10 research outputs found

    Editing smoke animation using a deforming grid

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    Abstract We present a new method for editing smoke animations by directly deforming the grid used for simulation. We present a modification to the widely used semi-Lagrangian advection operator and use it to transfer the deformation from the grid to the smoke body. Our modified operator bends the smoke particle streamlines according to the deformation gradient. We demonstrate that the controlled smoke animation preserves the fine-grained vortical velocity components and incompressibility constraints, while conforming to the deformed grid. Moreover, our approach enables interactive 3D smoke animation editing by using a reduced-dimensional subspace. Overall, our method makes it possible to use current mesh editing tools to control the smoke body

    Space-time sculpting of liquid animation

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    International audienceWe propose an interactive sculpting system for seamlessly editing pre-computed animations of liquid, without the need for any re-simulation. The input is a sequence of meshes without correspondences representing the liquid surface over time. Our method enables the efficient selection of consistent space-time parts of this animation, such as moving waves or droplets, which we call space-time features. Once selected, a feature can be copied, edited, or duplicated and then pasted back anywhere in space and time in the same or in another liquid animation sequence. Our method circumvents tedious user interactions by automatically computing the spatial and temporal ranges of the selected feature. We also provide space-time shape editing tools for non-uniform scaling, rotation, trajectory changes, and temporal editing to locally speed up or slow down motion. Using our tools, the user can edit and progressively refine any input simulation result, possibly using a library of pre-computed space-time features extracted from other animations. In contrast to the trial-and-error loop usually required to edit animation results through the tuning of indirect simulation parameters, our method gives the user full control over the edited space-time behaviors

    Variational Stokes: A Unified Pressure-viscosity Solver for Accurate Viscous Liquids

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    © ACM, 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Larionov, E., Batty, C., & Bridson, R. (2017). Variational Stokes: A Unified Pressure-viscosity Solver for Accurate Viscous Liquids. ACM Trans. Graph., 36(4), 101:1–101:11. https://doi.org/10.1145/3072959.3073628We propose a novel unsteady Stokes solver for coupled viscous and pressure forces in grid-based liquid animation which yields greater accuracy and visual realism than previously achieved. Modern fluid simulators treat viscosity and pressure in separate solver stages, which reduces accuracy and yields incorrect free surface behavior. Our proposed implicit variational formulation of the Stokes problem leads to a symmetric positive definite linear system that gives properly coupled forces, provides unconditional stability, and treats difficult boundary conditions naturally through simple volume weights. Surface tension and moving solid boundaries are also easily incorporated. Qualitatively, we show that our method recovers the characteristic rope coiling instability of viscous liquids and preserves fine surface details, while previous grid-based schemes do not. Quantitatively, we demonstrate that our method is convergent through grid refinement studies on analytical problems in two dimensions. We conclude by offering practical guidelines for choosing an appropriate viscous solver, based on the scenario to be animated and the computational costs of different methods.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Tools for fluid simulation control in computer graphics

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    L’animation basée sur la physique peut générer des systèmes aux comportements complexes et réalistes. Malheureusement, contrôler de tels systèmes est une tâche ardue. Dans le cas de la simulation de fluide, le processus de contrôle est particulièrement complexe. Bien que de nombreuses méthodes et outils ont été mis au point pour simuler et faire le rendu de fluides, trop peu de méthodes offrent un contrôle efficace et intuitif sur une simulation de fluide. Étant donné que le coût associé au contrôle vient souvent s’additionner au coût de la simulation, appliquer un contrôle sur une simulation à plus haute résolution rallonge chaque itération du processus de création. Afin d’accélérer ce processus, l’édition peut se faire sur une simulation basse résolution moins coûteuse. Nous pouvons donc considérer que la création d’un fluide contrôlé peut se diviser en deux phases: une phase de contrôle durant laquelle un artiste modifie le comportement d’une simulation basse résolution, et une phase d’augmentation de détail durant laquelle une version haute résolution de cette simulation est générée. Cette thèse présente deux projets, chacun contribuant à l’état de l’art relié à chacune de ces deux phases. Dans un premier temps, on introduit un nouveau système de contrôle de liquide représenté par un modèle particulaire. À l’aide de ce système, un artiste peut sélectionner dans une base de données une parcelle de liquide animé précalculée. Cette parcelle peut ensuite être placée dans une simulation afin d’en modifier son comportement. À chaque pas de simulation, notre système utilise la liste de parcelles actives afin de reproduire localement la vision de l’artiste. Une interface graphique intuitive a été développée, inspirée par les logiciels de montage vidéo, et permettant à un utilisateur non expert de simplement éditer une simulation de liquide. Dans un second temps, une méthode d’augmentation de détail est décrite. Nous proposons d’ajouter une étape supplémentaire de suivi après l’étape de projection du champ de vitesse d’une simulation de fumée eulérienne classique. Durant cette étape, un champ de perturbations de vitesse non-divergent est calculé, résultant en une meilleure correspondance des densités à haute et à basse résolution. L’animation de fumée résultante reproduit fidèlement l’aspect grossier de la simulation d’entrée, tout en étant augmentée à l’aide de détails simulés.Physics-based animation can generate dynamic systems of very complex and realistic behaviors. Unfortunately, controlling them is a daunting task. In particular, fluid simulation brings up particularly difficult problems to the control process. Although many methods and tools have been developed to convincingly simulate and render fluids, too few methods provide efficient and intuitive control over a simulation. Since control often comes with extra computations on top of the simulation cost, art-directing a high-resolution simulation leads to long iterations of the creative process. In order to shorten this process, editing could be performed on a faster, low-resolution model. Therefore, we can consider that the process of generating an art-directed fluid could be split into two stages: a control stage during which an artist modifies the behavior of a low-resolution simulation, and an upresolution stage during which a final high-resolution version of this simulation is driven. This thesis presents two projects, each one improving on the state of the art related to each of these two stages. First, we introduce a new particle-based liquid control system. Using this system, an artist selects patches of precomputed liquid animations from a database, and places them in a simulation to modify its behavior. At each simulation time step, our system uses these entities to control the simulation in order to reproduce the artist’s vision. An intuitive graphical user interface inspired by video editing tools has been developed, allowing a nontechnical user to simply edit a liquid animation. Second, a tracking solution for smoke upresolution is described. We propose to add an extra tracking step after the projection of a classical Eulerian smoke simulation. During this step, we solve for a divergence-free velocity perturbation field resulting in a better matching of the low-frequency density distribution between the low-resolution guide and the high-resolution simulation. The resulting smoke animation faithfully reproduces the coarse aspect of the low-resolution input, while being enhanced with simulated small-scale details

