141 research outputs found

    An FPGA Acceleration and Optimization Techniques for 2D LiDAR SLAM Algorithm

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    An efficient hardware implementation for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) methods is of necessity for mobile autonomous robots with limited computational resources. In this paper, we propose a resource-efficient FPGA implementation for accelerating scan matching computations, which typically cause a major bottleneck in 2D LiDAR SLAM methods. Scan matching is a process of correcting a robot pose by aligning the latest LiDAR measurements with an occupancy grid map, which encodes the information about the surrounding environment. We exploit an inherent parallelism in the Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter (RBPF) based algorithms to perform scan matching computations for multiple particles in parallel. In the proposed design, several techniques are employed to reduce the resource utilization and to achieve the maximum throughput. Experimental results using the benchmark datasets show that the scan matching is accelerated by 5.31-8.75x and the overall throughput is improved by 3.72-5.10x without seriously degrading the quality of the final outputs. Furthermore, our proposed IP core requires only 44% of the total resources available in the TUL Pynq-Z2 FPGA board, thus facilitating the realization of SLAM applications on indoor mobile robots

    RF-Based Simultaneous Localization and Source Seeking for Multi-Robot Systems

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    This paper considers a radio-frequency (RF)-based simultaneous localization and source-seeking (SLASS) problem in multi-robot systems, where multiple robots jointly localize themselves and an RF source using distance-only measurements extracted from RF signals and then control themselves to approach the source. We design a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter-based algorithm to realize the joint localization of the robots and the source. We also devise an information-theoretic control policy for the robots to approach the source. In our control policy, we maximize the predicted mutual information between the source position and the distance measurements, conditioned on the robot positions, to incorporate the robot localization uncertainties. A projected gradient ascent method is adopted to solve the mutual information maximization problem. Simulation results show that the proposed SLASS framework outperforms two benchmarks in terms of the root mean square error (RMSE) of the estimated source position and the decline of the distances between the robots and the source, indicating more effective approaching of the robots to the source

    An Iterative Method Based on the Marginalized Particle Filter for Nonlinear B-Spline Data Approximation and Trajectory Optimization

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    The B-spline function representation is commonly used for data approximation and trajectory definition, but filter-based methods for nonlinear weighted least squares (NWLS) approximation are restricted to a bounded definition range. We present an algorithm termed nonlinear recursive B-spline approximation (NRBA) for an iterative NWLS approximation of an unbounded set of data points by a B-spline function. NRBA is based on a marginalized particle filter (MPF), in which a Kalman filter (KF) solves the linear subproblem optimally while a particle filter (PF) deals with nonlinear approximation goals. NRBA can adjust the bounded definition range of the approximating B-spline function during run-time such that, regardless of the initially chosen definition range, all data points can be processed. In numerical experiments, NRBA achieves approximation results close to those of the Levenbergā€“Marquardt algorithm. An NWLS approximation problem is a nonlinear optimization problem. The direct trajectory optimization approach also leads to a nonlinear problem. The computational effort of most solution methods grows exponentially with the trajectory length. We demonstrate how NRBA can be applied for a multiobjective trajectory optimization for a battery electric vehicle in order to determine an energy-efficient velocity trajectory. With NRBA, the effort increases only linearly with the processed data points and the trajectory length

    PoboljŔani FastSLAM2.0 algoritam koriŔtenjem ANFIS-a i PSO-a

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    FastSLAM2.0 is a framework for simultaneous localization of robot using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF). One of the problems of FastSLAM2.0 relates to the design of RBPF. The performance and quality of the estimation of RBPF depends heavily on the correct a priori knowledge of the process and measurement noise covariance matrices that are in most real-life applications unknown. On the other hand, an incorrect a priori knowledge may seriously degrade their performance. This paper presents an intelligent RBPF to solve this problem. In this method, two adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy inference systems (ANFIS) are used for tuning the process and measurement noise covariance matrices and for increasing acuuracy and consistency. In addition, we use particle swarm optimization (PSO) to optimize the performance of sampling. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is effective.FastSLAM2.0 je algoritam za istodobnu lokalizaciju robota i kartiranje prostora koji koristi Rao-Blackwell verziju čestičnog filtra (RBPF). Jedan od problema FastSLAM2.0 algoritma je u dizajnu samog RBPF-a. Performanse i kvaliteta estimacije RBPF-a značajno ovisi o apriori poznavanju procesa i matrica kovarijanci mjernog Å”uma koje su za većinu procesa iz stvarnog svijeta nepoznate. S druge strane pogreÅ”no pretpostavka može značajno naruÅ”iti performanse. Ovaj rad predstavlja inteligentnu verziju RBPF-a koja rjeÅ”ava ovaj problem. Predstavljena metoda koristi dva adaptivna neizrazito-neuronska sustava (ANFIS) za podeÅ”avanje matrica kovarijanci procesnog i mjernog Å”uma čime se povećava točnost i konzistencija RBPF algoritma. Također koristi se i optimizacija roja čestica (PSO) za optimiziranje performansi otipkavanja. Eksperimentalni rezultati pokazuju efikasnost predloženog algoritma

    Enhancing FastSLAM 2.0 performance using a DE Algorithm with Multi-mutation Strategies

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    FastSLAM 2.0 is considered one of the popular approaches that utilizes a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter for solving simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problems. It is computationally efficient, robust and can be used to handle large and complex environments. However, the conventional FastSLAM 2.0 algorithm is known to degenerate over time in terms of accuracy because of the particle depletion problem that arises in the resampling phase. In this work, we introduce an enhanced variant of the FastSLAM 2.0 algorithm based on an enhanced differential evolution (DE) algorithm with multi-mutation strategies to improve its performance and reduce the effect of the particle depletion problem. The Enhanced DE algorithm is used to optimize the particle weights and conserve diversity among particles. A comparison has been made with other two common algorithms to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm in estimating the robot and landmarks positions for a SLAM problem. Results are accomplished in terms of accuracy represented by the positioning errors of robot and landmark positions as well as their root mean square errors. All results show that the proposed algorithm is more accurate than the other compared algorithms in estimating the robot and landmark positions for all the considered cases. It can reduce the effect of the particle depletion problem and improve the performance of the FastSLAM 2.0 algorithm in solving SLAM problem

    Particle-Filter-Based Intelligent Video Surveillance System

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    In this study, an intelligent video surveillance (IVS) system is designed based on the particle filter. The designed IVS system can gather the information of the number of persons in the area and hot spots of the area. At first, the Gaussian mixture background model is utilized to detect moving objects by background subtraction. The moving object appearing in the margin of the video frame is considered as a new person. Then, a new particle filter is assigned to track the new person when it is detected. A particle filter is canceled when the corresponding tracked person leaves the video frame. Moreover, the Kalman filter is utilized to estimate the position of the person when the person is occluded. Information of the number of persons in the area and hot spots is gathered by tracking persons in the video frame. Finally, a user interface is designed to feedback the gathered information to users of the IVS system. By applying the proposed IVS system, the load of security guards can be reduced. Moreover, by hot spot analysis, the business operator can understand customer habits to plan the traffic flow and adjust the product placement for improving customer experience
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