synchronization. This is most easily achieved by putting a time on each packet stating when in the future it should be played out. If then all receivers play it back at the specified time, synchronization is achieved. This however requires that all the receivers share the idea of when a specific time is – the clocks at all the receivers must be synchronized. By using existing software and hardware solutions, such as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) or the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), this can be accomplished. The accuracy of the synchronization is therefore partly dependent on how well these solutions work. Another valid aspect is how accurate the synchronization must be for the sound to be perceived as synchronized by humans. This is usually in the range of a few tens of milliseconds to five milliseconds depending on the sound. When a global time has been distributed to all receivers, matters get more complicated as there is more than one clock to consider at each receiver. Apart from the previously mentioned clock, now called the ’system clock’, there is also an audio clock, which is a hardware clock positioned on the sound card. This audio clock decides the rate at which media is played out. Altering the system clock to synchronize it to a common time is one thing, but altering the audio clock while media is being played will inevitably mean a jump in the playback, and thus a distortion. Although an initial synchronization can be achieved, the two clocks will over time tick in slightly different pace, thus drifting away from each other. This creates a need for the audio clock to continuously correct itself to follow the system clock. In the media framework GStreamer, used for handling the media at the re- ceivers, two alternatives to solve the correction problem were available. Quick evaluations of these two methods however showed that either audible glitches or ’oscillations’ occurred in the sound, when the clocks were corrected. A new method, which basically combines the two existing, was therefore implemented. With this method the audio clock is continuously corrected, but in a smaller and less aggressive way. Listening tests revealed much smaller, often not audible, distortions, while the synchronization performance was at par with the existing methods. More thorough testing showed that the synchronization over networks with light traffic was in the microsecond-range, thus far below the threshold of what will appear as synchronized. During worse conditions – simulated hostile environments – the synchronization quickly reached unacceptable levels though. This was due to the previously mentioned NTP, and not the implemented method on the other hand
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