    Statistical and Directable Methods for Large-Scale Rigid Body Simulation

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    This dissertation describes several techniques to improve performance and controllability of large-scale rigid body simulations. We first describe a statistical simulation method that replaces certain stages of rigid body simulation with a statistically- based approximation. We begin by collecting statistical data regarding changes in linear and angular momentum for collisions of a given object. From the data, we extract a statistical ”signature” for the object, giving a compact representation of the object’s response to collision events. During object simulation, both the collision detection and the collision response calculations are replaced by simpler calculations based on the statistical signature. In addition, based on our statistical simulator, we develop a mixed rigid body simulator that combines an impulse-based with a statistically-based collision response method. This allows us to maintain high accuracy in important parts of the scene while achieving greater efficiency by simplifying less important parts of the simulation. The resulting system gives speedups of more than an order of magnitude on several large rigid body simulations while maintaining high accuracy in key places and capturing overall statistical behavior in other places. Also, we introduce two methods for directing pile behavior to form the desired shapes. To fill up the space inside the desired shapes and maintain the stability of the desired pile shapes, our methods analyze the configurations and status of all objects and properly select some candidates to have their degrees of freedom (DOFs) reduced. Our first method utilizes the idea of angles of repose to perform the analysis. According to the desired angle of repose, we create an additional spatial structure to track the piling status and select suitable objects to reduce their DOFs. In our second method, we adapt equilibrium analysis in a local scheme to find “stable” objects of the stacking structure. Then, we restrict their DOFs by adding constraints on them for stabilizing the structure. Overall, our directing methods generate a wider variety of piled structures than possible with strict physically-based simulation

    Editing Fluid Simulations with Jet Particles

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    Fluid simulation is an important topic in computer graphics in the pursuit of adding realism to films, video games and virtual environments. The results of a fluid simulation are hard to edit in a way that provide a physically plausible solution. Edits need to preserve the incompressibility condition in order to create natural looking water and smoke simulations. In this thesis we present an approach that allows a simple artist-friendly interface for designing and editing complex fluid-like flows that are guaranteed to be incompressible in two and three dimensions. Key to our method is a formulation for the design of flows using jet particles. Jet particles are Lagrangian solutions to a regularised form of Euler’s equations, and their velocity fields are divergence-free which motivates their use in computer graphics. We constrain their dynamics to design divergence-free flows and utilise them effectively in a modern visual effects pipeline. Using just a handful of jet particles we produce visually convincing flows that implicitly satisfy the incompressibility condition. We demonstrate an interactive tool in two dimensions for designing a range of divergence-free deformations. Further we describe methods to couple these flows with existing simulations in order to give the artist creative control beyond the initial outcome. We present examples of local temporal edits to smoke simulations in 2D and 3D. The resulting methods provide promising new ways to design and edit fluid-like deformations and to create general deformations in 3D modelling. We show how to represent existing divergence-free velocity fields using jet particles, and design new vector fields for use in fluid control applications. Finally we provide an efficient implementation for deforming grids, meshes, volumes, level sets, vectors and tensors, given a jet particle flow